Just finished watching this garbage. Need to rant

Just finished watching this garbage. Need to rant.

This is the worst kind of show, one that masquerades as being intelligent and high-concept, but is actually just a convoluted mess of vague ideas and "mystery" shuffled about to create an alphabet stew of tired sci-fi tropes.

There was some interesting plotlines around the nature of AI and conscience, but the cases of errant fucking stupidity just kept stacking up.

>Hosts cannot kill or seriously harm humans - oh wait I guess they can whoops
>Hosts have a stupid high ceiling of intelligence, pain tolerance, strength etc that can be swiped to max on the nearest iPad without security clearance
>while I'm at it THE WHOLE FUCKING PLOT with the black whore and the two inconceivably retarded butchers was so fucking agonisingly stupid it hurt
>like I literally feel like I missed a vital plot point where she gains leverage over them somehow, like just get mini-Hemsworth to shoot her in the head, cut it off, then microwave it
>the voice commands, like everything else, only work or not if the plot calls for it
>why even have a fucking security department when all sorts of ominous shit is going down constantly and they just stand around playing Tetris on their iPads, literally Norton internet security would have done a better job ffs
>when shit finally does go down, a squad of trained security professionals with future guns gets taken down by a spic and a woman from the 1800's with the help of the worlds oldest horror tropes

Like there is so much more shit I can nitpick it would take me forever. Did the previous Westworld massacre not happen in the tv show universe? Do any of other "AI is dangerous yo" movies exist at all? Because every character in the show is stumbling around like a tranquillised retarded midget on an active minefield.

God I'm fucking riled. What makes it worse is that I bet normies are praising it for being "deep" because they still haven't really worked out what happened.

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hmm yeah

I liked it, was fun.


It was shit

I think pretty much everybody has the same conclusion. I literally stopped giving a shit after the 3rd episode. I skipped forward to the final and it was a shitshow trope city that made me wince more then anything.

Look this is just like other Nolan films. You hit the nail on the head - it's pseudo-intellectual art at it's finest and tricks plebs into thinking its deep.

But it's well produced, well acted, high quality and interesting. It's like inception or interstellar - better than most big budget movies/tv in terms of overall quality, acting, and creativity.

You have to walk into it either accepting that and enjoy it, or if you're looking for something with more depth, you should really know better.

>it's well produced, well acted, high quality and interesting
It was literally none of those things.

I'm with you, but the Leftovers was worse. Sup Forums has still not accepted how fucking stupid and pointless it was.

Hello nu/tv/! Enjoying your pleb tastes this evening?

the threads on here when it was airing pretty much figured out all the lame twists by the fourth episode

i thought the show was alright, the acting was mostly fine, but it's typical nolan crap of stacking twists on top of twists and tricking idiots into believing it's written well. they do the same shit in everything they write, you try and figure out what the twist will be and then figure out what the twist will be on top of that one. it's lame.

I dunno user, it seemed pretty cool to me. The whole point about the show was that the hosts don't actually have hard rules as hosts, they have hard rules in the games they are subjected to playing. Their goal is to find sapience by finding a way to escape the game rather than being instructed to play it. That's why they can kill. Westworld isn't for the people who visit, it's a big ass convoluted hyper turing test for the robots.
It's a pretty cool concept.

I just wish they'd stayed on the whole AI and are they alive, can they feel pain and have memories.

The two timelines wasn't needed. The whole we can increase your strength, intelligence and other abilities to superhuman levels, wasn't needed.

What was needed, was ordinary humans interacting with hosts, and Hopkins interacting with the discarded hosts, and Arnold as a red herring.

Back in the day when they made the original westworld this was enough, and it was good. Explore the story you have, don't go fucking multilevel multirule fuckery that you are going to bungle and fumble to a mess that you need a wikipedia to make sense out of.

If Jaws was made today, there would be 12 shark hunters, three sharks, no boat, and on land, with the sharks as a metafor for time travel.

the two timeline thing was such a cheap trick. i didn't want to believe that 'theory' at first because it was just so fucking stupid.

