My rant against Mexican American BIGOTRY

I’m an upper class white male and fucking hate hate hate HATE bigotry toward Mexicans or Mexican Americans.

This is my rant:

This perception that them sending money back to their country is harmful to the US economy is fucking retarded and comes from a misunderstanding of the global economy and the fluidity of money.

Let’s do a little thought experiment. Let’s say Juan sends money back to his wife Camila (who lives on like $7/day, but that’s neither here nor there.) Camila goes and buys a bottle of Tide to go wash their clothes in the river (yes, many parts of Guatemala ARE that poor where there’s no electricity or running water.) If Camila buys a bottle of Tide detergent for $4.50, guess where that money eventually trickles back up to? It trickles back up to wherever that company is located. Then that money is divvied up between the workers, the CEO, the transportation companies… all of which are likely to be in the US. After all is said and done, the money flows to wherever there are corporations. Then that money is again spent on other goods and services, some may go to Guatemala, some may go to China, but it eventually comes back to the US. This is how trade works. The buying a bottle of Tide is the same as YOU buying a bottle of Tide.

What do you think, money just disappears? It’s a total zero sum mentality. Money is based on trade. We live in a global economy. Sending your money off to a business in China is the same as sending it off to a business in Montana. Nationalism is just as bad as racism.

People bust ass all day and make $1-$5/day in their country, and they see an opportunity to come to the US and make $100/day to bust their ass for YOU…. doing work on YOUR lawn and YOUR stone walls, and things that make YOUR country nicer and you seriously have the fucking nerve to condemn these people?


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Fuck you, you spoiled, entitled little shits. Seriously. If you can’t have compassion for people who are not as well off as yourselves, you get no respect from me. I don’t give a shit if that appears to go against a Democrat teaching of tolerance.

It seriously disgusts me when people attack people who are less fortunate then themselves. If YOUR family had to live in pennies per day, you would fucking immigrate to the US too. And to condemn them for doing things to give them a better life (legal OR illegal) turns my stomach. “Oh but look how dirty they make towns look” You entitled, spoiled little fucks. If you don’t like the part of town they live in, don’t fucking go there. Just because YOU don’t like looking at poor people, doesn’t give you a right to try to kick them out. The mentality is honestly so trashy to me.

“oh but my tax dollars…” It does NOT work like that. The reason these people are ABLE to work for such little money is that it’s tax free. So for you to get your garden done for $10/hr cash… if that money were being taxed they would have to work for $15/hr.

“oh but they should just come back legally!!!” You think they havent thought of that?????????????? IMMIGRATION IS SEVERELY LIMITED. IF it were that simple then do you think they would have fucking done that? And you know…. saved themselves a lot of fucking trouble and a severely limited job market.

Okay fine… so you know what? We just lift the 600,000 immigrant/year and make it unlimited.

But you people will never stand behind an idea for that. You think they’re “Dirty Mexicans.” And don’t even fucking deny it, because you know damn well it’s true. I never here shit about stopping European immigration or canadian immigration (people DO immigrate from there.) It’s always when it’s immigration from less wealthy countries.

So just admit you don’t like poor people. You don’t like looking at them.

Another thing is “THEY TERK ERR JOBS!” rhetoric. First off, a Mexican is preventing you from living your lifelong dream of working as a Burger Kind fry cook and taking out trash? They take jobs no one else wants to do because they’re not spoiled brats. Furthermore… that’s NOT how the economy works. There aren’t a fixed number of “jobs” that people compete over as if they were slices of pie. That’s not how trade works. At all. Jobs come and go, and the more people are here, the more jobs there are because the more services need to be provided.

“Well they undercut us and we can’t compete with the prices they’re willing to work for”

Well here’s a novel thought…. how about not sucking so bad that someone who works for $4/hr can take your job?

Wheres the ‘personal responsibility’ argument that conservatives are so famous for there? Because when someone else is poor, they’ll be the FIRST to say “just go get a better job, dumbass.” But when you suck so bad that you can be replaced by someone willing to work for $4/hr the whole “personal responsibility” argument goes out the window. Those philosophies only apply to other’s misfortunes.. not their own.

Americans are the most spoiled, entitled cunts on the planet. These people work harder than you or I will EVER have to in our lives. And they do it so they can give THEIR kids a better life. If you’re so fucking concerned about taxes.. HOW BOUT YOU LET THEM PAY TAXES. It would be a lot easier for them to pay taxes if they were allowed to.. you know, get a legal fucking job.

