Why did you stop being a Leftist?

I've noticed a lot of people here are former Leftists and Libertarians. What happened to make you change your thinking? Was it something in particular, or did your disaffection with the Leftist/Libertarian worldview slowly accumulate over time?

Other urls found in this thread:


that looks like a creed video


I'm still libertarian

I grew up.

Also, niggers.





I got a good job

also, niggers





I never did, I still am one.



Ron Paulite Libertarian here.

After I got to college I had to take a first level writing course for my degree. It was early on so I don't remember too much but the teacher was a die hard liberal and constantly brought up politics. This butch lesbian I sat next to didn't swallow any of the teachers shit and challenged every piece of bullshit she tried to pass off. After seeing liberal hypocrisy so plainly I could not in good conscience remain a supporter of the left or the Democratic party in general

When I was a child I spoke as a child....

Srsly, we are usually raised as leftwing liberals here so everyone was one as a Teenager.
But as I grew I started to question a lot of stuff that was happening. Maybe it's not Neonazis anymore who are the biggest threat to jews in this country. Maybe the faggot didnt get punched to coma by German homophobes.
The left/right System doesnt work the way it does in America around here but I wouldn't really say I'm a right-winger by German definition. I just love the laws and values we have and every fucking dipshit who doesn't like it that way should go back to wherever they are from

I got older and gained responsibilities. These things helped put shit in perspective for me at least but I don't claim to speak for everyone.

Libertarian ideals cannot fix the problems my country is going through.

First, you have to rip degeneracy and foreign interests out by its roots. Only then can authoritarianism fade.

What is a good way to describe the political spectrum in Germany?

A lot of my peers started getting really goofy and radical, it seemed like people on the right were less insufferable and overtime I figured out that I agree with most conservative viewpoints.

When you understand the satanic Jewish agenda.

I got here by always being skeptical and cynical. All it takes is for you to ask yourself a few right questions and you will quickly realize whats happening.

SJWs started shaming everything fun and beautiful in the world. That's when I changed. I still believe in typical leftist stuff like abortion rights, but anyone trying to take away my freedom of speech and expression deserves a bullet to the head.

I read Blood Meridian, listened to Jonathan Bowden, learned about HBD and got into Mencius Moldbug.

These things effectively firebombed the remaining liberalism from my soul and re-birthed me anew.

Why does school seem to cripple critical thinking, instead of strengthen it? Isn't it odd that universities always bemoan the loss of critical thinking, while pushing to many social dogmas as beyond skepticism, and taboo to question?

Actually Sup Forums made me libertarian 3 years ago.
Feels good, man.

Leftists and libertarians are nothing alike. Lefties want rules, libertarians want total freedom.

>Leftists and libertarians are nothing alike
I know, Sup Forums has former leftists and libertarians. I wasn't trying to compare them, except to recognize they are both here, and seem to suffer from political agnosticism.


It became apparent, too, that no one even knows why they believe what they do anymore. This was probably always the case, but I didn't notice. People are just consuming memes without asking why.

My bad you phrased it weird. Also, Libertarianism doesn't suffer from agnosticism. In fact the Bible is one of the most Libertarian books out there, it's about you being able to decide your own fate.

Going to college made me change. I graduated from a university in Seattle. I went in very liberal, but the further I got along, the more I began to see how closed minded, liberals actually are. Many of them become fanatically religious in their ideologies, to the point where you just cannot reason with them. They've gone full circle in becoming the religious fanatics they mock. They're illogical hypocrites. Not everyone, of course. It's just that being in college really opens your eyes to some things first hand. The difference is, I had to work my way all through college. I saw how things worked in the real worked, and chose to live accordingly.

also, a steady, satisfying income.

Just a question:
Why that little girl in your pic is crying?

i used to be leftist, and as i went out into the real world i discovered that the "friendly" "progressive" "inclusive" fuckers were actually close minded hypocrites who ran on emotions, not actual logic

got myself some racist right winger friends, never went back.

It's from a documentary called Jesus Camp. I included it, because liberals used to love that movie due to the way it depicted fundamentalist Christians, Mexibro. Tying in with the thought that liberals have gone full circle to be zealots, themselves.

>redpill about sjws
>slightly larger redpill about Islam
>massive redpill about blacks
>ultimate redpill about nazis

Still a libertarian, but also reasonable.
The only way to create a libertarian/ancap society is through purge.
>can't build Utopia on a foundation of shit

The elites would own to much & form cartels to keep power.
The tens of millions of leeches would loot as the gibbs and police force went away.