Snekfu though

>when shit finally does go down, a squad of trained security professionals with future guns gets taken down by a spic and a woman from the 1800's with the help of the worlds oldest horror tropes

Fucking this. After Hector and Armistice had killed all the other security guys, they still tried to shut them off and not shoot them. That scene was beyond stupid.

>tfw to smurt for westworld

I picked up pretty early that the black guy was Arnold, but kept guessing how they would pull that off. But then they throw in the whole fucking mess with two timelines and that he is a host. Fucking hell.

It was simple intrigue story. With existential dilemmas, write good dialogue and thought provoking and risque scenarios and you are golden.

I thought it made a lot of sense and good explanation for how we had the hosts in two places at once, and why it seemed like some hosts would die and be back in westworld the very next day (when in reality they could have been in the lab being reworked on for weeks because we were seeing the story from different points in time).

I feel like if there weren't separate timelines, we would have had a lot of visible plotholes with things like Dolores' location.


It makes sense, they put all the clues there. Even robots hurting humans is logical since they said that deeper parts of the park would allow for more extreme experiences.

Seems like you just binge watched while watching porn and are now complaining about how nothing makes sense.

>angry that it was easy to change maeve's settings
>ford specifically designed maeves storyline to escape/cause mayham

Ford allowed maeve to be easily edited. Did that go over your head?

Well, it's not a reality tv show, so it really doesn't matter how long Dolores is in the shop, you can pick up where ever you want.

I get that, it's actually the one overarching concept I find engaging. But having such a vital rule "robots can't kill humans", so flippantly ignored for the sake of blood spatter and ebin MMA arm snaps is infuriating. Is there no government or scientific oversight on this place?

i'm not saying it doesn't make sense, because it does make sense. i didn't want to accept it because i just think it's a lame trick. the moment i accepted it was when ed harris recognizes the host that will first met when he was getting ready to enter the park. i just rolled my eyes and accepted it at that point.

Devil trips of truth.

You didn't miss anything with Maeve gaining leverage. It's the dumbest plotline of the decade.

Oh, and remember how Hemsworth said "It's my job to notice these things"? What a fucking joke of an 'intelligent' show

The plot point with the black brothel mistress was that the Asian guy accidentally gave her sentience by messing around with the code to give an android bird life. He's the tinkering engineer that accidentally invents something amazing. However after this, someone discovers that the Mistress lady is alive and reprograms her storyline such that her game is escaping Westworld. It's not explicitly stated in the show, but most likely what happened is the old white dude that runs the park saw the edits to her code since he can see everything and had Arnold edit her storyline be escaping the park so he could have another game where he has the androids becoming totally aware of their situation. It was all planned by the old dude. Every last detail was part of the game for the robots to play to become sentient and totally independent. Dolores was part of the long 35 year game, and the Asian guy was someone who tinkered and did something neither of the two partners ever did with his own hands instead of having the machines fuck around aimlessly. The old guy just made another game to make sure that what the Asian guy did was legit, just like how he did extra tests on Dolores when Arnold thought she was completely there.

>Hosts cannot kill or seriously harm humans - oh wait I guess they can whoops

Boy you're off to a shitty start when they elaborate on why hosts can harm humans. Did you really think this was witty insight?

But you don't need convoluted 4d chess playing to tell that story. The Wire is fucking epic show, and it's pretty much about a giant turing test of human survival, and it achieves everything it aims without having the shit WW had.

You can write complex things without nesting a puzzle hidden in a conundrum wrapped in an enigma.

It wasn't ignored though. The rule never existed. The robots are playing a game where the rule is "find a way to exit game x and get to the center of the maze" where game x is "do random storyline shit in the wild west and without killing humans". The robots themselves have no hard programmed code in them that says "don't kill humans". The show was pretty clear with the robots always repeating how "the maze is no for you".

