Belgium happening

>on Fridaynight the cops searched 40 houses in Brussels, Ninove, Luik and Tubeke
>12 people were arrested, 9 of them were already released today
>the cops didn't find any weapons or explosions
>Just in: Brussels central station was evacuated by the police

So my guess is, since they didn't find any weapons or explosives and are only holding 3 guys, they are still looking for the actual terrorists who might already be on their way to France. Our media say they were planning on attacking a crowd of football fans who would be following the game on a big screen in Brussels

Other urls found in this thread:


I was in Brussels a week ago, and I thought nothing else than "just let it burn already"

Maybe 20% of the people who I saw were actually white and I had to eat kebab because there literally were no other restaurants.

Even the fucking EU buildings were in a middle of a ghetto. It was all a fucking ghetto

Not a chance.

Muzzies love football. Islamists would lose their support base if they disrupted euro2016.

Bump for Groot-Nederland, fuck you Belgium.

ISIS already shot up a Real Madrid fan club in Iraq a few weeks ago. These mussies hate football

Why is belgium the worst terro breeding ground?

Because it is - most likely, the least white country in Europe


>planning on attacking a crowd of football fans who would be following the game on a big screen in Brussels

how many attacks have to take place before we outlaw big screens.

common sense tv legislation. it's time.

TVs aren't the weapons though. Nor are schools.

I got you bro

No, I got you senpai-tachi.

Defunct government and socialists who pander to the muslims and allow them to do everything they want


So brave and resolute. We need more #leadership and #diversity like this.

Nice try. Now check these digits

Because it's the EUSSR headquarters.

Fuck you morocco no one wants you in Europe you scumfuck

Any reason the train station has been evacuated?

'Suspicious package'

Pics from the trip?

Because of your cumsucking scum from poor neighbourhoods, our government took all the shitty ones from your country.

See now I'm imagining KEK as the anchor of a local action news team that makes it's own crises.

you sound mad
france and uk do the same although in different way, why arent there more bombers from the uk, could it be the assault spoon regulation?

Sounds disgusting, were you on a business trip?

This is literally all I have. I never really take pics while abroad, this pic was timestamped for a thread lmao

Too bad. I would be nice to get pictures of that show the real situation of Europe.

The tension will be pushing for a happening. I'm surprised that they didn't find anything. It might actually happen

Kind of, I had stuff to do in Amsterdam and Paris, so i drove through Brussels.

The UK is an island and they control their borders.

We are in the continent and are forbidden from exercising control (though we do some form, just last week I got for the first time an ID check in a French airport for coming from a Schengen flight).

So, the problem is the terrorists only need to live in another Schengen country because making information travel between big, different, state operated structures is hard and then come to attack us.

Oh wait, it's actually what they're doing by being stationed in Belgium (mostly) and Germany.


Because of your people.

Did you get any souvenirs?

Other than the diarrhea from the kebab, no

He maybe got a local mosque figurine, couscous recipe and well tailored hijab for his sister.

That's what the culture is like there.

Brussels here, Finland speaks the truth. Just fucking nuke us already, please.

10+ years ago, stats showed 25% Muslim population. Now I bet it's over 50%, but there's no recent census data.

Kebab shops everywhere. I saw a guy with a Turkish flag as a cape on Friday night, harassing some white women. I also saw a car painted with a Turkish flag on the back. Fucking kill me.

Kind of hard to film anything red pilling, when its day the shitskins are mostly peaceful and at night, it's pretty dangerous out there.

I spent the night in Brussels in a less-than-average hotel, I didn't even want to open the window. I heard a lot of Islamic music, painful screaming and gunshots outside

border control isn't the right answer (well it is , for some issues but not this one) : those guys are born in belgium (or france), they went to the republic's school or whatever they call it in belgium, got radicalised in your prisons/mosques or on the net (with the occasionnal syrian humanitarian field trip)...
See where i'm going? save for kicking out the entire muslim community and banning the religion, the attacks won't stop, even if you'd forbid entry to every single muslim

Next time nab a fat pidgeon then eat it.
Don't say that me, I was 12 on my family trip to Paris in 2006, things looked fine.

All I can recall was seeing gyspys in the fountain behind the Eiffel Tower, I swam with them too, probably got ring worm.

Lol I had an old French man curse at me when he saw me flip a euro off the tower.

Then why not just ask a Belgian?

I feel a lot of sympathy for the average Belgian. From what I saw when I was there, 2 distinct populations, that never really saw eye to eye, and at the official level almost had nothing to do with the others business. Despite this the country functioned adequately.

