
>your country
>is your country turning into North Korea 2.0?



Other urls found in this thread:

youtube.com/watch?v=bCodN436Vp4&ytbChannel=afg han

did putin ape chinks



I guess its to protect the (((people))) form the nasty aspects of "foreign influence" huh?

Man how will you get your anime fix now

Look at the bright side slavman, at least you didn't get compulsory app like Singapore's SGsecure.

they're getting elections soon
he also forced all chat apps to link accounts to phone numbers
he's just setting up his next election


so hows wikileaks as a horde of putinbots gonna react to this. also original putin bots from russia. i dont know about the sites theyve blacklisted but it will be reinforced

aint they able to post on the_donald anymore after this. and what would be their excuse for this shit

mostly to protect russians from the western degeneracy i guess

Is Singapore really rich North Korea?

Russians have always needed protection from the times when the landowners made the serfs to protect them from the evils of competition to the time when Putin protected the people form the freedom to browse online anonymously.

Yes, because russia is the shining beacon of morality

>South Korea

it was sarcasm obviously

we are becoming new finland.


sarcasm doesnt translate well in text form alone.

This is just my opinion anyway, haven't been there for more than a decade.
Well they are a police state but not as extreme, if someone reports littering they will deploy hidden cams and fine the guy 50k bucks.
A law called Internal Security Act means the executive power can perform preventive detention if national security is a concern and I recall opposition parties end up sued or jailed to oblivion.


why do you allow such propaganda to be posted on a government controlled site? really concerning considering how easily brainwashed Russians are

I didn't even red what's on that site but...
>shit on the internet
of course. That's how it works.

true. they also have to show that on TV and then voila 99% of russians believe it

basically saying that Finns started the Winter War to "test" the readiness of the red army and that the SU was kind enough to not invade the whole of Finland

Especially (!!) these ones which boast that they threw their TVs so they don't watching it already for 999+ years. It's.. so likely and logical :^)
Objectively, i don't know much of winter war so i'm not going to argue.

>Implying you know what is written there
>Implying it is wrong
A bit too jingoistic, but not factually wrong.

>Objectively, i don't know much of winter war so i'm not going to argue.
kek, there is nothing to argue about. Russia even admitted several years ago that it indeed was the SU that was the aggressor, there's a reason why the SU was kicked out of the league of nations and not Finland

>there's nothing to talk about
>let me explain...

What I am saying is that you can't argue against facts

Your cancerous nation is responsible for PRISM, so pipe the fuck down.

What facts? You have no idea what is written in there.

That was obviously sarcastic, you fucking sperg.

Of course, babe. No problem. You are a winner. Enjoy yourself.

I know that the article is stating that Russia dinddu nuthin
>implying google translate doesn't work

Well the topic was about tyranny in your shitty ass country and I was making an alarming point how facts are being twisted on government owned sites to paint a picture how the whole west is out to get you

>your shitty ass country
Ah! You just wanted to make some insults. You could start with it so we could over with it earlier.

Not an insult if it's true

Unless Finns are now somehow fluent in Russian, then you don't know shit about what is written there. I do know russian, so I know that you are full of shit, because nowhere in the article it is stated that Finland was an aggressor. I also know, that in the end it is stated that it is an opinion piece, that only reflect the author's opinion. How did you even find out about a random ass article on a random ass Russian language website? Are Finns that desperate for any mention of Finland by Russians?

this is actually pretty shit. russians should openly oppose to this trash. otherwise they are gonna censor more websites in the very near future. some of you think its not a big deal, a thing, what always happens, there are a lot of measures to solve this, the west should care about themselves instead of us, but these assholes in power arent as moderate and rational as you think


Why are you laughting? You're next now that Trump fucked net neutrality

what propaganda? the article is basically stating that the West was doing everything to make Germany attack the USSR, and that the war with Finland was a test of how strong the Soviet army actually is. it does not say that Finland itself attacked the Soviet Union first.
none of that is false
>Boйнa c Финляндиeй былa пpoбoй Зaпaдoм cил CCCP. Пocлe oкpyжeния и paзгpoмa финнaми нaшeй 44-й cтpeлкoвoй дивизии У.Чepчилль в выcтyплeнии пo paдиo 20 янвapя 1940 гoдa зaявил, чтo Финляндия «oткpылa вceмy миpy cлaбocть Кpacнoй Apмии». Дaннoe зaявлeниe пpoизнocилocь c цeлью ycкopeния нaпaдeния Гepмaнии нa CCCP. Bcя пoлитикa Зaпaдa былa нaпpaвлeнa нa дocтижeниe oднoй цeли - дoбитьcя нaпaдeния Гepмaнии нa CCCP.

