TIL Welsh actor Ian McDiarmid, who played Chancellor Sheev Palpatine in the Star Wars prequels as an old man...

TIL Welsh actor Ian McDiarmid, who played Chancellor Sheev Palpatine in the Star Wars prequels as an old man, also played the Emperor in Return of the Jedi when he was only 33.

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Yeah, I was surprised with how young he actually was.

That's fucking incredible, talent to the make-up artists and his acting then because I would have never known.

They had him put on a ton of facial prosthetics and makeup for Episode VI, the yellow contacts were so thick and painful he could barely blink.

YFW, Watching Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, and Sheev the butler shows up.

He's Scottish
He was 39

Is this a person who's retarded or a person who's pretending to be retarded

Wow he was old even back then

So they had him play an older version of his character when he was younger and a younger version when he was older.


Actually he's from the Isle of Mann and was 28 when he played Sheev for the first time

Ironically, he looked more convincing as an old person back then.

It's almost...poetic


The prosthetics work they did on the Emperor in ROTJ was infinitely better than what they did in ROTS. In Jedi he looked like an evil old wizard, but in Sith he looked like a monster.
I want to find whoever made that creative decision and do something suitably punitive to them

And who played him in Empire?

Look, we've settled this before. He was a rambunctious young 12-year-old from Cornwall when he first played Shiva.

I guess he wins again

An old woman with a dubbed voice

Wait, I thought he was 6 in RotJ and the casting agent discovered him during a fishing trip to the Orkney Islands?


I want to watch a road trip movie with Sheev, Luke and Wedge

That's Anthony Daniels aka C-3PO, stoopid

Palpatine is the real star of the whole franchise.

The pottery of him being almost ageless from the first trilogy to the prequels, being the best actor in all his scenes, carrying the dark side through various meme apprentices. Undeniable.

In ROTS he just looked like someone had plastered a butt to his face.

He's just playing a game, trying to find the best apprentice possible and always ready to upgrade.

I remember in episode II they gave him aged skin and suddenly the next film ditched it.

Ian McDiarmid doesn't get enough credit for being the only redeeming quality in the entire Star Wars series/universe.

The plebs will fuss over Carrie Fisher or whoever they've latched on to now from the sequel trilogy, but we'll know the esoteric truth of the matter,
We'll always know.

They definitely should have stuck with it, it looked like it would have synchronised up perfectly with his appearance in Jedi, AND it would have been an interesting thing for such unbelievably strong dark side energy to be shown gradually seeping through throughout the time span of several decades. It would have added an even nicer glossing for Sheev's character.
And it was such a good look, too.

What's next a clone of a young Sheev?

what if snoke is sheev but even more burnt after falling through a shaft with lots of plasma?

Possible. Some say it's Rey's evil consciousness.



Snoke Sheev everyday

Did he buy a hot meal?