Repill me about Nietzsche

Repill me about Nietzsche.

>and if you gaze long enough into the abyss,the abyss also gazes back into you

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Read one of his books, for Christ's sake.


he actually had a great sense of humor

Which one? I want to. I like his quotes.

he was a leftist communist jew who wanted to genocide all whites

lmfao are you stupid? he was the only one who was upset by how weak Europe became post-industrial revolution.

he was the very first person to ever call out "SJWs" before they were even called that. he just called them "followers of slave morality".

>For christ's sake

Did you do that on purpose?

kike detected, you wont get my foreskin you filthy heeb

Is that the only thing you know about him?

You know he was the original bernie communist sanders right

In almost all of his writing he kept trying to base humans as simple animals and tried to redefine and how being sick and unhealthy isn't altogether bad because people say so

Although he did state that he viewed jews as the ultimate haters of the human race so it's not altogether bad

Honestly, in my opinon he was kind of shitty philosopher

ITT: People who clearly haven't read Nietzsche

Start with this OP

Damn youuuu


Smart guy

>In almost all of his writing he kept trying to base humans as simple animals

That's because we are numbnuts. Humans have done some amazing things, but we still only operate on biological imperatives.

Start with the Genealogy of Morality. I'd recommend La gaya scienzia as a second, to see where he was earlier in his life. The birth of tragedy is also very good apparently. Beyond good and evil can be read in addition to the genealogy. And then you are ready for Thus Spoke Zarathustra. The Antichrist and Ecce Homo are just meme books.

But I doubt you will need him to improve yourself and make the most of you and your life. You either have that in you, or you don't. And Nietzsche might actually have a contrary effect with all his mumbling about nihilism, this social darwinism and Ubermensch obsession.

He wasn't a healthy guy, personally sick and weak and lost his mind in the end. And even Thomas Mann believe that Hitler was basically Nietzsche's Übermensch. So I'd stay away from him alltogether, unless you read him in a broader context of the history of thought and the development of consciousness in the 19 th century, as a preparation for Husserl and phenomenology, or Wittgenstein, Sartre and existencialism.

Yes .

Beyond good and evil

Beyond Good and Evil

Too Polish for ze germans
Too german for The Polish

Thus Spake Zarathustra

>He wasn't a healthy guy, personally sick and weak and lost his mind in the end
>But I doubt you will need him to improve yourself and make the most of you and your life

What do you recommend for improving life then?

How the fuck did I get different id's

1. He's difficult to read and understand if you have no other philosophical lectures under your belt because he talks in aphorisms and uses metaphors for nearly everything.

2. He was very highly critical of christian morality, calling it a slave moral. By that he means that virtues such as meekness and humility stop the powerful to rise to their maximum and do their own thing. Christianity has operated a reversal, rather than put the king and master at the top of the pyramid of cool bros, they put the slaves

3. Aside from that, most people still are sheep. You examine if live to your fullest with the "eternal return" thing, would you do this day over and over again forever? If so, good, you are stronk. If not, try better.

Nietzsche however posed the problem but had a lot of trouble giving an answer. He turns to art like Schopenhauer for a bit, but that's when he is top bro with Wagner. After a fall out with Wagner (Wagner was too much upholding the christian values he despised) he reconsiders the place of art and turns to nature and solitude. He also goes on a tangent where he thinks the solution would be to find a community of like-minded people but that ends when the woman who covets marries another dude. He ends up alone. He sort of explores madness and then falls into it, becoming catatonic.

By the end of his life he was quite famous, but he never knew or experienced that fame. His sister cared for him and exposed him in their family home so people could come and have a look at Nietzsche. She was a convinced nazi and polished a lot of his writings to fit the line of the nazi party, equating the ubermensch to the aryan man.

Oh shit, I thought that was me.

Would we fall into anarchy of simple animals who base our needs if we did not have a standard for what good is?

cognitive dissonance has been passed down through our generations
and no amount of environmental factors would change that we view killing as bad and living as good unlike animals who don't give a shit

That's who my philosophy professor suggested, along with Aquinas and Aristotle. My professor was a staunch believer in virtue ethics.

No, Kierkegaard is even worse. He was basically an autistic, depressive NEET before it was cool.

I recommend practical things. Things you truly NEED. Books, courses, that help you fullfill your desire.

And so it depends entirely on what you desire in life. IF this happens to be philosophy, I'd recommend Schopenhauer and Hume. And if you want to read Nietzsche, maybe read Kant first.

If you just read him alone, it might have a very unhealthy impact on your life and turn you into a "nothing is true, everything is permitted" super autist and egomaniac.

But try it, if you don't believe me and just read Zarathustra and Antichrist like most of the Larpers.

Im not surprised at all, it's what most of here would choose.