After the war, I fully plan to propose AnCap policies at the first open-platform party meeting!

I've never been a liberal. The Jewish media simply tricks people into believing they are liberals.
Just look at any western media and it tells you that conservatives are bad and being liberal is the only thing you can ever be. You think to yourself ''hey, I am not a bad person. I am one of the good guys, surely'', and you associate yourself with scum of the earth liberals just out of pure ignorance.

I've never been for open borders, feminism, LGBTQNMX rights, disarming citizens, nigger apologism, christian bashing etc. I simply assumed I was a liberal because I thought those were the good guys.

Refugee influx. I'm basicaly fascist now.

your graph makes no sense at all

What the fuck is it even supposed to represent?

I never stopped.

A political compass

Can't have a "Free society" until after National Socialism clears the degeneracy from the populace.

"Libertarians" who think otherwise are delusional.


Don't bother, OP.

Tbh, most everyone on this board is truly a normiefag. They pretend they're red-pilled and that they have it more figured out than the next guy, but the fact is they haven't actually read a good book in years (or possibly their whole lifetimes). Most everyone on Sup Forums is a fucking dumbass. Do you actually think much of anyone here has studied any political philosophy?

Old Sup Forums had more intelligent, well-read posters. Those ones were and still are "liberal" in the classical sense of the term.

Wow, powerful stuff man.

hold up... a butch lesbian challenged your liberal college teacher. Jesus there is hope in this world

You sound like like a dumbass faggot.

I was solidly libertarian from about 2010-13, extremely anti-collectivist. I drifted toward the center but became increasingly disillusioned with the liberal worldview as I got out in the real world and started having success in my life. It wasn't one thing, just growing up really.

solid, thoughtful discourse

I was never really liberal. I always had certain conservative views for as long as I can remember. At a young age I began to believe everyone should be able to defend themselves with firearms.

I'm still pro-choice and it's the one issue I've used consistently to feign a facade of being liberal to certain coworkers and classmates over the years. However, my reasons for being pro-choice lie entirely on the fact that more blacks and hispanics get abortions yearly than whites do. I learned that at a young age and it's stuck with me ever since.

I've seen firsthand how state budget gets redistributed to """succesful private sector companies""" in rigged public bids
I'm a minarchist ever since

When they started defending blacks for chimping out
I was never a liberal, i never cared one way or the other. But after seeing all the shit the left pulled these past few years made me finally pick a side. Im usually a moderate but youd be hard pressed to get me to look left on illegals and guns

I'm reading The Black Swan by Nassim Taleb, just finished Orthodoxy by Chesterton, and I'm normie as fuck.

If you want to be a pretentious faggot because you've attained basic literacy skills, go circlejerk about Tao Lin on .


What exactly do ex-libertarians become? Nationalists?

Well I got into politics around the time when I was choosing myself a trade. By chance I actually met Paavo Arhinmäki while waiting for a train, the leader of our leftist party, and even though I was underage and pretty insufferable he talked to me like I was a real person the whole time. Immigration to here was so little at the time that it didn't even cross my mind. So we talked about workers rights and stuff like that. Back then they were campaining for a raise on minimum wage even, which sounded good to a teenager soon entering the workforce. Didn't really think about these things until I finished my conscription service, until I heard they were demanding budget cuts and even ending mandatory service. So I took a good look at the party, and how it changed during the years. Feminism, pacifism, uncontrolled immigration. Complete lack of fighting for the working man. I felt betrayed. Last I heard about our leftist party, the man I spoke to is resigning for a hardcore feminist. Fuck that.

No, women here have completely fucking equal rights, but worklife is turning to shit. We have a system for unemployed (around 400 000 here) where govt. can sing you to any private or public service where you work for 9 euros a day. This is wrong because it distorts the value of others labour. I personally was in a situation where for a few months I had to weld stuff to countrys third biggest industrial employer, for 9 euros a day. Welders hourly salary starts at 15.
Was the left campaining against this? Noooo, there were bigger issues like fighting the patriarchy, nuclear energy and fur industry. This was the last fucking straw. This was a few years ago. Now I am just completely dissillusioned by our "democrazy".
Now probably as rightwing as the rest of pol and fuck our traitorous left.

