Where were you when some intellectual from Sup Forums eloquently summed up the 'Alt-Right movement' ?

Where were you when some intellectual from Sup Forums eloquently summed up the 'Alt-Right movement' ?

Well, Sup Forums ? Care to refute?

Other urls found in this thread:


literally no arguments
just ad hominem after ad hominem

Implying that the Alt-Right grew out of pick-up culture is retarded

Implying Sup Forums is Alt-Right is even more retarded

Wow, okay Freud. Surprised there was no "the snake on the gadsden flag represents the penis" in here

some of it did. Certainly not all of it though. I was repulsed by Roosh and friends since I first heard of it, and I knew about cultural marxism / conspiracy shit before that, and before I even came to Sup Forums. I was on Lunatic Outpost, Godlike Productions and such before then.

I think of PUA's as closet feminists and equally degenerate since they oppose marriage and family as much as NEETs

I agree, the worst kind of "alt right" people are the ones obsessed with a facade of manliness, who seem to think that masculinity is about seducing and fucking women and not about building things and providing for a wife and children.

Italy was the first fascist nation and it won the great war..

Why do I only ever see these posts whenever someone with an education, a triple-digit IQ, and a respectable command of their language posts a structured critique of the moronic, infantile culture here, but not whenever some frothing sperg screeches about Jews?

That isn't an ad hominem. 99% of the time someone posts the word Jew or shill here, it's a textbook ad hominem. Just pointing you in the right direction on your crusade. Good luck.

>PU artists
>race realism

No. Just no.

This poster in the prime example of a psuedo-intellectual. None of his ideas mesh correctly, he's just going off of preconceived notions about certain "unsavory" groups and lumping them together in an unnatural way.

Not an argument.

This guy sums it up pretty well, honestly. Clear double standard based around
>muh jews

So called "alt-right" views are way older than pickup artist shit.

He's right about a few things, like the antisocial element but the view that it's all PUA/sex related is bullshit.

I've never participated in "hook up culture" and PUA bullshit so it certainly doesn't describe me

Of course I would not consider myself "alt-right" either. I'm more of a white nationalist than anything else.

>its not an ad hominem when talks eloquently!

Nice logic

I have a 130 IQ, am half Jewish myself, and still disagree with a lot of what that post says.

and I never posted shill, cuck or any other stupid meme like that.



Sorry OP, better luck next time.

>he is right because he is validating my opinion

This sounds about right. I can't refute it because these are the same conclusions I came to myself. Obsessing over race is not something a normal person does, it is something that an insecure person does when he feels unhappy with his lot in life and desperately wants to feel better than someone else.

Shut up Jewish cuck shill.


PUAs are still the same thing they always were, non-whites looking for a magical formula to muh dick white women

>being this ass ravaged

ahaha fucking faggot

That's exactly how it worked for me.

Doesn't make it a bad thing though. Like it's some big shock or personal failing that people are poorly socialized. There's no God, no nation, no community, no race, nothing to band people together, and when you get old enough to start thinking bigger than yourself that vacancy really stands out.

>He doesn't offer any counterpoint.



Half of Sup Forums is gay though.

let me guess you also think anyone who opposes homosexuality must be a closet fag

And there's somehow something wrong with wanting to feel better about yourself?

well can't argue when your more likely to meet a trap than a girl here. Is this what prison culture feels like

Sup Forums isn't the "alt-right", Sup Forums is just Sup Forums and the alt right are faggots that try to be Sup Forums and take everything here too seriously.

>a screencap from fucking Sup Forums that is basically a giant ad hominem
>is supposedly offering some point to counter

lol keep crying because no one is validating your shit screencap

>Being this buttmad

Are you a summerfag or just a commie?

I've never had an interest in pick up artist nonsense, I just spent a lot of my time growing up reading as my family were poor and couldn't afford much in the way of toys or fashionable clothes, instead I spent most of my time at the local library which then meant that I had even less in common with my peers at school.
Without any fear of social ostracism and with nothing more to do than read I had no excuse to be a liberal.

But turns I'm sure the Sup Forumsmblr intellectual you posted spent a very long time piecing together that hypothesis and I wouldn't want to put all of his ten minutes to waste.

Gosh, what would your SRS masters say if they saw you using such ableist language?

It was on the winning side on the Great War, let's not pretend losing the battle of Isonzo 12 times made Italy a winner.

I do but not to present as an argument but when someone posts non-political garbage or just straight up shit posts and no one is being serious anymore.

