Hows your tinnitus Sup Forums?

Hows your tinnitus Sup Forums?

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constantly drowned out with music, you?

It's either getting better or I'm just used to it now. I just have to avoid all silence

You drive for a living, no?

Didn't have it in October.
Went to a concert in November and got very very mild Tinnitus.

Then I fried on acid last month and sat in a corner with my sound system cranked all the way up for multiple hours.

Now I can hear ringing most the day and my ears constantly hurt.

Fuck me

really, really bad. but i manage. bought a while noise machine to help me sleep

What's this album called? Google can't find it.

Non existent thankfully

I have a severe anxiety disorder that 9 months ago led me to believe i had tinnitus which caused a terrible depressive episode that lasted like 2 months. Thank god it turns out it was just my mind playing tricks on me and i have nothing, but during that time i lived on the shoes of people with tinnitus and it was horrible, i feel so bad for people who has thi damn thing.

It's something I have to live with until artificial cell regeneration becomes a normal thing (by that time I'll be dead though so oh well).

I've always had it so it doesn't bother me because I don't know life without it

i think i'm starting to develop it, my ears feel kind of painful and headachy

I wonder what his tinnitus sounds like


probably sounds like hell

its not an album, just a random pic.
but have these I guess

For me I haven't found anything like it it's just high pitched buzzing.

Which one sounds the most like yours?
For me, it's the one at 3:35

b-a-b-y baby.

Ok I don't have tinnitus

4:08 but less like a whistle

About the one at 1:48


Yes mine is 4:08 but more like

why did music become so painful after i bought quality headphones? i actually think youtube wouldn't kill my ears so much

too loud?

>want to experience shoegaze at its intended volume
>want to be able to hear at age 40

shitter headphones weren't so harsh though, i always have the volume up at autism levels regardless

it's manageable now (by manageable i mean i don;t care anymore), but when it first developed 5-6 years ago it kind of made me quit making music, going to concerts, and put me into a serious and still lingering depression. fuck my life

aren't there like any therapeutic sounds that exist?

I don't fuck with loud music. I'm way too scared of tinnitus.


The memory of human figures turning into ground beef in the distance often distracts me enough to forget the ringing. Often.

it's pretty bad, it's an unidentifiable high pitched whine anytime it's very quiet and 2-3 times a week it randomly will grow to a deafening roar in only one ear for about 20 seconds then slowly fade away. it's the main reason i contemplate suicide regularly.

I can't believe some of these are real. That's horrifying.

I experience the pulse one sometimes. Didn't even know that was tinnitus.

Starts at 3:36

i havn't found any

if i had to drown it out i'd listen to rain or something natural, just loud enough to forget about it

fuck me definitely the one at 1:43 but with less white noise, also 2:15 a little bit, and a lot a bit of 3:40 and 3:53, and 4:09

well like i said i've grown accustomed to it and kind of just accepted it, but though that process i've developed a severe aversion to any loud music or intense listening, kind of did my electronic music production aspirations in completely and killed my social life(i used to go to concerts and raves several times a week, which is what developed my tinnitus)

Is it good or bad that I think I got it after seeing MBV without using the provided earbuds?

Why would that be a good thing you brain dead moron?

I have it pretty awfully. I've had it for as long as I can remember though, I have literally no idea what perfect silence sounds like.

Like the first one, but it's quiet. It's not too bad.

I don't know.
I haven't asked it, lately.

I play in a loud band, been to plenty of really loud concerts and my ears are just fine. Probably because I'm not a retard and I use wax earplugs and filters.

Same, it's the one thing I'm gonna hate about living in the country.


I don't think that one is tinnitus, it's the sound of aliens trying to make contact

I'm just shitposting.

everyday at work I hear phantom microwave beep, there's never rice in the microwave, there's always rice in the microwave

>there's never rice in the microwave, there's always rice in the microwave



It's roughly a G note
Only really hear it when I go to bed, and I've had it for so long that I'm not bothered


3:50 tho not THAT bad

I don't think about it often. Maybe it causes some of my fatigue, maybe not.

I got it from factory work, not music. In hindsight I should've seeked compensation.

Tinnitus is literally the sound of your hearing healing.

>my ears rang for days

Yeah and it subsided because your brain literally rewired itself to compensate for dead hearing hair cells which no cannot currently heal. Theoretically if you are kept in an isolation chamber and forbidden to speak, your tinnitus would go away. So stop triggering it and it will continue to heal.

i have this but it definitely is not that bad. Jesus man it's just a little fucking noise, you even say yourself it only become bad for little 20 second periods once in a while

So did they acid make you not care/think about it? Or did you actively want to crank your music/sound system while on acid and just willingly accepted the risk?

What/where is the pic of? Looks cool.

Tinnitus can also triggered by high blood pressure.

Wow I would actually go insane and kill myself

Same here especially when I lay down. I think that's just high blood pressure?

been to hundreds of gig without earplugs
was in front of Fu Manchu (117dB in the back of the venue for the whole show)
only used earplugs to rehearse with my band with fuzzy loud amps and insane drums (24' kick and ride)
never used them at any of our +50 show
sometimes had tinnitus for the next day, always disappear quickly.
I don't listen loud with earphones/headphones, but I can be insane in my car or with hifi
no pain whatsoever

pro tip: ear wax is a natural thing, you're not supposed to wash your ears clean all the way to your eardrum everyday

Doesn't bother me much as long as I don't think about it. But you just made me think about it, fuck.

Not too bad when it's constant...
Can ignore it most of the time.

Sometimes a 2nd one joins in the fun and starts performing harmonics, pitch-shifting and glissandi with the first one. Worst thing is, very subtle increases in anxiety levels related to everyday tasks makes it worse.

this help?

>been to hundreds of gig without earplugs
>I fucked hundreds of whores without condom. it's safe guys I swear

i have the exact same thing.

for quite a few years it was just the occasional spike in noise and would last maybe 1 minute total. about 8 months ago i was prescribed oral 'Terbinafine' tablets for a tinea infection and a few days later... EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

never went away... pretty depressing stuff, just have to live with it i guess and be thankful you weren't born with some major debilitating disease.

such bullshit.

tfw scaruffi gave my tinnitus a 5/10