Now throw in some north Africans whose lifestyle is completely incompatible with the countries way of life. Suddenly Belgium realizes they dont have the infrastructure or the capability to monitor any toerags in this group. But even if they could properly police these guys they wouldn't, because they are scared of inflaming the situation even more.

I shake my head. A country that has given the world some amazing art and architecture, has been festering for the last few decades and now just stinks of a mixture of falafel, goat meat, hookah and piss.

Is still better than Sweden though, because unlike the Swedes there are plenty of Belgians who are trying to figure out a way out of this mess.

Gunshots? Nigga, where the fuck in Brussels you been?

Obviously the end game is recognizing islam as what it is: clearly incompatible with the laws and values of the republic. But in the meantime more control is a necessary minimum aid band, that UK has.

Just for the fact that it's misogynistic in nature, enforces the hate of infidels and their death, no music, ..., and all this is the direct command of god according to muslims and therefore cannot be questioned. (in fact historical proofs show it was written way later and emanates from humans)

This means you cannot do with islam what we did with christianism, such as slightly adapt some passages to the modern times. Although anyway Christianism is an actual religion of peace and was therefore never much of a problem.

Interesting - I was in Paris as well in 2006 when I was 9 yo. I don't know if my red pilled eye can see all the shit now, but back then Paris looked fine to me. When I was there a week ago, it was pretty bad.

The only thing that I remember vividly is the french girl working at the kiosk under the Eiffel tower, she made me go HNNNGGGGG

>going to Sup Forums
Kill yourself

>it's the racist white man's fault

fuck off achmed, your religion promotes this
day of the rope can't come any sooner

Koekelberg, was it a bad place?

The finnish Sup Forums is less cancer. I never go to it on Sup Forums

>save for kicking out the entire muslim community and banning the religion, the attacks won't stop, even if you'd forbid entry to every single muslim

Pls, if there are no muslims there will no be attacks. I don't see terrorist attacks in Japan or Peru, but I see them in France, Nigeria, Kenya, Pakistan and Indonesia.

Take pics please, Finland had fuck all. As an Ausfag I'm very curious as to how Europe looks these days.

Imagine Bagdad with European architecture

Unless I'd film a rape, the footage wouldn't be too interesting. Brussels is like this:

Imagine a city that looks like Paris and its beautiful old buildings. The old buildings were stunning back in the day, but now they're run down, falling apart, walls filled with graffiti and all surrounded by shitskins.

Essientially; it was great back in the day but after the shitskin invasion it looks like Ravenholm in HL2

yeah the "uncreated" thing is the worst obstacle muslims will have to face if they ever want to grow as a civilisation
please i'm just trying to think of a solution, i'm not shifting the blame: the point is they come from within, not from morocco, afghanistan or whatever
yes but they are here (in europe) and unless you're a retard you know your democracies won't be able to kick out millions of muzzies, civil war will come before that

They don't come from within. They are no spaniards, britons, french, belgians... no. They are descendants of middle easterns and maghrebis. They will never be europeans.

And yes, I know we will have to kick them out by force.

The ones that assimilates are the ones that leave Islam (thankfully, a rather large number). The problem is truly with this cancerous religion above all.

Arrest and detain any person with a Muslim sounding name.

Boom. I solved all of the West's problems.

I forgot, also put a bullet in the head of any western white cucks who protest their detainment.

Just thinking of this: If Belgium go full muslim there won't be beer brewing from them all of the best beer in the world won't exist anymore.
Truly awful, I can't live in a world like this

yup, but i'm afraid no amount of attacks will ever be enough to justify a ban on the religion itself, that would mean touching the constitutions, HR declaration etc...
now this is a dreadful perspective indeed

That don't assures that their children (that will always have a identitarian problem because they are from another ethnic background that french people) will again embrace islam

Don't kill them, just arrest them as well, and charge them with conspiring with terrorists, since they are cucks the others will shut up instantly.

and where do you put the millions of people you just rounded up, with what money?

>9 yo

Damn man, I'm getting old as fuck.

I suppose a tsunami of durkas found their way in between then and now. There was a thread a few weeks ago, French user lived in a nice neighborhood inside Paris since childhood, all the drug dealers and gang members are recent. I remember he posted about the old people not able to walk outside anymore, and the police did fuck all about the situation. They actually refused to help any of them.

