Daily reminder that Napoleon did nothing wrong

Daily reminder that Napoleon did nothing wrong

except lose

fak of m8
napoleon was the greatest human being and shall be revived in the next years

Hitler lost as well, doesn't necessarily mean that either did anything wrong.

Never forget. The eternal anglo couldn't have a major power on mainland Europe now, could they.

Revolutionary Wars were legit for France.

In 1802, France was the strongest country in the world, for once in its whole history our people had control over our natural borders all around. We were a Republic...

Then Napoleon crowned himself emperor, reinstated slavery in the colonies, took a million men and sent them to their death in Russia.

I just can't understand how people can love this guy... He pretty much paved the way for all the destruction and death our country endured at the hand of the Germans for a century and half.

And he fucking sold Louisania to those amerilards. Like the Kingdom of France going bankrupt over liberating those ingrateful cunts, who can't be bothered to pay back their loans, wasn't enough.

Protector of Christianity and destroyer of Islam. Brave little Italian man.

god damn it you burgers

anti-France spotted

go back to l'Île de Rey, Jospin

Vive la France éternelle

Yes, he was born an Italian on Corsica you dumb cunt. The French kids in his school used to bully him over his accent.

born in France, raised in France, became emperor of France. He was French through and through

You just keked yourself. Look up his history. He comea from an Italian noble family. Coriscan's are ethnically Italian.

Fyi less than half of French people spoke French in 1789, and that's before the Revolutionary Wars which pushed France's borders way East along the Rhine.

his blood was Tuscan you dumb fuck

are you Canadian? born in Canada? raised in Canada? or are one of the faggoty hyphen-Canadians.



catalan is a romance language

Yeah, I didn't draw the map. It's also missing Gallo and maybe other languages spoken in France at the time.

fucking Bretons

What's your blood dumb twat..

He's born in Ajaccio, in Saint-Hélène, a French Island. He just served in the Italian army. He's French, he said it himself :

Cher monsieur Bonaparte,
Vous savez, bien sûr, que vous êtes né dans un village qui est français. Cependant, ce village était italien quelques jours avant que vous soyez né et il a été conquis par les Français. Je sais que vous avez l'esprit français dans votre coeur, mais est-ce que vous vous considérez d'origine française ou italienne?
Alexandre Mancini

Bonjour M. Mancini,

Nombreux sont ceux qui m'ont posé des questions sur ma nationalité première. Pour des raisons politiques, je suis né Français. Je ne m'en suis que mieux porté. Cela dit, je suis né à Ajaccio, en Corse. Toute ma vie, l'accent de la Corse a été entendu dans ma voix. Je n'en rougis pas. Madame mère est bien Corse, née en territoire italien. Nous n'avons jamais oublié nos racines, soyez-en sûr. Mes ancêtres était Italiens. N'ai-je pas été couronné roi d'Italie moi-même? Cependant, je suis né Français.
-Napoleon Bonaparte

Go translate this yourself.

>Then Napoleon crowned himself emperor, reinstated slavery in the colonies, took a million men and sent them to their death in Russia.

France was a fucken mess before Napoleon crowned himself emperor, the republic couldnt get a working government and the nation was bankrupt, the other monarchs would have done away with the new republic and reinstated the monarchy were it not for napoleon

napolean made some poor decisions during later campaigns, but those campaigns probably would not have happened the way they did if at all if he did not implement the disaster that was the continental system. napolean couldn't into economics.