If you actually cared you would say “okay so we should let them have legal jobs.” But instead the rhetoric is “Build a wall.” “round them up and deport them.” Why? Because you’re bigots. You don’t like looking at poor people. It’s okay.. it’s human nature own many cases. But don’t deny it.

But you DON’T care because you’re bigots. And this is why I can’t STAND this bullshit. I’m so tired of this anti-Mexican or anti-Muslim or anti-black or anti-WHATEVER rhetoric.

This shit is really starting to get to me.

People throw around comparisons to Hitler so much that over the years they’ve lost lost all meaning, but take a minute to understand the magnitude of someone putting 6 million people in fucking gas and fire chambers. You think he didnt have all sorts of reasons why he thought the Jews were bad? He gave the same argument.. “oh they’re poor and mess up the economy and they hurt our tax dollars.” .. “well nobody is suggesting we kill Mexicans or Arabs” And Adolf didnt try to kill them at first either. He at first just wanted them to wear a star identifying themselves. Almost like the database of Muslim-Americans we’re hearing suggestions about from the Republican party. Then after the star shit, he just rounded them up into camps.. you know.. to keep them organized. Then he just started fucking gassing them. And THIS is how this shit starts. I’m not stupid. This shit has happened so many times in history that it baffles me how you people don’t see the signs. Germany was a democracy when Hitler took his post. And maybe it won’t get to that point, but it very well COULD. You’re talking about a man who suggested it was a good idea to kill the families of Islamic extremists. Murder innocent women and children. It’s not THAT much better than cutting the heads off American journalists to “send a message.” It’s fucking disgusting. I’m usually very tolerant toward other people political views, but to put it bluntly…. if you vote for the Republican nominee this year, go die in a fire. I don’t support this pure BIGOTRY.

“Oh but I don’t wanna pay for their dirty little kids to go through school.” Well I don’t hear you complaining about OTHER (white) kids going through school even though they cost the fucking same. This shit is so disgusting to me. If you have this mentality don’t EVER let me hear you talking about it near me.

I don’t give a fuck which side of an IMAGINARY line you were born on. Honestly, if I were in charge I would abolish ALL borders and ALL imaginary lines and all this bullshit “Oh this lump of grass is called Canada and this one is called Alaska” as if it fucking matters.

TL;DR: FUCK Trump supporters.

If you dont like it then leave, bitch.

All what I'll say:


crashing this thread with no survivors to report that Texas is wrecking mexico



>and make $100/day to bust their ass for YOU…. doing work on YOUR lawn and YOUR stone walls, and things that make YOUR country nicer

>thinking Mexicans are only capable of manual labor

You sound more uninformed and bigoted than the stormfags that populate this shithole.

1 P O S T

As a lower class Mexican American you can fuck right off enabler.


fuck off obama you fuckin nigger

Also did you not have to take international finance for your theatre degree?

so in your mind they can't follow the law, come here legally, then work and send money back to their countries? The implication Mexican immigrants are all illegals like your making or that they only do jobs like mowing lawns and building walls is racist on your part to be honest.

>I’m an upper class white male

So youve never lived around spics? OK then, opinion discarded.

Should I mention that Guatemala is not part of Mexico or do I keep lurking?

>Dont generalize muh Mexicans

>Generalizes all Trump supporters

Green Lantern with the counter

>This perception that them sending money back to their country is harmful to the US economy is fucking retarded and comes from a misunderstanding of the global economy and the fluidity of money.

stopped reading right here

no one has claimed that it hurts the US economy. Our money is all over the world and is the currency of the oil trade

our money moving to mexico props up the shitty mexican economy, and gives the racist corrupt government of mexico an out

it should be the mexican government taking care of these people, instead of essentially forcing their poor to move up here to support their families in the homeland with our gringo dollars.

get your fucking house in order before you decide to take over a couple bedrooms of your neighbor's much nicer and bigger house.

phew, its good to hear this from an upper class white male.
Guess I'm a #Mexile now!

I'm hispanic I think you're a faggot. kys

I come from a family of legal Mexican immigrants and fuck those illegals.

They have to go back.

Now 6-0

Build that wall already.

Hahahaha. I'm not reading that. Life is an absurd joke without meaning. The sooner you realize that nothing matters the sooner you'll learn to relax.

Build wall.

>I'm a rich Jew and...
Didn't read, gas yourself.

