Ok, Brits, watch 2 minutes of this to know

why young SJWs are so fucked up in their head.

This man/girl hybrid German trying to imitate a Harry Potter accent, tries to explain why Britain should not leave the EU.

This is so bad, not because he is a complete idiot, but he actually believes what he says.



>18-years old

How the fuck do your 18-year olds look like 13-year olds?

Jesus Christ that kid is gonna get raped by a Muslim one day

What the fuck is up with his gestures? Never seen such a raging faggot before.

Today, young people are afraid of change, when they should be the ones making the change in the world.

This always happens. Don't worry about it. The poor and stupid will always revolt, you cannot control them, no matter how much you try, the masses want to burn it all down.

britain shouldnt leave the union, and thats all there is to it.

you dont leave your family when things get difficult and less than perfect. you crack down, stick together, and push through.

if europe is so perfect and the most advanced civilization on earth, then it should be able to figure out a way to have multiple, highly diverse cultures get along in a way that preserves their individual cultures.

not to leave when the going gets even slightly rough.

>the EU

Oh stop you dramatic oaf

>you dont leave your family when things get difficult and less than perfect. you crack down, stick together, and push through.

This is correct. But the EU is unreformable. I want the UK to come back with a counterproposal for the Netherlands, Norway, Iceland, Sweden, Finland, France and maybe even Germany of a new union where we harmonize and centralize the economic stuff we really want and need to and leave the rest to the states. And no more fucking agriculture subsidies or transfer payments to "poor" countries and no more free movement of people. If someone wants to work in another state, he better should have the skills that are required there.

Fuck off, when 75% of your laws are written by unelected foreign officials then your opinion will matter.

Any Englishman who votes to stay in the European is a fucking traitor.

>you don't leave your family when things get difficult

says the emancipated child

>farming subsidies
>tax allocation to poorer states
why is it, we here, in the US, do this, and its fine?

im convinced the european nations are prideful to a fault. close your external borders like a unified nation, and enjoy free travel within. you all are clearly going a more conservative direction, so instead of splitting up and bleoing off your one chance, why not just roll with it?

leaving with the idea that youll come back with a proposal to fix things is an awfully risky plan

how much do you know about the US legislative system? most all of our laws come from some ass wipe, elected in another state, trying to govern us all. the problem is, you all have no balance of powers. so they get free reign to push throigh whatever they want. change from within.

You guys aren't split into post-communist shitholes and normally developed liberal democracies. You guys have a unifying culture of sorts. You have a democracy on the federal level.

Really? You two are arguing about leave/remain?

Fucking seriously? Do you not see the irony here?

>you don't leave your family when things get difficult


Not young people but almost anybody.
Tell people that to keep things as usual, they are going to suffer a lot, to have hard time, let them know that their fate will be miserable. They will accept it.

Tell people tot try something really different but for which the outcome is unknown, they are afraid of it.

Basically, that's what's at stake with Brexit: people know they are going toward a miserable fate, but it looks still safer than the unknown.

This is all bullshit. European union is not a family, but a construction with all the disadvantages of a federation and without their benefit.

And no, it's not possible to make it differently. We should think now as European to stop this madness before it is too late.


>leaving with the idea that youll come back with a proposal to fix things is an awfully risky plan
It's the only viable solution. Get out and create a better mousetrap and the countries will come.

The EU will crumble if the UK convinces 8-9 countries to join the new UK led European communities.

Tried to watch it, but his speaking style and mannerisms are too fucking obnoxious. He's also not to the point so I just gave up.


Holy fuck. Youre right

this ffs

what the fuck is wrong with these youtubers doing this

i stopped watching at the 40 second mark. Cringeworthy.

Unapologetic narcissism. They see it as standing up for themselves or "freedom of expression" or whatever but normal people see them as saccharine, and being abusive of their right to be fucking annoying.