He's not wrong though. Thats how most people really think.

I'm a Libertarian Capitalist and still consider myself pretty far right.
But before that and before I lurked Sup Forums I was a communist thinking that everyone could live in harmony and work simply to better their society.
I was one of those faggots that said "communism has never been tried"
I just found this site and hated it, but once I started lurking daily, I slowly became redpilled.

SJW hijacked the left,amd I saw thier shit,so I left

I think your consensus is right.

I think Sup Forums is full of people who were on the left then switched to the right.

For me, it happened fairly recently. Let me tell you why I switched with a prominent issue, womens rights.

My argument for women receiving equal pay is, that women should receive it if they work as hard as a man does. In most western jobs (writing documents, selling products) there is no reason why this would be an issue.

See, contrary to my beliefs -- women want equal pay across the board, even if they don't do as much work as a man, they just want it -- end of discussion.

and this applies to many leftist stances, they want and want, and want and they're not willing to sacrifice anything for the greater good of society, they're not willing to admit wrongs nor fix those wrongs, they just want more for themselves.

They want a pay rise to $15, but they don't realize that a pay rise makes us even more noncompetitive with china, leading to a loss of jobs and business overall, because businesses can no longer afford to pay their staffing costs.

People want free education and healthcare, a healthcare system like that, in 2016, is just ridiculous at best, especially in a country like the US that buys medication from TV commercials -- even in countries like the UK who achieved it a long time ago, the impact of capitalism is leading to it becoming privatized.

Although I agree with free education, and I think it should be a very important thing, colleges in the US are driven by capitalism, they have investors like big business, they're essentially big business, and that can't be stopped now.

We, in the western world need to finally understand our faults and fix our issues, and being a leftist only further adds to issues, doesn't fix anything, and longterm may make things even worse.

The truth that we are not equal, and never can be, plus certain truths and coincidences I couldn't ignore made me reevaluate my views.

I was a leftist up until age 20 or so when I too two economics courses in college.

I became a libertarian

I disagree. trading one kind of authoritarianism for another is no progress at all, and no variety of authoritarianism fades, or goes down without a fight.

This should cure that:

>Politically Incorrect Books Archive:
>Antimony Group Right-Wing Archive

started caring about politics ~2004 when i was 12

as long as i've cared about politics and can remember, i've been a nationalist.

i vascillate between small government leave-me-alone and ultra right wing fascism. when i was younger, i was more of a fascist. call it my rebellious phase.

what changed me? 2008. started dating a kike who loved obama, helped me get over my anti-semitism (loved each other super hard, popped each other's cherries) and helped me pinpoint what exactly i hate about the left and how they really are the more fascistic ideology.

Fascism a shit. High Toryism and noblesse oblige are the way out of this mess.

>a kike helped me learn that the Left are the true fascists
That would be funny if you weren't being serious.
Read Mein Kampf at least, before resigning yourself to Glenn Beck tier idiocy... at least chapter 11

>Fascism a shit. High Toryism and noblesse oblige...
>Implying the one is not the vanguard of the other
You've been shilled by kikes friendo. You could actually read but few of your ever do. Superficial intellectuals are easily shilled.

Let me put it this way, before you whine at me:
if you dont grasp the relationship between traditionalism and fascism, you don't actually grasp either.

>The European Grammar of Self-Intolerance
>A. James Gregor - Mussolini's Intellectuals
>Julius Evola
>The Roots of Western Nihilism
>Leszek Kołakowski
>Left and Right
>Nicolás Gómez Dávila
>Mircea Eliade
>The Sacred and The profane
>The Hermeneutics of Religious Phenomenon
>The Triumph of Reason - The Thinking Man's Adolf Hitler by Michael Walsh

Holy shit me too. Also events red pilled me into reality. Lee Rigby was the start.

I'm still a libertarian stop shitfting the narrative you storm whinie.

I was never really a Libertarian. Libertarians are selfish and have no view of the bigger picture.

I used to be a 'blue dog' Democrat, someone born of the working class and for the working class, the thing that's kept the US ahead.

Then I realized Democrats/the Left are out to fuck the working class even more than Republicans, and that they both need to go, but Democrats need to go first.

I care about labor rights, and that makes me care about immigration, and that makes me care about my race.

