Question for muricans, strayans, brazilians, etc

Question for muricans, strayans, brazilians, etc

All memes asides from X isn't Y race.

When you think at this moment about colonialism and that you're on a land that used to belong to someone else, do you honestly feel like and invader, do you ever think that you're shitting on soeone else lawn or do you feel like it's your lawn ?

EVERYONE is on land that used to belong to someone else

Not me

Not me.

Finland was ours from at least 80 000 bc

I don't think about it and I don't care honestly I consider it my country as much as the aboriginals.

honestly yes sometimes i do
but then i remember that aboriginals were not even considered human when we arrived here and it just shows how smart white man is that he could live in such a fucked country


>We "New Worlders" have to respect the culture and traditions of the indigenous peoples.
>You "Old Worlders" need to change your traditions and culture to be more welcoming to immigrants
We just have a different flavour of the same insanity.

If you cannot defend your land through military, economic, legal or diplomatic means then it is not your land.

>do you honestly feel like and invader, do you ever think that you're shitting on soeone else lawn or do you feel like it's your lawn ?

Nope. Abos had 40,000 years to develop things like language, writing, the wheel, a means to protect the land they supposedly care so much about, but they didn't.

Fuck 'em.

You act like somewhere down yourc tree there wasnt inter tribal warfare. I guarantee you that sometime someone in you line killed someonecand took there land.

Oh please Mr. American, tell me about my own history.
Finns didn't have tribal warfare. We've always been a peaceful, proud WHITE country for millions of years.

When Mexicans finally retake what is theirs, the back of the Anglo menace will finally be broken.


Aren't you on Muslim land faggot?
Didn't you colonize South America?
Shouldn't you just off yourself for all of the sins of your ancestors?

Hey if you're Christian you're even bad at that for insulting Americans for original sin.

Holy fuck you're a Neanderthal? Because Sapiens didn't leave Africa until 55000 ya, and Caucasians didn't appear until 25000 years ago, and unless you have dark eyes and are lactose intolerant, both your superior night vision and milk drinking capabilities come from the original inhabitants getting btfo by invaders from the pontic steppe 6000 ya.

>greatest education system in the world

Since humans originated in Africa then spread across the globe, everyone except the people living in East Africa were invaders of other areas. All lands were once populated by other people.

Sure thing ghengis. For tens of thousands of years your peoplr peacefully coexisted with everyone. Thst is finns didnt even have weapons until russia invaded in ww2

Cuck me like a Swede, I fell for the bait. Fuck you, Linus.

Well for us burgers the Indians sold their land for shiny beads so yes it is mine

Careful OBrien or Irish internment camps are next. We might just decide to help the UK unite all of the Brittish isles again.

Mt. Rushmore isn't supposed to be of the founding fathers. Roosevelt and Lincoln aren't founding fathers. Retarded image.

>Humans spread out from Africa killing all the humans they found on their way
American education at its tip top.

That would be for the Mexicans to decide, wouldn't it?

I don't think about them at all. What is done is done.

The laps were only first in the north-east where they still live. Get out of the southern part first.

Well in many areas there were neandertals prior to humans which were kinda like people. Also the migration took millenia which means small tribes would enter an area andcthen spend generstions there and the msybe later move on after being driven out by other humans.

>humans were the only homonid

Irish education, traditionally found at the bottom of a bottle.

St. Patrick's day is officially canceled.

the OG's were white vikings.

Its rated higher than yours.
We are an Island. we didn't kill anyone when we came here. We did fight among ourselves of course but that was a family matter. We are still the natives and we don't owe our country to anyone else.

Take your "liberal" genocidal arguments elsewhere.

In the US? I guess all the whites are gone from your country then.

Neaderthals and Homo Erectus left some hundred thousand years before and had comparatively limited ranges.

Homo Sapiens left Africa in multiple stages though, you are right.

Neanderthals never touched Ireland or much of Northern Europe.

I feel like a winner. Or atleast bred from winning stock.

If you can't defend it, you can't own it.

When you look at history its loaded with people conquering land. The important thing is what you do with it.

America made the constitution and bill of rights. Aztecs were ripping people in half for blood gods.

The other injuns didn't seem like too terrible people but I think once 90% of a population is wiped out by disease, its not hard for a (mostly) religious people to think it was all pre-ordained. As shitty as that sounds.

But I think at the end of the day, America has done more for the world than if it had just continued on as it has. We are the top donator in aid across the globe and currently the last bastion of free speech. As long as we don't fuck up these next 8 years we should be able to continue on being awesome.

But I would totally be down to give native americans something back but the rampant spread of alcoholism, drug abuse and suicide makes it hard to just throw money at them.

>feeling guilty over something people did who have been dead for hundreds of years

The unfortunate truth is that the natives in America are a broken people and there is nothing to be done about it. Even the Proud Native American™ who decries the abuse of the people when sports teams use them as mascots are broken, possibly more so than the ones who merely drown themselves in alcohol and drugs.

At this point, I feel like it's my lawn. However I can acknowledge that I inherited many benefits born out of gross injustice and dispossession.