Antifeminism VS FACTS

Hello I am (((neutral))) and totally not a feminist. But have you seen my AWESOME DEBUNKING of the ENTIRE ANTIFEMINISM MOVEMENT??

Like, I literally show them the facts and a completely destroy them. Like, how my survey is better than Sargon's survey, and that Sargon's avatar is probably not even of Sargon!

Yeah I only adress Sargon and the 1 in 5 survey, but we all know that those alt-right neo-reactionnaries racists worship Sargon's cock, just look at the subs, they all say he's the most rational and smartest so I literally destroyed every single one of them by debunking him lol.

Like, Comment, Subscribe and follow me on Twitter. Unless you're following more than one antifeminist, then you're automatically blocked. I'm so smart and rational~

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does this guy believe in the 77 cents myth?

Nigger what are you talking about.
>green text some shit.

It's a Saturday night and I don't want to decipher your fucking Spanish novel in the first post.

Good shit Pierre

Holy fucking shit
>if you are upset by trigger warnings, you need to grow up
its subpar shit.
he got BTFO by the comments.

Yeah I picked up on that too. And he talks about "self-awareness". What a cuck

>attacking anything but his arguments
So Sup Forums gtfo and surrenders?

He gets triggered because he doesn't understand the difference between a public survey and the NCVS.


Arguments? His arguments is that Sargon is representative of the entire "antifeminist movement", whatever that is, and that Sargon did a supposedly bad debunking of the 1 in 5 myth, and so FACTS DEFEATED ANTIFEMINISM.

Then he goes on to say that Sargon's avatar does not represent Sargon, the historical figure.

What he doesn't say is that hundreds of colleges have literally ZERO reported rapes in 2014. But apparently it's still 1 in 5.

>What he doesn't say is that hundreds of colleges have literally ZERO reported rapes in 2014
[Citation needed]

I don't like citing the Washington Post, but here they are with their own study proving it. They're especially cucked because they think that literally hundreds of thousands of Womynz are too oppressed and scared and don't wanna report their own rapes, even anonymously.

Not a single one even LIED about it. 0 reported rapes.

bullshit. The 1 in 5 myth was debunked long ago by Christina Hoff Summers and she also debunked your stupid wage gap myth.

>watching a guy who got btfo by a trannie


Yeah, the 1 in 5 is complete bullshit, I agree.

Never heard of that story, found the guy for his (actually pretty good) Fallout 3 Is Garbage video, but he ended up being an SJW cunt.

What was the story with the tranny? Also, checked.

A person cannot debunk anything. Appeal to authority is an fallacy. Only empirical data can debunk anything.

Should have cited this site instead:
Try to stay away from MSM blog posts like these as they often don't link to the raw data.

He's right though on many accounts.


Sargon and the whole whiny, bitching "altrite" is cancer. Fuck off to breitbart already and worhip the Quadroon of Babiloon there.

I have some questions:

If college campuses reallly are as unsafe as the fucking Congo, and each female student's chances of getting raped is literally more than a round of russian roulette, why have there been such low rates of arrest? Even in a culture like ours that ruins peoples lives over false accusations, who exactly is doing all this raping?

2. If companies really can get away with paying women only 70 cents for the dollar, why would any hiring manager in their right mind want to hire men? Bear in mind there are tax breaaks that are awarded for companies for meeting "diversity quotas". Why will companies and start up that operate on the thinnest of margins not seek a 30% reduction in labour cost?


>who exactly is doing all this raping?
>why would any hiring manager in their right mind want to hire men?
The patriarchy

Good questions. It's like there's no rape epidemic or systemic sexism in the USA...

Nah, there probably is. The patriarchy must be hiding the data. 99% of rapes are unreported, I'm sure of it! Don't ask me how I know or else I will be triggered.

could you summarize the video for me, you faggot? because i don't want to watch some gay """"male"""" feminist talk about dumb shit that doesn't matter. please just a few bullet points.

Thanks for the link man. I saw this article this morning and didn't dig deeper to get a clean source. It's pretty late after all.

Summary: hbomberguy nuked the anti feminism movement

>trigger warning

Stopped watching right there.

I basically summarized the video here.

It's a whole bunch of smug nothing, with non-ironic trigger warnings.

don't you have a :^) to include with your shitpost?

Troll confirmed...

Go suck Jamal's dick...

You didn't miss out on much, I can assure you.

I thought I could decorate my posts while bumping this thread. Please don't insulterino me.

Thanks for the bumps.

I want that smug shithead to get BTFO, because he tricked me in with a good video, then he posts that shit.

Here's an actually good video of his :

No SJW nonsense anywhere. An hour and a half of great retrospective on the Fallout series compared to Fallout 3 and New Vegas. And then this shit pops up in my feed. Fuck me, man.

Me too. I guess you could say I was 'Triggered'

I forced myself to give him a chance even though I saw a lot of "pro-Sarkeesian" stuff in his old vids, and he was using the GamerGate autoblocker thing... But he's a twat when he talks anything but video games.

Fuck him.

>One survey says sexual assault on campus is 27%
>another survey says 7%

Well obviously the one that says 27% is right.

>Source for one of Obama's claim is Politifact


I skimmed through the video. But I have a few questions. Let's pretend you're serious about this. Which I hope you're not. Who made Sargon the representative of this alleged "anti-feminism movement"? And lets say Sargon is wrong on this one specific instance. Does that mean every argument he has ever made is wrong as well? By that logic, wouldn't feminism have debunked itself many times over with its lies about wage gap and rape culture? And because Sargon has apparently been exposed and debunked, that means feminists are right and everyone should just blindly believe that women are being oppressed in the West? Hmm.... only image is appropriate for this situation.

I picked up on that too.

He gives no reason as to why one survey is better than the other, but he sounds like a convincing smug twat enough that he gets called a "true realist", who is "really smart". Pfft.

So he goes on to correct another youtuber's argument about Rape statics and then this suddenly proves how Antifeminism is wrong. Seems legit

It's incredible how basic questions like these are already deeper than the entire video he wrote, recorded and meticulously edited.

That's a big gun.

Unless the 1-5 survey was done by "a" professor, handing out questioners in targeted classes, and the less 1% survey was gathering data from campus police reports....the issue is not the fact it was a "survey," the issue was how the survey was conducted....and the creators of the 1-5 have disclaimers, but those are never mentioned by the femi-nuts when they use the stat...but yea, sargon does have holes, no doubt 27.6% of college girls are sexually assaulted, that's why all girls go to college.

What is this faggot babbling about?

had to watch in 1.5 speed, he takes too long to get to the point and talks too fucking slow. While this is a solid attack on Sargon, it doesn't refute Sargon's central point, it would have been much more informative if he had compared and contrasted both the 1 in 5 study and the other one Sargon cited and explained the discrepancy.