I'll defer to H.L. Mencken:
>One hears murmurs against Mussolini on the ground that he is a desperado: the real objection to him is that he is a politician. Indeed, he is probably the most perfect specimen of the genus politician on view in the world today. His career has been impeccably classical. Beginning life as a ranting Socialist of the worst type, he abjured Socialism the moment he saw better opportunities for himself on the other side, and ever since then he has devoted himself gaudily to clapping Socialists in jail, filling them with castor oil, sending blacklegs to burn down their houses, and otherwise roughing them. Modern politics has produced no more adept practitioner.

See also: Ernst Junger sticking up for the Jews in his old regiment, talking to actual Jews about getting their communities to emigrate, writing "On The Marble Cliffs" as war loomed, then inspiring attempts to assassinate Hitler when it was clear that the idiot was going to drag the war out.

My dislike is not of fascism so much as it is of the specific leadership of Italy and German at that time. Hitler's anti-Semitism and dogged determination to fight until the end were so rabid and so ill advised that it turned even the most honourable men in Germany against him, caused the nation to be sundered, and left us with an enduring legacy of being unable to even talk about the Jewish question without being ejected to the fringe of politics.

We've talked about this before and I still disagree.

SJWs made me shift my political leanings to the right.

I used to consider myself liberal. But for me, that changed senior year of highschool I discovered the field of Evolutionary Biology. The field is basically about the human species evolved over the past million years and what traits we still traits we still retain from our evolutionary journey. Scientists have analyzed and cataloged thousands of these traits, many of which are so fundamental most people don't even realize how pervasive they are. A lot of theredpill content is based off their research, but IMO reading the content secondhand is not as good as reading the original source. Anyway, what really changed me was the hundreds of pages dedicated to describing sex difference between men and woman. It starts out subtle at first, like noting studies show males have better geographical navigation skills than females (an evolutionary advantage for hunting); while females show faster location recall and object discerning (an advantage for foraging). But the real meat is the hundred pages of research describing male mating patterns vs female mating patterns. Researchers cite hundreds of studies showing statistically significant differences between the sexes, and can be explained by evolutionary theory.

It's not really one individual study that hits you, it's the constant barrage of small, tiny facts that pushes you away from liberalism. After reading more into the theory, I really understand why feminists fight so hard against Evolutionary biology: if the evolution is true, then men and women are fundamentally unequal and the goal of feminism (equality for men and women) is biologically impossible. Feminists discredit evolutionary biology because it's a threat to their existence.

Evobio made me realize liberals are pushing a biological and morally wrong ideology. And that's why I'm no longer a liberal.

Pic related is something from evobio - Have you ever wondered why people grow old and die? This is the evolutionary explanation of why this happens.

I grew up.

I was never a leftist, but I became a libertarian from browsing Sup Forums somehow, I'm getting even more libertarian as I grow up and meet people who's problems really are stemming from being on stuck on welfare for generations

I was born in Romania, i've had this way of thinking since before i was ever on Sup Forums

When I noticed it was more about dragging me down, rather then uplifting others.

I got quite sick of being the new Hitler for existing.

I realized I was a sub-human and that was why I was a total failure and a loser. I realized that outside whites everyone is just total savages including the chinks. I see the chinks doing the same shit as the niggers, stomping babys, killing for no reason, loving communism etc. I realized my subhuman halfbreed presence was destroying this beautiful white mans land and if I didn't devote my full time to spreading the message of the white gods then the only option I had was to kill myself to rid the earth of my inferior ways. I truly do hate myself and understand why I will never achieve anything and will always be a useless all consuming parasite, feeding off a civilization that is all encompassing and yet in no way mine. I thought if maybe I could make other savages see the way of the white I could do some good for the world. Nothing will ever make up for my race traitor half savage genetics, but maybe I can do something right for once in my entire life. Then I can die knowing that the world will not descend into the utter hell that is the nonwhites gutter whore copy of the whites majesty. Forgive me for taking up your resources with every second I arrogantly live. I only wish to do some good before my useless time is up.
I will do my best even though my inferior existence limits it to where I know it will be failure compared to you.

>grow up in 99% white affluent town
>never see any nigger except when traveling
>think diversity is a great idea and all the people need to live together in harmony
>move to the big city after graduating
>get confronted with these """people""" every day
>the hatred grows with each passing day
>sieg heil

>H.L. Mencken
I love Adorno and Ambrose Bierce, but cultural critics are by definition semi-incompetant hacks with a gift for expression. Mencken did everything he could to sound scurrilous, in the service of what agenda -- who knows, who cares -- journalists are professional language whores, the courtiers of the modern aristocracy. Mencken watched and talked shit while Mussolini did something in the world, for better or worse; I don't think Mussolini ever said anything about Mencken because he was a "literally who".