don't be ridiculous. something like that will never happen in the US

>something like that will never happen in the US

vatnik doesnt know modern USA is turning into russia 2.0

thats why I left that shithole

if I want to live in a communist hole run by tyrannical oligarchs I'll just immigrate to russia

>is turning into russia 2.0
no it doesn't. otherwise you would provide any examples of suppressing freedom of speech and internet browsing in america. but the fact is that there are none

yeah but I dont like to debate and argue with russians cuz ya'll are subhuman mongoloid idiots so I'll just leave it at that.

Russia might actually be somewhat behind US - not only have they been spying on their citizens for who knows how long, but now they straight up, shamelessly, make money off of that by selling the internet users' browsing data to ad companies.
Russia's ban on vpn is due to the fact that they can't spy on their citizens otherwise. US doesn't ban vpn because NSA probably holds all the private crypto keys anyway.

On topic: I actually really want to leave.

Don't use words the meaning of which you do not understand, Polack.

+15 putinshill

>On topic: I actually really want to leave.
lel he added that shit to make his post look more realistic and unbiased. kremlinbots are not even trying anymore

lol FUCK YOU kaccapie

could someone from a non-subhuman country ask this guy to post proofs since he doesn't want to argue with russians?

proofs pls

well, here is one proofs

How, in what sentence, with what word, am i glorifying the Great Radiant Putin's Cheburussia, oh ever so militant, kamikadze_d worshiping, internet warrior?

>another thread ruined by a buttblasted Polish monkey
Can we rangeban them already


He is a proxyfaggot

more proofs

shoo shoo. go earn your rubles somewhere else

Пиздeц, клaccикa пpocтo. Tyпopылыe кp*млeбoты yжe пpocтo нe знaют зa чтo бы зaцeпитьcя.
Кaкиe жe вы yщepбныe, oхyeть.

We are paid in Etherium, bitch.

hopefully jewtin succeeds creating great firewall ov rooshya so I dont have to interact with subhumans of your kind on here.

Teбe в шкoлy нe пopa? Кaкиe кpeмлeбoты, yшлeпoк

I would call you a subhuman, but that would be a compliment. Poles are not human at all. Just barely intelligent rabid animals.

Taк вoт зa чтo кaмикaдзe нe любят. Кaк вceгдa нe зa нeгo caмoгo a зa eгo yёбищнyю ayдитopию. Hy и зa нeгo caмoгo кoнeчнo, paз cвoeй избpaннoй мaнepoй пoдaчи мaтepиaлa, пpивлeкaeт oгpoмнoe кoличecтвo тaкoгo кoнтингeнтa кaк ты.
Жaль, вeдь гoвopит пpaвильнo, нo кaк 13 лeтний и для 13 лeтних.

Cъeби oтcюдa, 15ти pyблeвый хyecoc.

HAHA when my family had to flee my country because of you animals, we donated a fuckton of military equipment and money to the taliban.

you are talking to a man that help kill a lot of you animals in Afghanistan.

We helped the Taliban kick your kaccap asses back to moscow.

youtube.com/watch?v=bCodN436Vp4&ytbChannel=afg han


also yes

we need to censor the internet to protect muh chilluns and to catch the terrorists that were already reported to the authorities but nothing was done anyway

I kinda like Putin but this is absolute shit, what the fuck

I see the butthurt belt is at it again
butthurt belt never sleeps

No, not at all. It is becoming even more democratic each day

>Poles are so shit, that they have to role play as sandnigs
Gotta admit, in your case it is a definitive improvement.

>role play

look kaccapie

I dont care if you believe me or not

cuz youre shit and garbage to me anyways

So does Russia then.

Democratic People's Republic of Korea - the word "democratic" is there for a reason. We should all be more like them.

Oh and I cant wait till muslims make you faggots pay for sticking your cancerous noses into syria too.

you can bet they got something nice planned for you animals.

At least Polish obsession with us is fun.

At the very least we fight that a little bit. Not the majority, obviously, but at the very least we try. Other countries, which liberals consider """"free"""" such as Ukraine, just swallow shit like that up and say "well, we didn't need that anyway!" Or "identification apps are good! No more fucking spying and separatists in my country!" Literally never heard negative opinions about their country from themselves.

