Right in the feels ;__;

right in the feels ;__;

They are random people who acted in a childrens film. You have never met them and they have zero impact on your life.
>inb4 edgy

whats it like to not have a soul

who cares, we can clearly CGI her in. Don't need the body at this point

I'd mourn if my dad, cousin, friend, or acquaintance died. Celeb worship is retarded though. Especially cokehead irrelevant celebs like this. I understand people mourning Sir Christopher Lee, but this is just embarrassing.

>someone you have never met couldn't have possibly had an impact on your life

top zozzle

What's it like being a brainwashed puppet

A post in 2016 by Mark Hamill and its not moaning about Trump?

I don't believe it. Obviously photoshopped.

Star wars was never good

>Letting cokehead actors from a childrens movie made to sell action figures impact your life
I am very curious as to which way she impacted your life.

Obviously the average person shouldn't mourn or worship celebrities but it's okay for them to be sad. A lot of people were entertained by her and enjoyed her films. Of course they would be sad to hear of her death.

damn Hamil was brutally honest.

its fucking sickening isnt it

First Audrey Hepbern
Then Paul Walker
Now Cokehead Fisher

no need for daisy either.

He's remembering the stormy night on the New Hope set when Carrie made him a man

Remember when the money from Star Wars caused Carrie to go on a 10 year long coke bender, she was a good friend.

What's he signing it for.

Kek bless

ow the edge

>Hank is my baby boy. I set up a camera in hos hallway and watched him learn to walk again when his legs were being nursed back to health. Im the one that stole his cheetos and rellaced them with fritos, I sat there and ate Hank's cheetos while watching him in walking thereapy. And hey, I enjoyed it, so sue me. I want to feed Hank, burp hank, change Hanks poopy diapers. But I cant be there for him because what would people think of me. So I do the next best thing and watch him from the hidden cameras I placed in Hank and Marie's house. Like it or not Skyler, Hank is my baby boy

What did he mean by this?


Did the doctors try injecting her with cocaine? Might resuscitate her.

hola reddit!

>can't even correctly


>they have zero impact on your life.


>carrie belonged to us all

Can they stop with the whore jokes already? It's not nice.

>even the bratty, self-indulgent crap

Seriously not meme'ing here, but what did he mean by this?


Star Wars came out 40 years ago.

An entire fucking generation of modern scientists grew up with it. Many of those people cite Star Wars (alongside other classic sci-fi like Star Trek) as their inspiration. Many devices that seemed like science-fiction in 1977 are things that will be commercially available in 2017 because people who grew up seeing such things thought they looked cool and went and goddamn invented them.

Star Wars and the actors from it had an impact on their lives. Their inventions have an impact on my life.

name ONE relevant movie in the last decade that cokewhore starred in besides TFA

>Walt forces hank to suck his thumb and call him "daddy" or he releases embarrassing videos of hank shitting himself
>Walt records this as well, creating a vicious cycle until hank becomes his full time baby slave and can no longer investigate Heisenberg

Now read that in the Joker's voice.

You're next Hamill, I'm coming for you old liberal faggot.

I hope Harrison Ford is next, I bet he's a real smug cunt in person. Mark can live for a little while longer, I bet he's nice and humble.



Mark is not humble, lol. He's False Humble. I'm not sure what to call it, but it's where you act humble but you don't fucking mean it, it's an act, it's fake.

He's a pretentious prick. He reminds me of an older Wil Wheaton. That's what he is, basically.

Where did you get this?

Ford is actually really cool in person. I know someone who met him during filming of Air Force One, someone who worked on the USAF MC-130s and F-15s that were provided from Eglin for filming. Ford (who is an aviation buff himself) was apparently "like a kid in a candy store" and very humble and appreciative towards the military crews and treated them really well on the set.

Whats that? an actor acts?


I find I don't mind Wil Wheaton just because he doesn't pretend not to be a bit of a narcissistic dick. Like when he's not delivering cringey scripted memes in that Youtube show he's got, Tabletop or someting like that, he's actually pretty funny.