Still no replies from OP.

Shill thread

Any other half Mexicans here?

>being half-breed filth

No such thing

Mexican is just a nationality

If you were born in America you are American

My hometown is full of hispanics.

immigrants sending money back to Mexico or wherever is a huge part of the Mexican economy. the government won't discourage that since it makes money for Mexico. but if the boarder is closed Mexico will be forced to get its shit together and then there won't be a need for people to become illegal immigrants. I'm from Arizona. I grew up on the boarder and saw what kind of shit happens. I'm drunk.

You have to go back, Paco. America FIRST.

Is this a joke? People say this shit ALL the time. They go "They're sending money out of my 'MURICA"

You know most Mexicans don't like chianos right? We are blamed for all the shit they do.

You mean gang members.

Good for you, remove nigger remove beaner.


>Sending your money off to a business in China is the same as sending it off to a business in Montana. Nationalism is just as bad as racism.
And at that point I realized that OP was not an idiot like I first expected, but some underage faggot trying to hard to bait

>tldr i am a faggot

you sure are a faggot user, you should get a gun there are dangerous mexicans out there who will kill you just because you like dick

There's nothing wrong with nationalism or racism. You are a cuck who doesn't care about his values nations or peoples. Die in vain for your cause of 'equality' while savage blacks beat you to death and rape your corpse because all whites are responsible for Dylan roof.


Tl;dr and saged

Is this a joke? LOL. Basically every economist agrees that Immigration (Legal OR illegal) helps the US economy like crazy. If you could provide evidence from a sit that's not some Immigration Reform bias bullshit, I'll maybe concede.

then just go and live in Mexico you cuck

OP, Guatemale its not mexico, thats a compleatly separated country :V
Thanks for your "defence" but...yeah

It will force mexico to gets it's shit together????????? This is based off what evidence?

>I'm an upper class blah blah blah

user, if you have to tell everyone how upper class you are, you are pretty low class.

And I wouldn't pay a Mexican or other mestizo to do anything. They are some of the dumbest people I've ever met. Some are good workers, like the 50+ year olds, but the young ones are lazy as hell.


seriously....stick an illegal immigrant up your ass
These people are taking and taking and taking, causing crime, breaking laws, not paying taxes, taking free health care, free school, free food stamps (if they have an anchor burrito)
They are fucking leeches making OUR children's lives harder...they don't just "mow lawns" asswipe...

i just looked at this website and this is what i see.... NOT valid evidence.


fuck if i know

I grew up on the border, you're an ignorant moron/troll, go try fooling someone who doesn't know better.

>retards think remittances are proping up the Mexican economy

>I’m an upper class white male and fucking hate hate hate HATE bigotry toward Mexicans or Mexican Americans.
I'm a lower class White male, and I know full well you love your Mexican servants you can pay $1 an hour. We all know this, faggot. You're fooling noone. But soon we'll get to put your heads on pikes.

if it's any comfort to you Trumps wall is gonna be useless

>"basically every economist"
fuck no, you've just been pulling bullshit out of your ass this entire time


There are dangerous members of any race. Statistically illegal immigrants are less likely to commit crime than legal residents. Again, if you can back up this claim I'll be more than happy to look at the data

I don't have stone walls and $100 a day is more than I make. Fuck them

You know that money dries up after the first years right? The moment Juan gets a family in America he can't afford to spend half of his slave wage for his mother/father back here. They either bring their parents here or simply stop sending money.

Also nobody encourage this shit, we lose handwork and end up with towns filled with only the elderly who can't do shit and become a burden. Simply stop giving nationality to the parents of the anchor babies or the baby itself and most of you illegal problem will solve.

People cross the border because shitting a kid on your side gives them a better chance to get citizenship and much quicker than going to the formal process.

good job.. you totally saged properly

>I’m an upper class white male
So you haven't ever waited 5 hours in an ER to get a broken arm set behind 30 illegal Mexicans, and then YOU get a $5k bill (despite insurance) and they never see a bill?

Amazing how the people who love diversity so much are those who admit to never being around it.

hahahahahhahahahahahahahahah hahahahahahhaahha

Remittances and trade agreements that let our companies outsource to you.

If it wasn't for us you'd be nothing more than a glorified El Salvador. You already are, really.

Nothing but a bunch of savage Spanish Indians that need the white man to make anything of themselves. That's all Mexicans ever were.