Who is fighting? Really? I'm not fighting? nor any of the people I know. We just complain - among ourselves mostly. I, for one, am on fucking Sup Forums complaining to about it to a bunch of foreigners, who rightfully don't give a shit.

? = , multiple keyboard layouts problems

People go to protests, not on the stupid Ovalny ones, but on those against stupid laws and what not. Voicing opinion is really important, even if doesn't work most of the time.

It's a police state.
The best one could hope for with these protests was for police brutality and unlawful arrests to get way, way out of hand, yes more so than even now (way more). That way other states can't help but take notice and be forced to sever relationships with such tyrranical dictatorial state, because their electorate would not stand for any less. It needs to be so that Russian elites are actually hurting their own ugly grotesquly fat wallets with their dictatorship and are forced to loosen their grip, because otherwise they can't have foreign relations/trade.

At least that's what I believed. But look at the situation with new US sanctions. Ridiculous as they are, Europe is acting against them not because they are "against international rules/rights", but because it's going to hurt THEIR wallets to go along with them. Yep, Europe will deal even with a fucking North Korea if it benefits them. So will other "civilized" and "democratic" countries.
Also, North Korea is a shithole because it was convenient for literally every other country (Russia and China included) for it to be that way up until recent events. Completely ignored because there wasn't anything of note or use.

And with that, I actually don't know what to do. And some people don't fight because of that exact reason - there's nothing that can be done, they think.
I just want to leave now.

Also, yes, I'm just actually really butthurt with this VPN/TOR ban.

a в бyдyщeм кaк бyдy дpoчить нa китaйcкиe мyльтфильмы тoгдa?

никaк, Poдpигec, этo Poccия

B бyдyщeм зa этo caжaть бyдyт.

>US doesn't ban vpn because NSA probably holds all the private crypto keys anyway
private keys are automatically generated

Not quite. More like Venezuela 2.0. Ousting PT simply delayed the process, and if they come back next year, we'll go full totalitarian commie state for sure.

Feels good to know that you live in a free country

I am sorry, but I can't really see what we can do to help you, or how can you improve your situation.
Russia has two things going for it: lots of natural resources and a strong military. As long as those two things are running, Russia doesn't really have to care about wellbeeing of its citizens.
Unfortunately, I dont really see how Russian citizens could hurt the elites

>>US doesn't ban vpn because NSA probably holds all the private crypto keys anyway
>private keys are automatically generated
True. Has sure ways to get their hands on them would be more correct actually. Also I'm being more ironic than serious.

how the fuck is possible to ban vpn?

>I can't really see what we can do to help you
You can stop trying to hurt us for a change. That would be swell.

Known VPN services, not protocols themselves. Though they will keep dreaming and trying to realize that dream.

Germany is one of the few countries that resist the warmongering tendencies of USA and butthurt belt.

Not the same person. Just clarifying context for a future "conversation" if there's gonna be one.

нaкoнeц-тo нaпaдaли мeня тaм, гдe дeйcтвитeльнo бoлит.
Teпepь чтo? нaйти нacтoящyю дeвyшкy-гoвнoeдa, кoтopaя никaк нe бyдeт лyчшe мoeй pyки, нo вcё paвнo нaдo пoзвoлить этoй пиявкe cocaть мoю кpoвь кaк пapaзит, кoтopым oнa являeтcя?
Boccтaниe oмeг fucking кoгдa?

i guessed so much

>resist the warmongering tendencies of USA
You resisted it all the way to Iraq, Afghanistan, Lybia, Syria etc etc etc. Some resistance you have. How are all those Chechen terrorists that you sponsored and gave refuge to doing?

Germany didn't participate in Iraq war

>Boccтaниe oмeг fucking кoгдa?
Toчнo дaтy нe нaзoвy, нo cкaжy чтo oнa пoлнocтью coвпaдeт c дaтoй их пoлнoгo в Poccии вымиpaния.

>нaйти нacтoящyю дeвyшкy-гoвнoeдa
мнe бы хoть кaкyю-нибyдь дeвyшкy, лишь бы нe жиpнyю

that wont help to subvert the regime but only underpin it

realistically, if the faggot putin dies things will change. now russia is driven by his charisma, not like china driven by one strong party and its policies even though xi has now pretend like such a charisma but he isnt that trusted by people

Putin brings stability to Russia
If he dies, who knows what will happen. It is very possible that some sort of Hitler will rise to power and start nuclear war against Europe