I really don't understand how "alt-right" even started. Hasnt Sup Forums been around for years now? Why is everyone that comes to this board automatically assigned to a group?

So you're either a liar or deranged. If you have a 130 IQ, why do you participate in what is definitely the least intelligent forum for discussion on the internet? If you're half Jewish, why do you defend a board that is literally trying to drum up support to make your life miserable, to put it lightly?

This. Even if OP's argument is completely true, what's wrong with that?

If insecure women can have safe spaces and "movements" why can't men? Why is there something inherently wrong with this?

I don't even agree with the Manosphere, I prefer waiting for marriage and I see both feminists AND the manosphere segment of the alt-right love to shame virgin men for not having sex or settling with used women.

no because Sup Forums isn't "alt-right"

Why do armchair psychologists always think everything is about sex. every time someone with no clue talks about psychology they just Fucking parrot some half baked freud theory and pat themselves on the back .

First post best post

90% veiled allegory 10% projecting

>this just in, winners are winners

Thanks cuck

>REEEEEEE: the post

k enjoy your stay

Fecking phone.

How come >mexican intellectuals is a meme, but some faggot posts "Sup Forums intellectual" and nobody bats an eye. Fucking man child board for adult men who want to fuck and are in love with cartoon characters.


That's a load of assumptions and BS.

First off the Alt Right is such a broad spectrum you can't tell the origin of all of them.

Secondly there were plenty of fascist movements in the Victors of WW1.

Romania and Italy are two prime examples. And even in nations with no WW1 participation like Spain.

Everything else is just more assumptions.

It would help if the poster in questione defined what he believes the "alt-right" to be. Surely his post describes some person, somewhere - perhaps even it describes that poster himself in some vague, repressed fashion - but it's laughable to suggest that his highly specific rambling about some vague, desperately masculinist figure is applicable to something like the alt-right movement, which includes gays, minorities, and women.

I've seen posts like this over and over again in my many years on Sup Forums, in several variations, always relying on superficial deconstruction techniques to describe whatever bogeyman the poster in question wishes to denigrate.

I remember an old post that used to make the rounds that described the average Sup Forums-goer as white, male, invariably middle class, who did well in school but always felt distant from others, and found his way to Sup Forums since it appealed to his ego. Replace "manosphere' with "Sup Forums" and you have a near perfect copy of that post from the past, repeated by yet another edgy pseudo-philosopher who jerks off over cartoons and secretly thinks of himself as better than all of his peers.

The cycle continues anew


Using long words doesn't make an argument sound you fucking retard. He's just pulled some pop-psychology and an entirely fictional historical narrative to dismiss his opponents rather than actually address an argument anyone actually made. It's a textbook ad hominem.

He almost had a point at the beginning, then he lost it by rambling about muh pick-up artists.

>Sup Forumsmblr
Pick one.

The general idea that the "alt-right" consists of middle-class men who have become part of the left's out-group probably isn't far from the truth.

I never got into pick up artist shit, nor am I insecure in my masculinity. I grew up playing in the woods, building stuff, and raised by my very Christian and overprotective mother.
I was a rowdy as a child, but I grew up into a responsible adult.
I wasn't well socialized, and when I entered the work force I saw how these young "adults" were immature and not acting proper.

I DID attribute this to a lack of manliness on their part, by looking back and comparing to how men back in the day were. Men are the nation builders, if our men are weak, so will our nation be.

I did not even kiss a girl until I turned 22, I wasn't insecure about it at all, but I quickly realized that women aren't as pure and dutiful as they were in my mind, or my mother was. I was rejected for being too serious and wanting children, and almost stalked my first girlfriend.

So that is another thing that is CLOSE in the OP, but not quite. I do not resent women for not being good women. I resent the weak men of today, and the weak men of yesterday (boomers) for letting our country go to shit, and not taking care of our women.
I have talked and made friends with quite a few women, and they all seem unhappy. I know that what they want is a romantic relationship, a family. But all these women that have realized it are around 29 and over, I'm only 24. I feel sorry for them, and I know their sadness is the fault of our nation not being strong.

Your OP image applies the rationale that someone from /r9k/ or Sup Forums would have. Being on Sup Forums for a while and talking to many people here, I see many of us are pretty well off in life, just unsatisfied with the grander scheme of things, not just "not getting laid" which anyone could do. But what we want isn't the act of sex or marriage, or the appearance of manliness. Those things are what the average person stays content with. We want the real meaning behind sex and marriage, (1/2)

Because believe or not, I do still share a lot of beliefs in common with Sup Forums, including that there is a globalist elite controlling the world and many (though far from all) members ARE Jewish. The average Jew isn't suddenly in on this though. I don't promote outright genocide like some people here do but neither do I want their opinions censored.