>Provide a source that exclusively agrees with my world-view, otherwise it doesn't count

>Sending your money off to a business in China is the same as sending it off to a business in Montana. Nationalism is just as bad as racism.
I stopped here. You have no idea how the economy works. By your logic literally handing billions of dollars to russia would stimulate the economy in chile.

israel wall, berlin wall, house walls, jail walls, walls are useless maaaan! (except not, they fucking work.)

I really don't care about football m8, but I do hear butthurt outside. Good for Texas.

daily reminder capitalists are anti nationalist, Germany knocked the fuck out of the bourgeois.


Holy shit that was madness.

> illegal immigrants are less likely to commit crime than legal residents
>legal residents are more than 100% likely to commit a crime



Thanks pedro, we won't make you pay for the wall.

>Jews were bad? He gave the same argument.. “oh they’re poor and mess up the economy and they hurt our tax dollars.
The exact opposite, Paco. Jews were the wealthy elite while also promoting Bolshevism.

Jews were a lot of things in Weimar Germany, but were NEVER "the poor." You don't have any of your facts straight.

Also, the "holocaust" as you understand it is a myth.


Th-thank you... thanks

your friends are coming home beaner

>outsource to you.
Mexican companies**

your average mexican is not enjoying any of this

>Nothing but a bunch of savage Spanish Indians that need the white man to make anything of themselves. That's all Mexicans ever were.
Compelling argument

The reason there live are so shitty there is because they have a shit government. Instead of doing something about there shit government they come here. Now of course not all come here, just the ones smart, strong, or lucky enough to make it across the border. You know, the very people that actually have a chance of making a difference in there country if they had stayed. Instead they left for a better life, leaving there family or other relitives behind to stew in there squalor and shit out more babies. this new generation will follow in the footsteps of the last and all the capable ones will leave for the united states and the less fortunate ones will be stuck in mexico. This cycle will repeat ad infinitum unless we close the boarder so then the capable ones might do something about there problems.

P.S. i am really tired right now and I wish I could articulate my thought prossess better but no im to tired. Going to bed now have a good night sir or ma'me.

>Basically every economist agrees that Immigration (Legal OR illegal) helps the US economy like crazy.
>he fell for the Trickle-Down meme
Yeah, I helps the economy by lining the pockets of big businesses that make a killing off the cheap labor from Paco and Pajeet while firing their more expensive American counterparts and sometimes forcing them to train their replacements. And none of that money is ever going to trickle down to the middle or working class. Trickle-Down doesn't fucking work. GDP may rise, but wealth inequality grows more and more and more.

Immigrants is not the same thing as "illegal immigrants" you fucking tard

I know this.. but most of the immigration coming from Mexico are actually Guatemalans coming through Mexico.

this isn't the berlin wall we're not putting up an iron curtain. it's there so trump can make love to it.

Fuck illegals




Yes I know you're a capitalist shill, I know giant capitalists make a living off exploiting poor shitholes, while bringing lesser developed people to have a slave caste, it's not in my interest.


Just a interesting note. There are still shops assembling goods for US firms just on the other side of the Mexican boarder paying $4-$7 a day.

No, this is the misconception. There are OPPORTUNITIES in America, Their labor is worth $100-200/day here, where it's worth $5/day there.


>Thinks Juan only makes 7$ a day in the US

Fuck off retard.

I used to work for a company that hired illegals to unload containers in their warehouse. 80$-100$ per container. They were done in 2.5 hours, that's close to $32 an hour. Oh yeah and they did a shit job too. If he unloads 2-3 containers, he would make way more than the average warehouse worker. $160-240 A DAY. Yes it's hard work but even I have unloaded containers by myself. I'd make 10-11$ per hour in a warehouse? 11x8 hours = $88 bucks a day for the average american worker.

>durr then why dont you just unload containers illegally under the table

1) It's illegal
2) The work load isn't as reliable.

Let me post soviet anti capitalist shit since Germany didn't get to do much of that, only pro nationalism to not alienate any allies.


>spotted a spic

>The reason there live are so shitty there is because they have a shit government.
The reason their lifes are so shitty there**
And no, our country and its people are doing fine

Most Mexicans have stopped of thinking of going to the US, and overstaying their visa

Worry about the central American sending their kids in droves, that's a serious issue that no redneck ever brings up

Whatever.. i live in a relatively wealthy part of New York. It's relevant to the conversation because there are areas where immigration hits hard here.