How do we save them?

How do we save them?

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Merciless bullying. Only the strong survive.

zyklon B for the males

impregnation by gen y for the females

>impregnation by gen y for the females
Gen Y are millennials

We don't, the ones worth saving are the ones who can save themselves.

No they're not, you stupid millennial. Why do you think we had to make up a new word for you?

gen y are millennials numbnuts

you cannot they are the final evolution of the plague know as humanity millennials will destroy civilization,and finally them selves bring peace to mother nature

National draft

1. School uniforms from grade school up
2. Two years military conscription or public service (infrastructure construction, e.g.) mandatory
3. Proven level of knowledge regarding world history and geography.

We only do the first one here, lamentably.

get our job back, give us the opportunity to buy a house and start a family.

Millenials, everyone.

Orwellian Marxist Relativist Jew-educated Faggots, everyone.


These fucks pull the others down with all their free stuff shit.

Best solution would be to start a new nation.

Thank god, literally thought my generation was the millennials
>1992, thanks user

I know you are but what am I?

You are a millennial.

We aren't the ones that need saving, on the contrary, we are saving you.

Millennials (also known as the Millennial Generation[1] or Generation Y, abbreviated to Gen Y) are the demographic cohort following Generation X. There are no precise dates for when the generation starts and ends; most researchers and commentators use birth years ranging from the early 1980s to around 2000.

fucking retards, i guarantee most of you bitching about millenials are millenials

trial by fire

I laughed at this post and checked those dubs but bullying really isn't the answer to all this hugbox shit that millennials love. Bullying destroys people, especially when they're young. Some people come out "stronger" and thicker skinned for it, but they also come out jaded, bitter, distrustful and full of personal and social problems to go with it.

What? I want off this roller coaster, what's the gen y range then?

Op here. Finally someone with a functional brain in this thread.

Not long ago when I hung out more often on /fit/ some young guy posted a selfie asking for an honest critique. So I gave him one, not intending to be nasty or anything but just thorough and helpful. His response:

>no bully

I think bully has to be a key part of the plan.

Millenials in France is the most redpilled generation to have lived, voting in majority for FN.

The true question is how do we save burgers ? They're drowning in their own degeneracy.

Somebody finally cited Jewpedia to be Right on the Internet (tm)

Exact same as millennial, 82-2000

Oh, you're retarded

>implying its millenials fault
protip: decline of western society is baby boomer achievement

Said the guy who is too fucking stupid to know that Gen Y is just another name for Millennial, even after it's clearly spelled out. People like you are the reason people have a poor opinion of Millennials.

Purge them all.

Ah, well that's all part of the divide and conquer plan to turn the mellenials into a communist revolutionary force against the perceived enemy and then have everything run by the state according to the new purging system they themselves helped establish.

But not without suffering even more first, of course.

You're older than 36 yo ? Or younger than 16 ? If the latter, leave before the ban reaches you.

Shut down Tumblr and the millennial PC age will begin to crumble

>millennial topic
>most are too stupid to realize they're millennials while using the most power knowledge tool in the world

Gee Op, who knows why this Gen is fucked?

Generation X and boomers are a bunch of useless wage cucks who fell for both the marriage and mortgage scams and are now barely surviving off their meager pension voting Democrat in hopes they'll add to it.

Normally i'd say we should wait for them to grow up, but the damage that
--an entire generation who are so coddled and entitled that they think their feelings are more important than other peoples rights--
can do, and already have done, is intolerable.

Tolerance and complacency are dying societies' last virtues.

what do you think who is responsible for debt increase and open border policies??

babyboomers acquired capital and now they want cheap labor to enjoy it until they die.

Also, they've elegantly transferred all the debt on us via jewish monetary system.

The Jews are ultimately responsible. Boomers, like the dipshits who run up debt they should know better than to run up, are the useless idiots in this case.

Born 1983. Thought I was Gen Y

How old is a millennial this year? I thought about 19-27. those ones...

These all sound decent. The biggest thing missing from this society in terms of how we rear our youth (dont say child beating, fuckers) is initiation. Ancient societies would have 13-20 year olds do a gladiator fight, go hunt a lion, survive the wilderness for 2 weeks, or solve some crazy puzzle or ritual to the Gods. I'm not saying we don't have rituals, but we have no effective or recognized rituals. A high school diploma is NOT a ritual or initiation. We don't teach young boys and girls how to fucking be women and men. Women then become sluts, and men become either basement dwelling faggots/betas, or they become nigger-tier Chad shitstains. No solid mensch left.

