Why slav men so damn ugly?

Why slav men so damn ugly?

Said polack cunt
Piece of shit

Slavic women took our share of handsomeness

How come he doesn't use a pumice stone and conditioning treatment for his feet ?

I'am Germanic Pole
you disgusting Celtic subhuman


Make Eastern Europe German Again

>be westerner
>be concerned about how men look


>be eastern european man
>genuinely believe you are born perfect, no effort required


nie, jesteś takim samym śmieciem jak my wszyscy :^)

Some of them make qt traps, though.

>slavic men are ugly

You could not be more wrong



the women tho...

>brown nipples

The most attractive lad I know irl is slav

Won't post pics but he's chad god tier


>slavic men


Finnic genes.

>Finnic genes

You're just fucking jealous of his godlike physique.

his str build would stop your dex sissy every single time.






lifting fridges doesn't make you more beautiful though


women are supposed to be beautiful not men, and we manage that quite well

This jock master is Slovak, I bet he manages it very well.

looks like a damn faggot

he's one of your better ones

>not manly

Slav men are not pussy faggots like germanics that avoids fights.


It's not a mans job to be pretty.

That's for women

I don't know what you're talking about. Slavic men are the pinnacle of human form.

post a pic of someone that looks like him, plz. Also what kind of slav is he?

>slavic men are ugly
when will this meme finally stop?

The billionaire guy and the singer really do look somewhat Finnic, the rest not so much.

The singer is from nowhere near Finland though. I doubt he has any admixture.

Don't mix up ugly with manly

>Why slav men so damn ugly?

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome


What the fuck do you know

gross, sissy fags
probably a gay porn star, therefore belongs in the trash

none of these are attractive

This guy is right if I had to live in a Slavic country I'd renounce men and become a lesbian.

>Finnic Genes

Hungarian talking, as if he wasn't basically genetically a slav XD

no, the Slovak gay porn star is this one

>Hungarian talking, as if he wasn't basically genetically a slav XD

We're Pannonian, therefore Celtic and Germanic.

Slovaks are a nation of whores, just like the Czechs.

Don't fool yourself, most of the leather masters in cinema are magyars.

>be english man
>get run over



and a minority are colombians, for some reason

But Hungary, you are the Slav.

Maybe in the 90's, lol. How old are you, grandpa?
Nowadays the only thing you can find are overly tattooed spics and interracial trash from Burgerland.

>only 10/10 models or muscle bags are attractive

Sure you are. Also this

Poles are Atlantid hyper-Aryans.


Russian Y chromosomes have sucked out all the ugly from Russian X chromosomes.


I only watch vintage.


Pudzian is the most beautiful in the world.