Lurking that thread was very blood boiling, now I'm aware of the overly-stated "racewar now" meme. By some miracle if one occurs, I only hope I'm not too old to volunteer.

>Looks at Russia

I don't know annon, there's always thing that need to be built with cheap labour.

They would or can. You can help conversion to Christianism (some do in fact). Or you can sell the few based identities that are from their places, such as the Harki who are true french patriots and which we sadly fucked over.

It's only a matter of narrative. Strengthen your opinions, show the kids of those people they have a place in society and above all, ban the spread of that cancerous religion named Islam and there wouldn't be any problem. Not only do we allow radicals and islam to live freely while creating and spreading hate inside our societies, but we also do not try to give good examples to these children (e.g. Harkis).

Pls we need to at least save the belgian beer. Fuck this gay earth if it disappears.

eh, i rather have a strong independent flanders.
Pretty much everything of economic importance that brings in the money is on flemish land.
we even are in the top 10 of biggest ports in the world.
Flanders is actualy so wealthy that whe have been keeping wallonia from bankruptcy for decades now.

So we dont need nederlands, we can do just fine on our own.

The ocean, survivors are awarded a jail cell, dead muslims will feed the ecosystem.

Genocide can be nature friendly.


Tell us about it gramps

The money the white working class creates paying taxes into a broken system.

> By some miracle if one occurs

Sadly, it won't. There are far more brainwashed teenagers out there and the ones that are growing up right now are even worst.

Sure, there will be some protests here and there, a couple of guys getting arrested for racism and hate speech, maybe a false flag (see UK) to trigger the left even more ... but a large scale event will not happen if things continue to unfold as they have, until now.

if this was hoi there would be a "totalitarian or fascist" condition on that option senpai, so you need to change the government first (and not just electing Marine)

check it

>mfw I've been playing hoi4 for the last 12 hours and I'm just taking a brake

Also, protip for easy win as Germany: invade Netherlands, swim in rubber


That is exactly what happened with the shitskin that blow himself up at bruxel's airport.


>european raqqa 2.0

as if winning as germany was hard, step up son
nowhere near enough, unless you bleed them dry
geez i know it's cherrypicking but most streets here have less hijabs

I'll only vote to join NL when Geert's in charge

Ou boi. Happening soon. I would not be surprised if it would happen today. Police is on their track, they must act fast. I'm sure explowsives are already at their final hideout. Action tonight brothers

Yeah, brainwashing, staple influence needed to control the youth then the country. The open source and massive data within the web has the power to show them truth, I could never figure how people never utilized it like Sup Forums. Then I thought maybe people choose to believe comforting lies.

It's clear I can't quite grasp or even know what they teach the youth in Europe for the situation to get this far. But it must be some powerful shit.

It would not mean touching the constitution ? In fact an audit of that book can prove already quite simply that it is anti constitutional.

>Article 1:
>La loi favorise l’égal accès des femmes et des hommes aux mandats électoraux et fonctions électives, ainsi qu’aux responsabilités professionnelles et sociales.

Islam is against that.

>Article 3:
>La souveraineté nationale appartient au peuple qui l’exerce par ses représentants et par la voie du référendum.
>Aucune section du peuple ni aucun individu ne peut s’en attribuer l’exercice.

Islam wants another sovereignty for their own community (under sharia law).

These are only from the first examples.

Also, we respect (supposedly) by the word the Declaration of the Human Rights, here is some of the relevant articles that islam breaches:
>Article Ier
>Les hommes naissent et demeurent libres et égaux en droits. Les distinctions sociales ne peuvent être fondées que sur l’utilité commune.
>Article III
>Le principe de toute Souveraineté réside essentiellement dans la Nation. Nul corps, nul individu ne peut exercer d’autorité qui n’en émane expressément.
>Article IV
>La liberté consiste à pouvoir faire tout ce qui ne nuit pas à autrui : ainsi, l’exercice des droits naturels de chaque homme n’a de bornes que celles qui assurent aux autres Membres de la Société, la jouissance de ces mêmes droits. Ces
bornes ne peuvent être déterminées que par la Loi.
>Article V
>La Loi n’a le droit de défendre que les actions nuisibles à la Société. Tout ce qui n’est pas défendu par la Loi ne peut être empêché, et nul ne peut être contraint à faire ce qu’elle n’ordonne pas.

Reposted because fscked up formatting.

>maybe people choose to believe comforting lies

The exact definition of blue-pillin'. Most people truly live their lives in their own goddamn bubble, whilst constantly getting fed disinfo and entertainment, effectively making them drones.