I don't really know what a good initiation process might look like, but I think initiation of the youth rather than letting tumblr initiate them might be a good start.

>power knowledge tool

in all seriousness...
Born in 83. No Facebook acct. No Twitter acct. No tumbler. No tinder. yes job. yes wife. yes house. yes car. yes trade certificate. yes children. yes they go school.

so the other cunts my age who answer yes to my no and no to my yes, are these the problem.? or me as well? I seriously thought I was Gen Y (graduated before 2000)

I'd call you Y. I'm earlier enough to be in a grey area with X, although that affords me the opportunity to relate easily to both groups.

piss them off
this exactly, toughen them up

uh yeah exactly, like he fucking said, "only the strong survive" which will be the ones who become stronger from the experience rather than develop more problems. of course youre talking about jaded, bitter, distrustful people. you're in fucking britain, all the optimists moved here

>survive bullying


Listen up you weasel-dick cunts

Compulsory Military Service

yeah well you know the sensitivity of millennials, they act like it is a serious threat to their sanity and lives

fuck off Boomer it was YOU who gave us this shitty world to inherit.

why should I participate in a society that has rejected me from the word go and has been rigged from the start to fuck me?


Thought I was an overly accommodated silver spooning emotionally retarded work averted layabouting basement dwelling meme wallowing leftist kike shill raised on Faggots Milk and Internet Hugs
Forgoes self interpretation and free thought for MemeSpeak and Sheep think whilst worshipping the almighty Shekel unknowingly believing it to be Freedom from Cultural Appropriation and Our Horrific Nazi Past and Japanese Peace.

thanks for setting my mind at ease...

>tfw millenial

No probs. Aversion to work, dwelling in basements, and memes are truly cross-generational.

I moved back into a basement myself the other year and it's great. Only thing I haven't done in a while is masturbate to anime. Hawt as it is, it always just takes too long to find the right thing to get over the edge.

We all got fucked mate.Thats the coming of age.

"when I was just a little boy, standing to my daddy's knee, daddy said Son don't let the man get ya down, do what he done to me, cause he'll get ya down, oh lord he will get ya"

written a decade before my time. True for every generation before or since. But attacking the problem, that's what defines us. And fixing just a small part of it, before we pass it to our kids, that's what we will be remembered for.

there's nothing for millenials to consume except digital content, that's the most retarded fucking concept imaginable. previous generations were rewarded with tangible goods that were worth working hard for. now not so much. can't even buy a fucking stereo that's worth a damn unless you're rich enough to drop the kind of money that could get you a new midsize family car

What's the problem with it? Why do a lot of millennials want to deny that they're millennials, anyway? It doesn't have to be a bad thing unless if you make it a problem yourself.

>it's a millennial discussing what to do about millennials with other millennials episode

and thanks to apple, consumer goods have become more shit than can be possibly tolerated while quality goods are only attainable to the wealthy, a concept that apple started gravitating towards and marketing their products to a market who's willing to pay for the brand instead of something that was meant to be for everyone like the original apple



>power knowledge tool

The internet. Memes aside, our generation is in possession of the most powerful tool for learning in human history. When people aren't busy searching for cats, porn, or meme shit. One could truly acquire vast amounts of knowledge.

But yea using the rough 80-00 term you'd fall under Millennial. As for the problems, its not an easy answer and its a multitude of factors on a global scale dating back decades.

yeah if prostitution were legal worldwide and the internet wasn't full of sexually frustrated males constantly watching porn and fapping

91 fag here we're basically fucked

look at gen x

look at gen z 1995 and younger they are absolutely doomed

ill just watch laughing from my comfy hill

gen x is going to rule the world. and we're going to be more ruthless than the boomers

wait i meant gen y, fuck

Just destroy the SJW movement.

How is gen z doomed?
t. user born in 1997

dw I'm not cucked and I support Donald

Starve the boomers to death and allow a functional middle class to return..not a solution, but a start

Ding ding ding.

Did you know you have a water footprint and a carbon footprint in the global medical database that will determine the worth of your life based in part on your resource consumption? And that's exactly what they've been intentionally memeing into the children because children are of course most memeable.

Can you name which of pic related's brothers was one of the principle architects of Obamacare and who wrote a certain article in The Atlantic about how it's going to work?