Something really depressing and unpleasant right there

Is it just me or is there something really horribly depressing about this country?
The more I visited Germany, the more I spoke with Germans (especially of lower class) the more I get this feeling.

I grew up with this myth of this superefficient European country where everything works, but it seems there is something really wrong underneath.
I cannot explain it in a very rational way tho, it's just a very unpleasant feeling, and MAYBE I'd feel the same about other culturally similar countries if I knew them more, I don't know.

No hate nor grudge in my words, i just feel sad for them.

It indeed sucks here except for a few spots and the countryside.
It also pretty much sucks to be german in general. But there are happy people here too.

>Is it just me or is there something really horribly depressing about this country?
not just you, i experienced the same thing.

>living as lower class is depressing
I never would have guessed.

Souless protestant work ethic kills them inside

>neither killing machines nor always perfect machines but human beings with problems themselves
Wow, this is deep.

Whatever the country, when you speak to a member of a lower class, you'll get that feeling. Its like that everywhere

That's because they don't feel proud of their country anymore.

The Dutch lower class is pretty fun.

Except Muslims.

The engine's running but there's nobody at the wheel.

but Bavaria is Catholic and it's rich as fuck

>That's because they don't feel proud of their country anymore.
yes this, too many immigrants, people are too old. the show is over

>and the sewers are all muddied with a thousand lonely suicides

I think every German feels that dark clouds are on the horizon. this is a sinking ship

>The engine's running but there's nobody at the wheel.

Germany is like a 5er BMW with a monkey as a chauffeur

>Have one of the highest GDPs in the world
>Rank in the top 20 of happiest country on earth
>Have had peace for more than a generation
>Have had steady increase of living quality
>German cities are among the top cities regarding living quality
Why would it be depressing?

I don't get that feeling here and I'm as working class as they come. I'm quite happy, the only people who can't say the same are 40+ year old alcoholics who drink their benefits away.

You need fascism desu.

This is the impression I got as well, although perhaps it's because I only visited Berlin. A lot of the Germans there (not the immigrants) seemed to kind of hate themselves. It was kind of sad.

they have destroyed our temple and killed our god

>hated by pretty much everyone in the western world and they live in a country that is only seen negatively in all aspects except "le rich economy"
>they start hating themselves

