
Germanic Union WHEN???


It doesn't have to be new state, any suggestion for creating closer links between the germanic nations is welcome. Also propose names for possible union/superstate.

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Fuck off


Hello yes I am Suebi let me in

t. Sanjay Patel

The arrogance of Ængoland knows no bounds. Forcing them here will finally put them in their place.

Hej :3
Jag föreslår att vi endast talar våra modersmål!
Så vi kan lära förstå varandra bättre och enas till ett folk igen :D

I don't get it.

He removed elsass

>tfw you miss your ancestral land because no one usually pays attention to it

I'm going to start a Jewish union with the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Hong Kong and Singapore.

Don't hide from your Frankish rapebaby heritage (assuming you're not an ahmed). Of course France is welcome, if they revive old Frankish. Until then, you can be a an observering member.

Dubai or the Emirates are welcome too.

Alemannic lands are much wider than Elsass Lothringen though

Maybe Cyprus, Panama, the Caymans and the Bahamas and Ireland as well.

>no Israel

Why would I want a bunch of conflict seeking beggars to join our union?

they're oretty jewish from what i hear

Only in name.

Germanics are degenerate filth that never accomplished anything on their own. Everything we have is from the Romans.

We will construct a common modern germanic language that will be relatively easy for all germanic speakers to learn. It will likely resemble something between danish and german, but with simplified grammar, and roots recognizable among to all germanic speakers.

Jag är Grek

>we we we

Do something with your life instead you useless piece of shit

It's called Afrikaans. It's simplified Dutch.

not an argument

>t. Johann Biancavilla

It would favor /nederdraad/ and /anglo/ too much. We can't leave /skandi/ that far behind. But we would definitely incorporate features from it.


The Netherlands and Flanders have as many people as those Scandi regions.

>something between danish and german
we're out

The Netherlands has 17 million Dutch speakers and Flanders 6 million.
Swedish has like 10 million people, Norway 5, Denmark 5, Iceland 0.

Dutch sounds so retarded, like something a 12 year old would come up with.

not an argument

You're thinking of Swedish, mate

You can have Denmark, but anything above that is ours.

only jylland

Where is Greenland?

Those are central germanic languages. The pronunciation doesn't have to be based on them entirely. There will be regional variants that are all equally acceptable. Don't be so Slavic in your thinking.

fuck off

>tfw mixed with slavic and gaelic subhumans
I don't deserve to be part of the volk

how about not basing pronounciation at all on them?
at least danish
I'm fime with the actual language being influenced by them a lot though.
written danish is basically swedish anyway

Not Germanic

Hopefully never.

Swedish and Norwegian are much more influential Scandinavian languages than Danish ever will be. Not to mention being much easier to learn than German and much easier to pronounce (and on the ears) than Dutch and Danish.

>tfw no east germs

We will take that into account. More dutch influence will be added.

still not funny

There are Nordic people there though? There are a few Inuit people, but they don't number very march.

In Dutch we say Godverdomme, so don't say that here

I can't think of anything more disgusting.
I'd rather shoot myself than be in an even smaller union with Germany.

objectively true
take the potato out
I can read danish perfectly but I can hardly understand a single spoken word

Just let them talk shit, we're still the best countries

They are Danes.

Swedish sounds horrible. And I'm not saying this to be mean or anything. It sounds both gay and it sounds like you can't pronounce anything so you just say bleh instead.

>And I'm not saying this to be mean or anything

pronunciation will be based on the sounds that are most common among all of the languages.

Except that Norse is Danish

The point of this union is to break you, not for you to enjoy it.

I'd rather base it on some extinct common germanic language

Yeah, good luck with that mate.

You already lost your empire, we will make sure you'll loose the rest of it too.

>the somali union of pakistan

Goodbye Swedish.


norse is something which was spoken only in Norway before

We've already said we do not want to be a part of your union, so stop obsessing over us.

the greenlandic norsemen died out

Get fucked toothpaste, you're literally who-tier.

>Germanic Union WHEN???

Norway is not germanic

I understand. Your already part of the Somali union. Don't want to interfere with that.


old norse would encompass west norse (norway/ iceland) and east norse (sweden/ denmark). closest thing would be to say that danish is norse but norse is not danish

After the celts abandon you and uncle Sam pulls the plug, it'll be open season.