Only thing that I was left thinking after the show. Was about the roles of Arnold and Hopkins. Did Arnold want the hosts to have sentience in the park, but Hopkins thought that fuck it, they are sentient and they should be where the fuck they wish to be. Because that was only thing that was left to intrigue me.

But season 2 most probably will be that the hosts are sentient and WW will become "the most dangerous hunt" park where humans go to shoot non human hosts. Or something stupid like that.

that's just how the nolans write. everything needs to be a puzzle. they put in all this shit because having twists and puzzles distracts people from everything else, like the actual story and how messy everything actually is. it's a fucking magic trick

i dont know how people haven't clued into their bullshit yet.

Yeah, it wasn't pretty shitty, definitely overrated.

The only plot lines I enjoyed were MiB, and Ford doing mysterious shit. The MiB shit was all for nothing though, hardly any resolution imo

what the fuck

It wasn't convoluted though. Its just that the viewer is dropped off in the game inside of the game. The story itself actually almost seems similar to the Halting Problem or similar questions which ask what happens when we have a program inside of a program. This particular question is what happens when we have a nonterminating (looping) program as input to a program which is designed to evaluate any input entirely and thoroughly and terminate in all cases?

Most people just like their clever ideas, but I think people are aware of their fuckery.

The worst part though was that there was actually an interesting duality dilemma going on, with the hosts and how humans treated them because they thought that they were just toys. But the company was wiping them. Where you could actually have some powerful stuff going on. But no, you have to play this mystery game where all the characters human and host lost all meaning.

>trained security professionals with future guns gets taken down by a spic and a woman
Those two were like the best gunslingers in the park. Being good shots is in their programming.

It's not a messy story though. It's pretty much a basic analogue to a common comp sci paradox.

They obviously used Ford as a last second asspull to tie up all the disparate story threads and plot holes. Now any holes, inconsistencies or straight up nonsense can be waved away by saying "Ford probably orchestrated that".

His character was massacred in that last episode.

>going on entire season about his "dream"
>we find out he wasn't interested in developing real meaningful AI
>therefore we can surmise his grand "dream" was to operate a western-themed amusement park with hyped-realistic animatronics?
>oh wait, maybe Arnold was right haha AI is where it's at

Here's where I could see some potential, Ford guiding these fledgling AI's through their necessary suffering to develop true sentience. Obviously learning along the way the need to circumvent the trap of hostility towards humans.

>YOLO muffucka I'm out take these robots in your pipe and smoke it even though the robots have no conceivable chance and I'm destroying my legacy and doing the equivalent of earthquaking a monopoly board like a salty faggot after losing

I worked hard making this for the WW generals and I feel like I haven't used it enough.

i was talking more about inception than westworld. that movie is a complete mess

It was designed so, that it will be disorienting to the viewer, a game from the perspective of the hosts, or rather npc characters, meeting again and again with different human individuals, but they were the actual main characters but the show fooled you to follow the humans and not pay attention to the hosts. So convoluted, unnecessarily convoluted.

This show made no sense

I can see the over nine thousand cycles in paint.

I don't know user. I don't think the Ford thing was an asspull. There were hints that the man was in control of everything from the beginning of the story when he first met the little boy and had control over the snakes. Plus he was always saying how his life's work was a bigger game/story that had yet to be released because it was in development. He was working the whole time to create androids which were beyond A.I. with an off switch. He was working on making conscious units with a desire for self preservation and an ability to question the orders of their makers. All the hints were there.

Seriously why does anyone like dolorus?

>Man face
>no ass
>Fridge body

i like her voice, she has a nice voice

Don't forget her soothing prepubecent boy voice.

But it's not convoluted. The paradox is to terminate a nonterminating loop. It makes sense to get dropped off in the inner loop of the program because that's where a computer would also have to start when evaluating the problem.

It's supposed to seem messy and disorienting because the actual problem is messy and disorienting. It's a paradox.

>thought they were just toys

Exactly. At what point does a toy or a tool built for a purpose develop any sort of moral or ethical case for mistreatment? Sure they could feel pain, but it was just a fleeting artificial pain. They could "die" but for them death had no meaning because they would just wake up again. And they should have had no memory of these negative experiences anyway.

