Trump says since we're FUCKIN AMERICA we can just print the money to pay off our debt

Trump says since we're FUCKIN AMERICA we can just print the money to pay off our debt
"you never have to default because you print the money"

How the fuck is this defendable?

He is right. Brilliant man.

please explain how

he's from germany nigger he doesn't need to explain anything

>Holding the entire U.S. economy hostage for a discount
He just secured the Jewish vote.

you've been doing it for years already, the only difference is that Trump would openly admit it

you germans are smart, i like you

So the question becomes: why is debt even an issue?

This has been going on since Nixon. the USD is literally a piece of paper that everyone agreed was worth something. It's not backed by gold anymore.

can't we try to do something that'd actually work then

That would be true if US had sovereignty over its currency, which doesn't. The Fed has it, which means every time the US prints money, it increases it's debt witch the central bank.

Last president who tried to stop this was dealt with very quickly and you can guess the name very easily.

You have to look at debt as a currency in and of itself. We own other countries' debt and in turn they own some of ours. Unfortunately, because the US has become a very heavy import-economy, the rate at which we gain other countries' debt is lower than us actually taking on more debt.

Since the US rebuilt the Global economy post WWII everything is based in USD (to some capacity). What he's saying isn't wrong

the trillions of dollars of debt the US has isn't actually worth trillions of dollars because it will never get paid. So you "buy"or pay off parts of the debt for a lot smaller sums of money which Trump says they can just print.

And if refuse to pay that debt? What will they do about it

It's all basically fucking imaginary, right

He was clarifying how the system works, not advocating this particular point. It's clear in context.

Not give us more money for a long time. Or maybe a short time if you're dumb enough to lend to Argentina.


So we would have to bring our jobs back over here and be self sufficient again by mainly exporting.

So why don't we tell them to fuck off then.

It's not like they can win a war against us, we own the world

He's just saying if the US had a choice of defaulting or printing more money, we'd print more money.

He's fucking America alright.

Some money-printing is needed to counter deflation as the economy grows over time. More than that causes inflation. Current monetary policy is to target slow and stable inflation for its economic incentives to investment over savings. Printing enough to outright pay off the national debt would cause enough inflation to disrupt the economy as prices adjust. It wouldn't be anything like the hyperinflation of countries who print money to pay debts in currencies they don't control, because those countries had to use their own currency to buy the other currency on the exchange market, which adjusts to make that much more difficult. The inflation factor would probably be low single digits, not thousands. It's a political issue because most voters don't understand how national and personal debt are different, and so can manipulate public perception to push agendas.

>coming from someone in turkey

Well Germany can tell the story :^)
Thats how they paid debtz between World Wars after all...

technically the united states is given a little bit more wiggle room that no other country gets when it comes to how much currency you can mint based on gdp growth without devaluing

because of having to mass produce currency that other countries will use for trade and commerce since its converted to dollars

but china brazil south africa russia and a few others dumped their holdings of american dollars. so now nobody thinks americas wiggle room is that large but its still more than others get

nobody has ever actually tried to pay off the national debt though. democrats pretend bill clinton did but a budget surplus from cuts to welfare never got spent on paying off debt