It took you several wars to beat us.
We're the reason you started to make a proper navy.

>After the celts abandon you
Always amuses me seeing Yanks use words they have no understanding of.
Fortunately, it happens a lot, so I'm always amused.

Would you support an independent Alsace!?

Yeah, thanks for that.
Your country is still a forgotten memory though.

Your actually wrong. Our wars ended with us invading them and taking over.

England won the first war.
The Netherlands won the second war.
The Netherlands won the third war.
Then the Netherlands invaded England. They got a Dutch king. And then it was silent for centuries.

Then we had a war about American independence. Which we kind of lost, but it was a Pyrrhic victory as America gained it's independence.
And during the Napoleonic wars they took South Africa over to keep it from falling into French hands.

But afterwards they helped us with Waterloo. And Hitler.

Autonomy, sure. The regional merging with other regions Hollande's government did was the most retarded thing in a while. If we had to go independent I think I'd enjoy it more if it was like a Rhineland. Both sides of the river are culturally very close, and we spend our time going to visit each others anyways.
Won't happen though.

Do you know many people who still speak Alsatian? And why is the language dying in Alsace? Is it because of a lot of native Francophones settled down in Alsace after the war?

>Germanic Union WHEN???

The best Lingua Franca would be some Hanseatic Low Geman/Plattdeutsch. It's close to the West Germanic languages and a significant part of the current vocabulary of Scandinavian languages(up to 25%) is based on Low German.

Do a lot of people still speak Plattdeutsch?

Martin Luther, is that you? I believe the Reformation started exactly 500 years ago

>Do you know many people who still speak Alsatian
In rural areas such as my hometown (2000 inhabitants), basically everyone older than 40 does with a good chunk of younger people too. In cities, at least Strasbourg, it's more like 60 y/o or retired, most of the younger people are immigrants from France or other countries. Almost no one who's young speaks it there though, and the biggest cities are very young compared to a lot of so naturally the knowledge of Alsatian Alemannic is low.
>why is the language dying in Alsace
After WW2 France did all they could to remove any trace of Germany from Alsace. You can see how the proficiency dropped from 80% to like 20% in barely 50 years. Nowadays no real public effort is made to keep it known (as for any other regional dialect in France). Funny thing is France ratified some European treaty about minority languages: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_Charter_for_Regional_or_Minority_Languages, but as you see it just for show here. People who hold public positions aren't expected by governments to know the language either.

>France ratified
signed, but didn't ratified. Which is what makes it pointless.

Classic case of it's okay when we do it

Not him, but the Netherlands also only recognizes Frisian as a minority language.

While Dutch low saxon and Limburgish are somewhat ignored. Despite it being an official regional language according to the EU.

And the ignored languages have more speakers than Frisian. Because both are over a million.

It's still there, mostly spoken by a minority of the population but its usage is declining rapidly due to the influence of national TV and the education system.

Martin Luther based his translation on a compromise between central and southern German dialects and he is the primary reason next to the decline of the Hanseatic League for the prevailing victory of High German as the contemporary German standard.

>are somewhat ignored
How ignored? Can you look at the link and tell me how many of pt2 are enforced? Here it's basically none, the only initiatives come from Région Alsace... Or should I now say "Grand Est".

t. 2/64 german

Our constitution says the government must respond to Frisian for example. So it has a special status that other minority languages don't have.

In the past speaking Dutch low saxon was often banned in schools, because it was considered "not proper Dutch".
Limburgers are too stubborn, so they keep speaking their language whatever we do.

I see. It indeed sounds quite stupid to have a lesser-known language in official documents and not two wider-spread.

I'm actually 1/8th thank you very much.

As a French learner I met a ton of Alsaciens on language exchange websites who are now learning German because the better job prospects are on the other side of the Rhine. Ironically, a lot of them have German lastnames, kek.

Do you think someone will keep protecting the language now Alsatians don't have an own regional government anymore?


>a lot of them have German lastnames
Ironically mine sounds as French as it can get due to my grandmother remarrying after my dad was born. The ones with German-sounding names are probably from younger generations of natives then. German is taught in school as a second language but I guess most people pick English instead nowadays, which is why you meet them on language exchange websites instead.
Personally I am trying to learn more of Alsatian before German, it's actually quite different.

Why not allow for Russia to invade us? The Germania would need to clean up its own mess first even though the Russians could do that for us