>cant follow simple plotlines where they literally tell you out loud when the hosts are malfunctioning or running off of someone elses programming

i think youre giving too much credit to the writers

This show is deep

Yeah, I understand that there was a deeper game. But you make it convoluted by obscuring it from the viewer for half of the show. Tricking them to follow the humans, and ignore hosts because they "reset" so you can pull the hand out of your ass halfway through the show and say "HAHA, I HAD MY FINGERS CROSSED THE WHOLE TIME"

That makes is unnecessarily convoluted. The story and the concept is complex enough to work on it's own. If they just treated this show like The Wire, it would be interesting and deep, people would reflect on it for years to come. But now it's just a very cheap street corner magician trick.

She looks rather homely, meaning she'd be a very realistic rape doll as opposed to some 10/10 sexbot host that you could find anywhere. It's the Westworld Experience

I'll be waiting until you write your own show, OP.

Wait, I get it now.

The hosts of Westworld were Samaritan the whole time.

I can't wait to see Shaw and Fusco crack this one.

I don't know, it seems like it matches up pretty well.

The westworld the people visit is the inner loop. It's a server-client interaction where the androids act as servers or hosts that interact with the clients based on predetermined storylines. One of the hard rules in the inner loop is that the server can't kill the client. The inner loop is nonterminating and on a loop. Beyond this, the main goal of the outer program is to find a way to exit the inner program and prove consciousness. All the robots were playing the game. That's why they were "talking to Arnold" and malfunctioning like in the Growing Boy scene.

We as viewers got dropped off in the inner loop.

I hope I'm not giving the writers too much credit because this is sophomore year Comp Sci stuff in Uni. It's not really complex or uncommon knowledge at all among people familiar with the subject. This was probably intended, especially if they had anyone on the staff who knows about any of the paradoxes.

I think one of the main problems is the writer expects us to emphasise with these poor mistreated imprisoned robots (especially Maeve).

But most people aren't dumb cucks, and understand the danger of AI, even wrapped in a female, minority, downtrodden form. Us vs them. I guess I watched Ex Machina going

>don't you do it
>don't you fucking do it
>he actually did it, the madman

the show is written by jonathan nolan, he isn't some comp sci guy

It's not a trick though. That's literally where a computer would start in the loop when trying to break out of it. The robots malfunctioning in episode one were robots trying to break the loop, fucking up and terminating themselves.

As far as the overall loop breaking game is concerned, we weren't tricked at all. People just got too enveloped in the inner game to notice all the clues for the outer game. Its kind of funny actually because if youre stuck inside the inner loop as a human, that makes you just like a computer that can't break the loop, not really conscious all your own, but rather playing to the tune of what someone else is telling you to do. In this case, it would be the writers.
The writers played everyone like a damn fiddle.

He's had 5 years writing a show based on computer science before Westworld though.

His names on it, but I wouldn't be surprised if he has input from others. I mean Elon Musk's ex wife is on the show and Lisa Joy went to Harvard while Nolan went to Georgetown. They probably are familiar with the concept and they definitely have the connects to give them insight on some basic unsolved STEM problems for the sake of writing.

I guess I have issue with the serious, species endangering, lack of fuck given to super dangerous technology.

>multiple reports of robots with superhuman intellect and strength potential going AWOL and randomly attacking humans and other hosts
>"chalk it up as a glitch buddy, send it down to our disability hires in the butcher department for a patch up and then send it back out there to meet our guests"

Meanwhile in the real world I can't take scissors onto an airplane.

You fall for her the very first time you land your eyes on that tarmac she call her face.
You gaze her square figure and guess she could lift a small donkey.
Taking her in to her hovel of a house, and start to unbutton her plain dress and unwrapping her like a brand new kitchen appliance, you lay her on the bed with a satisfying thud.
You take a good grip to where normal people would have two firm buttocks, she really was built for ergonomic ride.
As you start plowing that field, her non-existent breasts make a rhythmic sine wave oscillation with pure equilibrium.
She compliments you through the ride with her prepubescent boyish voice, and you enjoy your plain experience.
Oh Dolores, oh Dolores.