>My dislike is not of fascism so much as anti-semitism
It's incredible that you stuck your dick in a Jew, and let that bias you. I've stuck my dick in all sorts of crazy, but could never lie to myself about the reality of crazy my dick was faced with.

>We've talked about this before and I still disagree.
I really don't remember ever talking about this with an Aussie before here; it must be a common point of conflict you have with a number of anons here, unsurprisingly.




I didn't stop being a commie or socialist at least. It's retarded to see things in term of right vs left. Politics have dimensions. It's deeper than a 1D or even 2D compass layout.

I want safety for my fellow French, because that seems the most sensible and logical thing to do as a nation (of French people right). And I also don't want to live in a retarded world where if you screw up or aren't born with top conditions as the son/daughter of Trump you have little chance of rising. I want to ensure my fellow French get help just like that in cruising through life, which is lived only once.

He's a big guy


Growing up in Vancouver, unless you're home schooled and completely shut in, you have absolutely zero chance of not getting liberal ideologies shoved down your throat every day.

I was blind and "proud" to consider myself "tolerant" towards everything degenerate, and it wasn't until my last year of high school where I for some reason just started questioning whether or not I truly believed all the bullshit. I remember I was out at a McDonalds and I happened to be eating right as a Pride Parade was walking through and for some reason after that, just seeing those obviously mentally ill people, the promiscuity the fucking degeneracy and how there was kids in the audience laughing and thinking that this was a normal way of life, really brought me to the realization of how fucking blind and delusional I was for the sake of being accepted as tolerant.

I came back to the church I found Sup Forums started to focus on myself instead of blaming others for my faults (I'm a minority so you can imagine how much that "white privilege" nonsense I was indoctrinated to) and I've honestly never been so confident in myself and what I believe in in my entire life. I lost a lot of friends but made new ones that I trust dearly.

Taking the red-pill was the best thing that ever happened to me.

>It's incredible that you stuck your dick in a Jew, and let that bias you.
It's incredible that you think the Jews are exceptional. They were and are nothing but a high-IQ client population, like Nigerian Igbo in America and like the Normans in the UK. They're over-represented as bankers because they're over-represented in every profession. They're nepotistic because every race is nepotistic. You're not solving a long-term problem by choosing to kill them instead of deporting them, because the next high-IQ client population will turn up in a century or so.

I don't think that it's a good thing to have a high-IQ client population living within your borders. However, of all the proposed solutions to the Jewish Question, Hitler chose "invade a nation that's full of Jews then lock them in big cages and turn a blind eye when your subordinates start killing them". That decision fucked the right, it fucked fascism, it fucked traditionalism, and any hope of a near-future return to normality is now gone.

Let's not even get started on Stalingrad and Kursk and the long descent downwards.

how much of this have you read?

You should really read up on Chinese history, shit is based as fuck. I don't know how you could be a self-hating chink, i'm not a Chinaboo but they have an objectively awesome civilization (except commies).

>What happened to make you change your thinking?
I realized that idealism gets you a clear conscience but changes nothing.
And I am still libertarian, just not anywhere left.

I was already swaying right anyway economically but I saw what happened in Rotherham and that was the final straw in social policy. I'm pretty conservative now.

>used to be surrounded by SJW in school
>always ganged up on and made to feel bad for no reason, even though I knew I was never wrong
>redpill #byefelicias
>now making serious money, and found a much better group of friends in the process

funny how those who think for themselves always end up being right in the end

I was just fine with gay marriage and shit years ago, I didn't sign up for this politically correct, BLM, white people are the devil, everything is racist bullshit.

here's the thing though. it was easy for me, but we are an awesome self-selecting group of people. The real question is, how do we convince the normies to join our cool kids club?

tbqh senpai I'm still not quite sure how my own redpill happened.

If things had unfolded differently in my life I think I could still be on the blue pill right now, and I'm an uncommonly strong-willed person.
I could have been redpilled eventually, but it might have taken a lot longer, possibly after my life trajectory had taken a turn for the worse.

I can't imagine how difficult it must be for the average normie to swallow the redpill.