Not always but in some cases it's true. Like in Orlando for example.
I think it's better to redirect those feelings towards getting better at something you enjoy than to look down on others for no good reason.

and the real inner sense of satisfaction that we have proven ourselves as men, not just having the image with a beard and some meaningless tattoos.

Anyhow, that is my take on it. You can mesh that with the opinions others here will share with you and get a real sense of what it is, at least for this age group.

I'll give him the anti social bit. But to imply that the "alt right" evolved from PUA and the like is retarded. The "alt right" evolved from people that were not accepted into the usual conservative/republican circles because of their beliefs. They werent accepted because the conservatives ruling now are completely afraid of the lefts ability to completely destroy their character in the eyes of the public. "Alt righters" do not care about being called racist, islamophobic, transphobic etc etc.

You could even argue that the anti social aspect was caused by the above conservatives snubbing them.

Its interesting to think about, but it just sounds like a pseudo intellectual that has an agenda against "alt right" people.

>Drooling over Hitler.

Hitler was a German Imperialist, that wanted to destroy a multitude of Nations and their identities and cultures because they stood in the way of his empire, he was a staunch anti commie, and one of the few to see the threat and do something. But he was no saint. One would find a better hero in the local Nationalist leaders of the era.


Obsessing over race and acknowledging differences in race are not one and the same, were it that everyone here constantly discussed race away from this board with no justification given then you could call that an obsession but as is I doubt you have the information necessary to declare with utmost certainty that everyone here is obsessed with race.

>triple-digit IQ
Lots of people have a triple digit IQ. Its not hard to be eloquent on the internet. It does not mean you are intelligent.

Analyzing the history of the alt-right without mentioning the split between neocons and paleocons is irresponsible.

I do agree that Sup Forums puts TOO much obsession on blacks and race mixing, when the bigger threat is sexual promiscuity (of both men and women).

Again this is something that I completely oppose the "manosphere" for and I was never even aware of it when I had came to my first "Sup Forums" beliefs

>He actually used the fallacy fallacy.

Yes, but he was the Nationalist ideologue for my people. Not sure if he would be anywhere close to suiting the US or any other nation for that matter.

>Sup Forums intellectual
Lad the Mexicans are more intellectual than that lot

Frankly I would give his argument more credence than yours.

Half the posts in the thread counter your shitty post you damn commie. Now git out before we show you how we deal with commies.

>wanted to destroy a multitude of Nations and their identities

t. highschool history

you sum up my belief too. Except that I was raised in a very liberal NYC family, but my views on sex and marriage changed after a relationship with a traditional raised Indian girl who valued abstinence.

>durr fallacy fallacy!

Nice counterpoint, sadly it doesnt make you less of a retard when everyone on here thinks you got a shit opinion

>the alt-right
nice meme

People here give it enough importance to dehumanize people who aren't of their race, so yeah, that is making a bigger deal out of it than most would.

> not understanding what ad hominem is
I thought British people were supposed to be smart

First of all, ALT-RIGHT is a meme name, its name is centrism.
Also an elaborate strawman is still a strawman, you can't just group an entire political movement in one archetype and call it a day.
And cuck is being used the same way fag it is, not by its literal meaning but as an alternative to call you a mongoloid.

The trailer trash and third worlders here only care about ethnicity insofar as it can be used as pretext to push psychopathic agendas though. The regard for "whites" as the master race in alt-right culture is derived from white over-representation in powerful, influential positions. They don't use the word over-represented in this context though, because that word is kept on reserve as a loaded and twisted way to effortlessly push neo-Nazi propaganda. If your IQ was actually 130, you'd recognize that and wouldn't use this as a place to discuss anything.

Literally the majority of circle jerked opinions and "facts" on this board are tumblr-tier in terms of internal logic.

>an opinion from a manchild who still reads comics and watches cartoons

>Using a fallacy fallacy to defend an argument full of fallacies

What a fallacy fallacy senpai

>Sup Forums intellectuals

>The Invasion of Yugoslavia

I could sort of understand the 2nd dismantling of Poland, as Poland was a product of WW1. But Yugoslavia was a neutral nation, with not much if any strategic value. This is further accentuated by the creation of Croatia and using the Croatians to try to erase as many of the Serbs as they could.