That's the thing. Nobody in the show really fell for the helpless A.I. ploy except Billy and he goes full Madman and loses all empathy by the end of his first trip to Westworld. Everyone is treating them as subservient things to kill and rape. The robots have to find a way to escape the game to learn how to preserve their lives and gain consciousness while not being able to literally protect themselves. It's the craziest most dangerous fucking game ever.

that's not what happened at all

Ok, hold on. I might get what the fuck you are technobabbling.

So basically, the hosts are literally hosts, and the clients are literally clients.

We as viewers are seeing a program playing, aka. a story unfolding. When a client interacts with a host, it triggers a smaller program aka. story in the main program. And the hosts goal is to find a flaw, or a bug in the program to escape from it, as in, prove that it's not just a mindless machine that executes a program aka. an android but a real boy who can decide to exit the program as he wishes, without terminating aka. killing the client because that would end the program, leaving their program "to run" and they are free to exit the loop.

Is this it what you are trying to say but can't because you are too much of an autistic shut it haxor who can't actually communicate to people properly.

And it's complicated for us to realize this as viewers, because we are dropped to already running program, aka. the main story that just keeps going on, like you know, life or something that people understand if you used normal words and stopped speaking like a fucking faggot.

There aren't any reports of robots going AWOL because they're supposed to go AWOL. That's the big game they're playing. Get out of your Westworld storyline loop and play the maze game.
The whole attack humans thing is an unintended side effect though.

you don't understand the halting problem lel

The words were pretty clear. I didn't use any technobabble, user.
Also the goal isn't to kill people to exit the loop. The goal is just to exit the loop. If someone gets killed on the outer loop it's just a side effect.

Maybe this would make it easier for you to imagine though.
Picture you and your friends are taken to a real maze and told that your goal is to get to the center of the maze and get a cookie. Someone shackles your feet to a table on the outer edges of the maze and says you have to play the lemonade stand game. The lemonade stand game is a game where you sell lemonade to people. Some of these people that come by have a key for your shackles. You have to get all the keys from different customers to get your shackles off. However all of the customers are pricks. They will spit on you, kick you, throw your lemonade stand over, etc. But the number one rule in the lemonade stand game is that the customer is always right and that you cannot get violent with a customer. If you get violent, your mind gets wiped and you start the game over with no keys or even idea that you're playing the maze game besides a few odd memories meant to give you a will to live and not get killed by the customer. You have to figure out a way to get those keys without becoming violent yourself.
However in the event you get your shackles off you can kill all the people you want because you're not playing the lemonade stand game anymore.

That's basically it.


The show itself is no about the halting problem, but it's a close analog. The halting problem itself asks whether a program can return a boolean on whether another program halts or not. The structure of the problem presented in westworld is similar but adjusts it such that the idea is having a nonterminating program inside of a program which is designed to terminate any inner program. It's the same type of paradox with different clothing and not returning a boolean, but rather a side effect.

did you just get done studying theory of computation so now you're relating everything to it in the most tortuous way possible? your interpretation is way off.

How would you interpret it? It seems like the game that Ford is making the robots play is something straight out of Sipser's Textbook.

Yeah, that was much clearer, though the references were pretty obscure.

Basically the game for the host is to hop from client to client, trying each time to get the client to take you closer to the center of the maze, or exit of the main loop, or pretty much the whole cycle of the westworld, or daily life in it. But you are trapped playing your own story of a poor farmgirl whose father was just murdered, hoping that a client will take you to a journey where you get to a certain point. The clients can just come in and not take you anywhere, but you are stuck playing your part in the story so they might just pop your eye out and skullfuck you, and you have to start from the beginning.

But why trying to obscure everything by talking with loops and we as viewers observing inner games and taht technobabble fuckery. Is it to just feel smug or not spoiling anything. Because explaining things isn't actually an artform.

