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This movie isn't just entertainment it's a coded message, a black pill

based cronenberg

what is it really saying, beyond 'the medium is the message' and vague notions about technology and posthumanism?

based bodyhorror

Juden controls the media

destroy the media, destroy the enemy, rebuild yourself as the new man

basically the same concept as They Live but a lot smarter

but Cronenberg ist juden

It's saying that you become, or begin to imitate, the art/media you consume. So don't consume shit.

>juden can't criticize itself
I know that's why I like his films

you guys are kidding yourselves if you think Cronenberg has any kind of emancipatory or positive message in his work. he sees humanity as utterly irrational animals and reality as strange and often horrifying. and he's certainly not the kind of guy to actually encourage you to stay away from toxic or degenerative things, he thinks it's all ugly, all the way down. there's no 'answer' or solution or escape or transcendence or correction for him.

i guess you can't interpret his symbolism like you think you can. It's very clear Videodome is about escaping the world of immorality and corruption by shedding your former dcadent life for a better one that is more bluntly illustrated by him shooting himself -- rebirth, freedom, etc

dude, I will agree that you are interpreting it that way for yourself. if a story involves a kind of superseding or overcoming a previous order or form than I can see how you might interpret that - if you are inclined - as an escape from immorality or corruption... but Cronenberg is definitely a guy who is not about escaping either of those things. he's more about reveling in them animalistically, evolving with them. I'm not saying that's the healthiest outlook, but that's his style.

I don't think you can interpret him shooting himself as a way of escape not acceptance, well, in an ultimatum sense anyways, it's pretty clear what he's trying to say. I agree his films are about exploiting the base animal side of human nature but I think the ending is clear cut

they live's entire message is anti reagonomics, the historical political context and carpenter confirm as much. I like that pol tries to warp it to conform to the jewish conspiracy theory though

This movie is awesome.

The culture we create and surround ourselves with is utterly vile. We become vile as a result, causing us to create even more perverse things. It's a vicious circle all the way down as you say.

I chose to see a positive message, that we should be wary of the content that we chose to consume. You see a dark message, that we are all fucked no matter what. That's the beautiful thing about decent art, different people see different things and reach different conclusions. Hell, I've even come to different conclusions about films upon different viewings because I was a different person on each experience.

So in short, I'm not wrong and neither are you. But you should probably lighten up.

this movie isnt even entertainment

not to defend the guy's interpretation, but I don't think John Carpenter is a progressive. I think he's more of a libertarian capitalist type that doesn't particularly like the left or right.


according to carpenter he was basically saying fuck you to the corporatism of the 80s, specifically reaganomics. please excuse the phone posting link

interesting, thanks

corporatocracy you mean
corporatism is a completely unrelated form of government


What movie is this?

This movie was trash

>tfw you will NEVER have enough money to enable you to spend all day getting drunk and insulting (former) President Obama on Twitter


I'm gay btw

Anyone down for a Woods/Voight buddy cop film where they just gun down liberals for 90-120 mins