Aristotle is also good. To a certain degree Plato and especially Socrates in Plato's writings, though he apparently faked some of Socrates quotes for his own agenda.

Stoicism is won of my favourits, and I prefer Epictetus over Marcus Aurelius and lightyears over Seneca. I despise Seneca.

Will to power, really long and tough read though

Wasn't his sister married to Wagner and one of the Nazi's to go to Nueva Germania?

I'll check them out, I'm more familar with existentialism and stoicism myself.

The best influence he had on humanity manifests itself in Andromeda.

simplistic cancer.

Will to power is full of fake content, manipulated by his sister who tried to push him into the NatSoc narrative.

Nice comic, actually represents some of his ideas well. And as with the stoa: it's never about just reading it, but putting it into live and action. That's why I generally don't recommend Nietzsche for normalfags, especially when they're young and impressionable. It might actually make you weaker and impotent and overthinking it, killing your vitality, actually bring about the opposit effect Nietzsche tried to achieve.

you're pedalling backwards user. start with neoreactionary writers. the classics are useful within a certain narrow scope, but they don't have unique knowledge of any sort

He was a fringe intellectual who was heavily promoted by the Allies to discredit German culture.

That's the red pill.
Here is one of my favorites. Great stuff.

"Nietzsche is dead."

Yeah, so "fringe" that he became basically the most influential philosopher of the early twentieth century and influencing almost everybody, from Rudolf Steiner to Sartre, from Heidegger to the post-modernists, from critical theology to Nazis. And was, along with Schopenhauer, the most important influence in the life of such fringe writers Thomas fucking Mann.

Oh and he also started one of the most influential social movements based on philosophy: irrationalism.

The worship for him went so far, that people would intentially infect themselves with Syphillis so they could share some of Nietzsche's "genius". (spoiler: it didn't work)

He saw the face of Kek


He just copied Stirner, but Nietzsche did it better.

Or at least, he created a framework for why things are spooks.

>He was basically an autistic, depressive NEET before it was cool.
>before it was cool
>it was cool

All these plebs in here.

Start with genealogy of mortals. Do you have any understanding of previous philosophers? Beyond Good and Evil is simply a collection of criticisms of prior philosophy. You won't get anything from it or understand it if you don't. After GoM, read Will to Power. After that you can read the rest of his work. Leave BG&E for last, even then, you most likely won't understand it.

Dynamically assigned IP addresses

fucking lewd

Hold on, calling up my Chinese screen printers

Probably do well in a 5 by 7 poster as well, for the college kids

He wanted people to be better. So much so that some argue that's what sent him mad.
He was red-pilled beyond your fucking comprehension.
He was without a doubt one of the greatest people there has ever been on this planet.

Imagine someone going from weak, worthless neck bearded NEET to being a living god through sheer grit, strength and force of will.
''Rags to riches'' or whatever they call it.

he rejected Jesus and birthed a movement of fedoras. when he finally realized his great sin, he went insane. God forgave him though

t. a fucking faggot

Insane anti Christian degenerate that helped bring about the death of Christian civilization when it was at its very historical apex.

>imagine someone going from weak, worthless neck bearded NEET to being a living god through sheer grit, strength and force of will

One of my favorite philosophers. Superman/Übermensch, Sklavenmoral and power of will are based fuck concepts.

I loved when we had a seminar on him at university and all the leftists and Christians in the class got extremely butthurt.


This burger gets it - I wrote an essay in my MA on Slave Morality and the virtue signalling on social media by the SJWs

Nietzsche is probably one of the most misunderstood genius on human psychology and philosophy. His concept of the Übermensch is basically a guide to "enlightenment" like the path of Zen (Read the works of Hakuin Ekaku)

Beyond good and evil, explains literally the creation of the "self", morals that happen in an individual and collective way, basically how the perception of the world it's basically "you", and how the "want/will" shapes that you.

Thus spake Zarathustra is a step by step guide into illumination.

>drank tea and exercised in the morning
>hated coffee, alcohol and tobacco
>read and studdied in the evening
>hated democracy
>hated german nationalism
>fan of machiavelli
>loved Napoleon and Caesar
>didn't hate jews, although admitted they were corrupt (he didn't see that as a bad thing)
>Believed in master-slave morality
>saw master morality as shallow but good as those with it loved life
>saw slave morality as complex and deep but hateful and jealous of their masters
>wasn't against slavery
>proud of his polish heritage
>liked islam
>loved ancient greece and rome
>believed aryan theories
>sister was a nazi
>was a fan of Dostoevsky
>believed woman should be controlled
>hated equality
>saw the growing socialist movements as a good thing, because it gave people something to fight against
>saw Russia as Europe's saviour
>supported eugenics (some people argue against this)
>went insane after seeing a horse get whipped