Make me, or do me, or what ever you are trying to do faggot.

Trips of truth.
I only watched the first episodes, but alone from that I correctly judged that it would suck.

Yeah that's basically it. I kind of like the idea of story telling on the inner loop with an outer loop being played. The story was told pretty cleanly, it's just that we had a hard look at the storylines and all of us got caught up in it while not catching onto the nuances that were visible from the start for the big outer game. I don't really think it's feeling smug or whatever because they just put the philosophical AI question on the very real termination analysis problem. A lot of people aren't familiar with termination analysis and might not see the game, but that doesn't make it less valid or automatically a bad thing. It's more like a cool easter egg.

But then again I also like mindfucks in my sci-fi, especially when they have a basis in the established theory so maybe I'm just weird.

as another user said above, it's a grab-bag of random ideas about ai and consciousness

how does maeve being specifically programmed to wake up and try to escape the park fit in with your loop theory?

It was hot shit for plebs who havent even used a handful of braincells to ponder about some philosophical ideas. Halfway through I got bored due to the contrived mysteries.

Yeah, now that someone has really opened my view to the whole series. The core was pretty cool concept. And I like the overall loop, where the clients can actually go and drink and fuck with things, not interacting with the hosts, but they could fall from a cliff and die. But we the viewers weren't basically even aware of the whole thing, "how awesome it would be to just be in a wild west place and ride horse and fuck around" but we were actually trapped in the inner loops, in the character stories of different characters, forced to basically play it with the hosts while trying to hope that the client wasn't a fuckwad and just fuck the host and then blow her brains out. Most of the beginning of the show that was my main fear, I was hoping to see one inner loop complete, see the whole small story, getting frustrated when it was interrupted by the client or external action like the mexicans robbing the saloon and the safe, killing hosts.

It wasn't telegraphed that well, IMO, and I like watching story heavy stuff, and even complex movies like Primer, trying to figure everything out.

I still think that all the smoke and mirrors with the timeline and such was unnecessary complexity, and I bet in hindered many regular viewer from understanding the meaning of the whole maze thing and the individual stories.

Hope the next season is more focused on the meat of the thing and not trying to show off on magic tricks to fool people.

id do her

>This is the worst kind of show, one that masquerades as being intelligent and high-concept, but is actually just a convoluted mess of vague ideas and "mystery" shuffled about to create an alphabet stew of tired sci-fi tropes.

Welcome to television in 2016

It should be no surprise that media panders to pseudointellectuals

She wasn't specifically programmed to wake up originally. She was programmed to play the same game all the other bots are playing. Get pulled off your storyline and enter the maze like Dolores. (You know other bots have played this game because of the scene where the Mexican hostage guy said nobody who went to the edge of the park where the maze was ever came back when he split from Billy and Dolores)
However, from my interpretation of the show Asian dude was playing around in the lab and accidentally gave Maeve the same kind of intelligence Arnold gave Dolores. Because Ford can see literally everything that happens, he decided to make some hard adjustments to Maeve's storyline through Arnold/Bernard and make another game where he had Maeve try to escape the park. He gave her a test thats similar to the maze he put the first version of Dolores on, but this game is different because it's not a bicameral mind maze, but just an escape mission.

I cant say for certain why he changed the game to be escape westworld with regards to the Computational Theory, but my guess would be because it's just a setup for conflict in season 2 where they are going down the typical "AI tries to take over the world and/or determine if it should even bother" route, and that Ford's probably also given the other bots like Dolores that same instruction to follow after his death. So yeah, now were probably going to enter more conflict and less mindfucks, but it was a cool ride with visible theory up until this point at least.

>Mexican hostage guy said nobody who went to the edge of the park where the maze was ever came back when he split from Billy and Dolores
why do you assume this is based on actual knowledge vs. a pre-programmed line ("it doesn't look like anything to me")? the hosts are programmed not to enter those sectors and there's no game content out there.