As far as I'm concerned, the indoctrination usually starts in the Universities, mainly because most of the teachers are ex-commies or very leftist in thought. And when I'm saying ex-commies, I'm not only referring to my country, but all of Europe. Communism has successfully infiltrated every corner of the academia across the continent and there's nothing we can do about it.

Sad thing is, in Western Europe, they have already started the indoctrination in young kids, as young as kindergarden age. From pictures in their manuals changed into something more appropriate, to stories getting hashed because they are too conservative and whatnot ...

It's truly a golden age.

Well, seeing it as it is, Islam is against most of the core principles that all of the European countries follow.

Yes, Islam acts against your constitution. The problem is, no one gives a shit about it. The double-standards have prevailed all protesters to achieve something.

We have the perfect example in the US - "Black Lives Matter". They don't care about us, they don't care about our culture. They only care about themselves, while we care about EVERYTHING, except ourselves.

Hell, even when the muzzies go on the streets to celebrate another terrorist attack, or when they protest against the state because they can't follow some stupid god damn rules ... not even then will your people do anything about it, except yell "WHALECUM RAPEFUGEEEEES"

Shit that's fucked

I really wanted to believe some opposition would manifest. I'm still so immature, I like to rationalize my personality with daydreams concerning death squads cleansing the streets by each house and block. I still wonder how many others think like me, could some insane and troubled youths bring attention to the debacle? We'd cause more harm than good, yet is silently watching doing nothing gaurenting a better answer somewhere in time?


I think it would be quite simple to do it. It's just that PC bullshit has overtaken us and our retarded governments for the last 40 years have been too weak to do anything.

Look at De Gaulle. He knew clearly all of that stuff.

you might actually be onto something, thanks for the effort in answering. But even after proving that sharia law etc is unconstitutionnal we would need poland-tier anti muslim momentum to outlaw it. Anyway was nice talking about that, but someone has to make lunch
good luck european bros

Same here. See ya Morocco. Good luck surviving as a non muslim in your country.

>Look at De Gaulle

Looking back at most of the world leaders back in WW2 or slightly before that, I came to the conclusion that a long period of lasting peace will do more harm to humanity than a period of active wars or geopolitical instability.

Hell, your retarded governments have been going full ape for the last 40 years. Why? Because of the American Entertainment system that you have all adopted, an entertainment system actively ran by jews.

The rest of Europe, mainly the Eastern part, has been shielded by this so called "media", because we had no access to it. We only had state-run propaganda, that everybody despised, and a few cartoons in Russian. That was all of the media, up until the 90's !

We're slowly getting there, but I'm glad as fuck that I wasn't raised in a Western society.


Also, nice quads, brah

Sup Forums, how do I join the 1% elite-ownership class?

> be me
> white-collar professional
> realize all of my exes were pumped and dumped by millionaires before meeting me
> realize I'm a slave
> realize I have no power

Is $550,000/yr and lots of children too much to ask?

I know. We tried to repel that only for the last presidents to come to remove it and noone cared. It was the same with Nato. We had began to create a third way and were removed from it only to have Sarkozy and Hollande, complete pro-burger nuts change that completly (although it was to a lesser extent already).

I think the problem is with democracy. I believe more in letting the competent people rule, akin to having a philosopher king (or the modern equivalent), with various assemblies depending the matter at hand (e.g. a mix of informaticians, lawyers, scientists, economists and some voluntary dudes for decisions related to Internet governance).

>Pretty much everything of economic importance that brings in the money is on flemish land.
>we even are in the top 10 of biggest ports in the world.

Antwerp is surrounded by dutch territory though. Being in the same country would guarantee Antwerp's success in the future

Also your roads are shit

Doesn't look that bad Does it?
It's north Brussels here

Brah, that looks comfy, yet something's missing. Where are the minarets?

>pic related

Give or take a few angles, but that's what I see every fucking day when I wake up.

Switzerland, Japan, Denmark, Austria, Italy have been in peace for a long time without much degeneracy.




worst kind of socialists, their whole culture is a degeneracy. Have you been to Italy lately? If that's what the Romans are, then fuck the Romans.


Mountain-jews, to the core. Isn't greed a form of degeneracy?


Kek. Vienna looks like a nice city has been completely abandoned by the whites and suddenly, a massive horde of brown people have inhabited the area. A complete shithole, filled with degeneracy

What I'm trying to say here is, just look at all of these countries. What do most of them have in common?