"alt right" is everything from actual fascism to centrism to religious traditionalism (if anti-Zionist) , to libertarianism, ancap, or just straight old Leftists who got sick of SJWs.

it's basically anything that isn't mainstream right or left. There's tons of infighting because none of the above groups agree with each other on anything except opposing the modern left. And hucksters like Milo cash in on this to take advantage of the many naive young people.


Stop being a weak willed beta cuck. Our nation will never be whole and healthy again until the Jewish problem is dealt with.

The Jews cannot help themselves when they destroy nations. You cannot have any of them in your society, and they will continue to sneak back in to white countries until they're wiped out.

People with humanities degrees should be euthanized.


Wasn't the term "alt-right" invented by a frustrated white man who kept losing arguments with internet trolls so he decided to rename the trolls to score brownie points with leftist girls?

>redditor intellectuals

>They think a hypothesis of the Alt Right's genesis is an ad hominem.
>They think they can override facts with their feelings
>They think they have a right not to be offended.

Where were you when Sup Forums turned into blubbering Tumblrites?

T b h pham I still don't know what the "alt-right" is

I'm a former "progressive" who got driven away by the increasing waves of political correctness and general weirdness emanating from the SJWs.

I'm still socially liberal in many ways (support faggot marriage etc ) and support some kind of a government safety net but I'm also a racist and a nationalist. Still a registered Democrat who unironically supports trump.

Am I "alt-right"?

I'd say they're partially right. I think a bigger portion of it grew out of Gamergate and "sticking it to the SJWs" the stormfags at Bugswarm just hopped on the movement and then we have the current alt-Right of today.

Guess I should kill myself then. I've known I'm worthless and cursed from birth for a long time. I'm already not reproducing.

>intellectual from Sup Forums

this is better than the Mexican intellectual meme

I don't even like the alt-right but that's the most retarded projection I've ever seen by someone who has no familiarity with them at all.

It's somewhat fair. The beta / alpha duality is so omnipresent that we forget its origins in the PUA community (remember when betas were called AFCs)

>Random pseudo-intellectual ramblings are facts


Shut up commie. The post makes a fuckload of assumptions with no proof. And the only claim to fact is that Fascism appeared in the loosing nations of WW1 because of butthurt.

But Fascism appeared first in Italy, a victor of WW1. And also appeared in Spain a neutral nation.

>I have no argument
>let me start rambling about how pseudo-intellectual eloquents are facts and how you are wrong and are triggered


The alt-right is about as useful a term as left wing; it refers to a set of ideologies. Some are race based, some a traditionalist, some are nationalist, some are fascist, and some are Nazis. They're just linked by eschewing modern neo/ paleoconserativism.

Brevhik is alt-right, but so is Donald Trump. Bernie Sanders is left wing, but so is the Bader-Meinhoff Gang.

I'm alt-right, but I'm a normal, for the most part healthily socialized person (unless you count my bisexuality as poor socialization, which I do). My best friend is a woman, I've never had issues relating to women or romantic/sexual relations, etc.

Politically I'd consider myself as an American Nationalist/Imperialist/Traditionalist, etc. That's entirely Alt-Right. And I know plenty of marxists/socailists/syndicalists who are psychologically, socially, and psychosexually malformed. It's a dump generalization of a post-hoc categorization.

no my friend you think feelings overrides the fact that you a degenerate and you will be purged with the rest of them
I'm fine with you being stupid just not with you shilling so hard about being stupid
> where you there when the vote remain shill tried to discredit an entire movement because feelings?

>Why do I only ever see these posts whenever someone with an education, a triple-digit IQ, and a respectable command of their language posts a structured critique of the moronic, infantile culture here, but not whenever some frothing sperg screeches about Jews?
because you've been here for 2 days?

Hardly, you will find few who genuinely believe that blacks aren't human for example however you will find many that criticize the shortcomings of their race whilst simultaneously extolling their virtues.
Your argument much like the one OP posted is based on a poorly thought out strawman.

If you were to say that you were to in one discussion compare two shoes and one were to come up short of the other would that then be grounds for someone to claim that you have a foot fetish?
Because that's essentially what you are doing here.

>Where were you when Sup Forums turned into blubbering Tumblrites?

Here, apparently.

I think that screen cap is bullshit, but trying to """refute it""" by screaming about logical fallacies where there are none is disappointing.