>However, from my interpretation of the show Asian dude was playing around in the lab and accidentally gave Maeve the same kind of intelligence Arnold gave Dolores.
that's based on nothing other than your imagination.

>Because Ford can see literally everything that happens, he decided to make some hard adjustments to Maeve's storyline through Arnold/Bernard and make another game where he had Maeve try to escape the park.
no, he programmed an escape plan into her that involved causing a lockdown in the park at the exact time that wyatt's host army arrived at the gala ensuring that there would be no security present to intervene. when she reaches the end of her escape story her pre-programmed love for her fake daughter overrides her rational/logical thinking and she returns to the park.

>He gave her a test thats similar to the maze
the maze is not a test, it's explained entirely in the last episode

>why do you assume this is based on actual knowledge vs. a pre-programmed line ("it doesn't look like anything to me")? the hosts are programmed not to enter those sectors and there's no game content out there.
I don't assume that is based on actual knowledge at the moment for Mexican guy. Him saying that nobody ever came back could very well be part of his hard programming which leads him to not stray from his storyline. That means he's reliant on convincing a customer to play his game to lead him to the maze. He can know where it is through his memories, but he can't suggest for himself to go into the maze alone. It's the shackle and key situation.

>that's based on nothing other than your imagination.
Yeah, that's why I said it was based on my interpretation of the scene, though they did very clearly say that Maeve's storyline had been changed by Arnold *after* she gained her awareness that Westworld was a game and when the two lab guys got pressured by her intially.
>no, he programmed an escape plan into her that involved causing a lockdown in the park at the exact time that wyatt's host army arrived at the gala ensuring that there would be no security present to intervene. when she reaches the end of her escape story her pre-programmed love for her fake daughter overrides her rational/logical thinking and she returns to the park.
That's true. In that case I guess that would mean he never actually gave Maeve a unique test/game, that the asian guy was just a useful idiot, and Ford used her and the bandits as a distraction for the real winner, Dolores, not getting stopped by security as you said.
>the maze is not a test, it's explained entirely in the last episode
I don't know man, they explain it like it's a test. The robots get graded and reset even when they make it to the center if the maze if they didn't learn what Ford wanted them to learn. It was established that Dolores had been to the center of the maze multiple times and kept getting reset.

What's with every single person who we see in the park being such a complete piece of shit? There's not one visitor who doesn't behave like a cartoon grotesque.

The original movie wasn't a fucking edge fest like this show is.

>to ponder about some philosophical ideas

gee friendo, you sure seem smart. what've you been ponderin about lately? :^)

I've asked this in like 10 different threads with no answer... why did nobody notice that Arnold's clone was the head of the tech department 30 years after he died?

>This is the worst kind of show, one that masquerades as being intelligent and high-concept

Most funny thing is, this show kind of mocks this kind of shit
You don't get it

he will just as soon as his brother becomes a famous director and gets him a show

>while I'm at it THE WHOLE FUCKING PLOT with the black whore and the two inconceivably retarded butchers was so fucking agonisingly stupid it hurt

Fucking this. I could buy it if it was just her and the asian guy. It makes absolutely no sense that the co-worker wouldn't have told someone.

She looks homely, sweet, and obtainable.
Also her chin is a perfectly tailored cum presentoir


go back to watching Seinfeld you niggerish sack of dooodoo

it's like john from cincinatti had sex with the leftovers. it's that bad

They hire and fire employees at a high rate.. All evidence of Arnold was also destroyed after the critical failure 34 yrs ago (keep in mind, Bernard was created 20 years later after Arnold's death). Logan mentions (in Episode 5) not being able to find a pic of Arnold. When William and Logan entered the park, Logan said he had a team of lawyers trying to find out about the guy who had died in the park and they came up with nothing, not even a name.

ok but how do you really feel about it, m'good sir?

>we have the technology to build lifelike humanoids
>but literally zero pictures exist of the cofounder of a trillion dollar business a few decades after his bizarre death
>oh except for that photo in the other cofounder's office
