"Dont tell me what to do!"

"Dont tell me what to do!"

Man, Locke was awesome!

Other urls found in this thread:


I've never seen Lost. Is there any reason to?



And away I go.


If you haven't you're literally missing out on the most exciting, 2deep4u, mysterious, emotional roller coaster story about nothing

fun mystery, no explanations

>loose tits
>holding the knife like a pussy

You will not be missed.


best grill

its ''Dont tell me what i CANT do'' dumbass

im so envious that you get to experience all of it for the first time.
yes watch it, its only one of the best series of all time, no biggy

Hahaha oh wow.....somebody is new.

Holy shit.

Welcome new-friend

all of you know what i did to you

I stopped watching when they wanted me to believe that polar bears could survive on a tropical island.

Stupidest shit ever, learn your botany.


The end of Lost sucked. Holy fuck, did it suck. It was really, truly, completely the worst — a mushy, indefensible cop-out that failed to resolve many of the show's central mysteries and seemed to argue against reason in favor of a vaguely defined faith in … what, exactly? Did the writers themselves even know? The show's final episode—and really, its entire final season—was so bad that it has completely rewritten the popular mythology surrounding what was once TV's most popular mythology.

It's not about the ending but the journey! Holy shit you people are plebs of the highest order. This is just like your misinterpretation of The Hobbit movies as well. (Which coincidentally starred Evangeline Lily in both)



When did I mention the hobbit?


Fucking get a grip you fucking cunthole.

someone is a little upset

watching it at the time was the greatest thing ever, every episode some new whacky shit would happen, the theory threads where a blast.

I can't imagine it would be the same if you binged on it now, as you already know that they were just making it up as they went along.

hard to say, I feel like Lost was mostly about the ride and making wild theories when it ran. It's has aged poorly for television and the best aspect of it, community trying to figure it out, is gone and most questions were never answered. but you can try it, check out first season to see if you like it, it still has god tier characters and very good personal arcs.


Stay pleb plebbitor

stay mad new-pal

Been watching this show for the first time because my girlfriend decided to rewatch it. I'm a little less than half way through the final season. I enjoy aspects of it, the character arcs and the mystery of it all (that I know will never be resolved) but at some point after season three or so, it definitely feels like the writers were just winging it and making shit up along the way.


ghost of doctor eko keke


lol being this buttflustered on an anonymous message board where you mistake will never be tied to you

low self esteem much


actually loled

have you got the man in bear costume one?

best cgi ever


10/10 show that aged poorly. It doesn't make it bad by today's standards, just charming.

It deserves a remaster and they need to follow through with their plans and do the spin off with hurly and Ben.

'Durn to ya' scene was better

what game is this?

>something pulls the pilot out of the plane and smashed him
>takes out trees easily
>makes a scary voice
>turns out it's just some fucking smoke
That was disappointing.

"But first we are gonna have to take the boy"
What was Sup Forums's reaction to this?



fucking lost

Way too late. I knew this shit was going nowhere after they killed off so many of the tail characters. You wouldn't dedicate huge amounts of screentime to them, then kill them off without them doing anything, if there was an actual purpose to them. People can't think hard enough, they just say "oh well I'm sure it's going somewhere" and kept watching. All the signs were there by the end of the second season.


>cliche characters and dialoges

>many annoying characters

>mystery stuff was just put in without a thought, it has no meaning but all the retard fans made theories about it

was good but they went to far with the mysteries and mythological things and at the end it was like a joke

I liked it more when it was about the dharma iniciative and all that stuff

I remember that when the island disappear from the sea magically, that was the moment I knew the series would go shit

I could suspend my disbelief for a lot of the things that Lost threw at me, but that airline pilot being named La Penis really was the straw that broke the camel's back.

He was the alpha male


It reminds me so much of a separatist vehicle from the Clone wars animated series

Damn, the submarine looks like THAT?

if you dont value your time do it but know that the end makes it all a complete waste of time and the last season is terrible.

You missed that shitty period when mediocre tv series like lost and prison break were being praised for being best thing ever filmed. Little did they knew. the time of truly great TV was still coming.

>"dont tell my wife's son what to do!"

Has there even been a more tragic character than Locke?

>was wrong about everything
>about to commit suicide
>is saved
>murdered immediately after by the person who saved him

Locke and Eko were the only two guys worth a damn

So, when will this time come again?

Sawyer was great you shit.

The first two seasons actually still hold up really well, which actually makes what happened in the later seasons feel even worse now that you can look back on the show as a whole. Such a great setup with so little payoff.

It's *"Don't tell me what I can't do!"*

uhm.. I guess it began with true detective.. and ended with true detective season 2

thats the point newcunt

>gets btfo


F O U R · E I G H T · F I F T E E N · S I X T E E N · T W E N T Y T H R E E · F O R T Y T W O · G U Y S · W H E R E · A R E · W E ? · W A L T ! · V I N C E N T ! · L I V E · T O G E T H E R · D I E · A L O N E · D U D E · W H E R E · I S · M Y · B A B Y ? · T H E Y · T O O K · M Y · B A B Y · N O · M A T T E R · W H A T · I · D O · Y O U · A R E · G O I N G · T O · D I E · C H A R L I E · I · L O V E · Y O U · P E N N Y · I · H A V E · A L W A Y S · L O V E D · Y O U · J A C K ! · Y O U · A L L · E V E R Y B O D Y ! · N O T · P E N N Y ’ S · B O A T · D O · N O T · T E L L · M E · W H A T · I · C A N N O T · D O ! · Y O U · H A V E · S O M E · A R Z T · O N · Y O U · S E E · Y O U · I N · A N O T H E R · L I F E · B R O T H E R · D O · N O T · M I S T A K E · C O I N C I D E N C E · F O R · F A T E · F R E C K L E S · I T · O N L Y · E N D S · O N C E · A N Y T H I N G · T H A T · H A P P E N S · B E F O R E · I S · J U S T · P R O G R E S S · D O · Y O U · H A V E · A N Y · I D E A · H O W · B A D L Y · I · W A N T · T O · K I L L · Y O U ? · I · D O · N O T · K N O W · H O W · L O N G · T H E · B A T T E R I E S · W I L L · L A S T · I · C R A S H E D · Y O U R · B L O O D Y · P L A N E · W E · H A V E · T O · G O · B A C K !

its old pasta bro.......stop crying


>all this samefagging damage control


>gets btfo


"It's the numbers, they're cursed!"

jumbo tron jumbo tron...

kek don't kid yourself redditor. Now fuck off


People who haven't seen Lost might know a couple of major plot points, and they'll probably know 'lol it was all a dream'.

But you ask them about Daniel Faraday, the freighter, Juliet, DHARMA - they don't have a clue. There's so many great characters and amazing stories in the series. There's mind-blowing revelations in every episode. What you know of the show if you haven't seen it is less than 1% of the content.

Daniel Faraday is my husbando

I accidentally missed an ep when I was marathoning the series and the 'previously on' segment spoiled his death REEEEEEEEE

That's why the moment in the hatch is so powerfull

> You want to press this button you keep doing it yourself Locke, I'm done
> Jack you have to believe me. Why do you find it so hard to believe ?
> Why do you find it so easy ?

Gets me everytime T_T


Fucked up the dialogue but it essentialy goes like that

First two seasons - felt like greatest thing on tv ever, after that - oh boy how it fell.