No one in the rebel alliance believed that there was a Death Star, why the fuck didn't they just look up and see it?

No one in the rebel alliance believed that there was a Death Star, why the fuck didn't they just look up and see it?

Also fuck you to those fags talking near me for most of the movie and a further fuck you to the dad and son who sat on their mobiles for most of it.

I knew no one could explain this massive plothole

>Also fuck you to those fags talking near me for most of the movie and a further fuck you to the dad and son who sat on their mobiles for most of it.
You should have said something.

I did, it was some fucking nerds giggling and saying memes through out it.

It was kind of them to sit on top of their phones so you couldn't see the glow from the screens.

They were transparent though and the light shone through them.

I rebel.

They did believe in the death star you dolt. They didn't believe in Galen's story about his weakness or that they needed the plans because he was an imperial who was probably luring them into a trap

No, at the start they didn't believe there was a Death Star. I just watched it

>caring this much about the plot of a disney cashgrab

Top cuck

they knew the death star was real, they just didn't trust her on her dad leaving a weakness in it and she couldn't convince all of them to attack some planet with empire's archives and risk everything just to get the plans that for all they knew could be somewhere else anyways

You really need to watch it again and pay attention

nah, the very reason they got her out of imprisoment was because they knwew something like this was being made, then they had multiple people see it shoot at mining city so there was no denying it existed

how emperor could hide this from senate on the other hand is mind blowing to me

Maybe you can point it out for me too. Where do they say that, can you give a minute mark?

they wanted to disband rebel alliance and scatter their forces instead of assaulting planet with archives

do you think that would be reaction to no mass destruction weapon being made? they knew it existed and though there is nothing thay can do about it so they should just put the whole rebelion on hold
the point of that scene was trying to convince them to fight

Right back at you mongoloid.

Sorry I wasn't wing a sperg and taking notes

Thanks phone

It's almost like you made things up then.

It was in space, and space is huge. Also top secret military stuff.
Eaven today military can keep their top secret projets from a big part of goverment.

Defend it all you want but it's there in the movie

I don't see where though.

That's because you're not watching it

That was to

But I watched it three days ago.

And I just watched it.

Why did the empire use the death star to destroy the communication dish if it would wipe out their main data storage facility with all their top secret plans?

Why are all the rebels saying may the force be with you when they never bring it up in the OT? It doesn't make sense, not many people believed in the force when the Jedi were prominent in the republic so why would all the rebels believe in the force when the Jedi have been killed or in hiding for 15 years.

Why does Mustafar not have a title card?

>Why did the empire use the death star to destroy the communication dish if it would wipe out their main data storage facility with all their top secret plans?
Agreed, it was stupid retribution on the Empire's part, the Rebel forces trapped on the planet would have been eliminated by troopers sooner or later. Most already got BTFO. The only reason I can think of is Tarkin being a dick and not tolerating failure, like how the DSII was supposed to target Endor's moon in VI.

>Why are all the rebels saying may the force be with you when they never bring it up in the OT? It doesn't make sense, not many people believed in the force when the Jedi were prominent in the republic so why would all the rebels believe in the force when the Jedi have been killed or in hiding for 15 years.
General Madine did say it at the end of ANH before they attack the Death Star, so it's not like the Alliance didn't believe. They just played it up due to the lack of Jedi in the film and had to mention Force somehow.

>Why does Mustafar not have a title card?
It may not have been Mustafar, I don't think Vader would want to stay on the planet that caused him so much pain.

>It may not have been Mustafar, I don't think Vader would want to stay on the planet that caused him so much pain.

Or it was and he stayed there to fuel his hatred.

>Why did the empire use the death star to destroy the communication dish if it would wipe out their main data storage facility with all their top secret plans?

- The death star was on the horizon of the planet, not directly above the target. Even hitting the tower was an accomplishment when you think about it.

Also, shitty romance writing. Can't have the romantic-leads-just-because-they-went-through-shit-together-even-though-they-hated-eachother-until-they-landed couple die instantly, right? They could have done without the puppy-dog eyes and stuck with just the hug, plus cut about ten seconds of it and it would have had more emotional impact.

>Why are all the rebels saying may the force be with you when they never bring it up in the OT? It doesn't make sense, not many people believed in the force when the Jedi were prominent in the republic so why would all the rebels believe in the force when the Jedi have been killed or in hiding for 15 years.

Mon Calamari always had a thing with the force, and most of the Force stuff was coming from the monk or the Mon Cal

The imperial thing even makes a tiny bit of sense when you consider that the opening of the movie takes place approximately during the jedi purge, or within a year of it, so it makes sense that there would be people that still hold on to remnants of the Jedi/Republic. Fifteen years later with no saviors coming, it makes sense to not have much faith.

>Why does Mustafar not have a title card?

The title cards seem to have been coming based on knowledge that the Rebel Alliance would have on hand and/or were mentioned in Rebel areas. Whatever that planet was appeared to be a hidden empire outpost, plus the name was never mentioned in the movie.

Fair point. I remember him having a castle on Vjun or something like that in old EU. Doubt they'd bring that back though.
Did some research, and it was on Mustafar. Vader's "sanctum".

I sat in the seat next to the railing and the faggots behind me put their feet up like less than 12 inches from my head. It was bullshit because the girl in their group didn't even have the courtesy to wear open toed shoes will doing it

>he doesn't take his notepad to the movies

This site is 18+

Some characters in the original Star Wars thought it was a moon. It was easy for the empire to be stealth when attacking.