How do we convince western women to stop working and having large families again?

How do we convince western women to stop working and having large families again?

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You convince them one at a time. Just focus on the one you're with. You can't save them all.

>tfw me mam is a devout catholic who got a degree from the University of Oxford but decided not to have a career, and have a family of 6 children instead

Is she Sup Forums approved? She's gonna vote Bremain and is also pro-immigrant and generally left-wing, but on the other hand she hates politics, so I put these things down to her irrational feminine nature.


Go home paddy

Mandatory ovary removal for anyone that scores less than average on IQ tests in preschool.

by hijacking holywood from jews and making housewifes cool again

Brexit and Trump so it's no longer economically necessary.

Good way to stick it to the tax man as well.

>implying I should work all my life like a dog to feed a lazy bitch who thinks she's too hot for work
fuck off, she'll work as much as I do

D-d-doesn't Sup Forums like Catholics?

Damn, she's a keeper

What the fuck do you think we germans are doing?! We're not importing all those muslims for fun.

Paint them black

Homes would implode. If women weren't working alongside the men, you'd have such low household income you'd be out on the street

Fuck it. It's their problem actually. Many of them are actually making examples of themselves already. They're alone in their 30's and they're like, "What? You mean guys don't want to marry me, after I fucked every Chad McDudebro in my teens and 20's?? Fucking misogynists!" Guys are ok with just playing video games and paying for sex, so this is a female problem, it's not for men to deal with.

With a halving of the available labor force, wages should go up.

Why not importing Eastern Euros? Women here don't work because education is too expensive and there;s no work anyway.

If women weren't working the labor pool would instantly be halved and wages would skyrocket. Can't you in2 basic economics?

Reduce the cost of living so the father can support the family by himself.

The best way to begin that is to remove the parasitic brown hordes from or societies. We can do this by subsidizing multi-year contraceptive implants for "low income families".

Why would you want that? People are much much more productive if they can focus on their work/school/life and have smaller families. The reason large families were popular is because in the past infant mortality rates were higher so more was better to ensure you had enough hands to help harvest, plant, and tend to a farm. I don't know many families that farm by sickle and hoe anymore.

Large families aren't coming back to industrialized countries, and that's OK.

You mean the same jews who crank out planned parenthood centers in brown areas can't simultaneously hand out fiki fiki manuals?

You convert them to Mormonism?

We can't anymore thanks to those pushing for women to be in the workforce. It's no longer feasible to have a single income steam. Thanks Obama.

You don't.

Get your ass to some poorer countries like the Phillipines and find a woman that isn't worth less on the scale-of-life than a domesticated dog.

Let me tell you the story of two worlds.

There is a world in which:
1. Aristocrat women
>Time for family
>Time for kids
>Time for leisure
2. Plebs women
>Time for family
>Fewer time for kids
>Time for work (but always related to the family maintenance)

Now, there is another world in which:
3. Bourgeois women
But the drawback is:
>less time for or interest in family
>less time for or interest in kids
>high education = self-entitled promiscuity (muh right to pursue love and not secure family ties)
4. Proletarian women
>Just work
Since proletarians have little education:
>no education = no contraception means a lot of pregnancies
>however, working mothers either don't have time for kids, or they abort them because they need to work to make a living (proletarian husband's wage is not enough)
>no education = low-class promiscuity (muh we all live under the same roof)

Now, contemporary problem is that, with workers' and women's right, No. 3 and No. 4 are being conflated into some new hybrid:
>Long education years [bourgeois]
>Low-paying job [proletarian]
>Degenerate promiscuity [warranted by bourgeois rights, but lived in a typical low-class proletarian style]
>Still leisure-seeking (at the further expense of job and education)
This, of course,
>leaves little time for family
>creates non-family oriented mindset
>low degree of fidelity and loyalty = broken families
>little time for kids and childrearing (because of low-paying job and because of the perceived right to leisure)

Basically, you have the worst of the industrial world:
>bourgeois psychological narcissism and legal framework
>proletarian behaviour patterns and low-class taste

First Mormon I got to spend some time with and get to know got asked what his wife did for a living. Shuffled his feet, looked down, and said, well, I think she's doing the most important job of all; raising our kids.

He's still pretty well-off and successful to this day.

Remove female right to vote. Or at least change the right to vote to a privilege afforded only to those who serve in combat, or some other thing only men can do.

As long as women have the right to vote they will always choose Daddy Government over a husband, and they will always vote in liberal politicians that want to coddle everyone, tax the most productive males and take away their rights.

You will NEVER convince women to be subservient otherwise. Take away their vote.

Most women would left their work if they husband could afford it

Oh forgot to mention his wife is hawt and super friendly just like he is.

When I first met him I wasn't really thinking he'd be pulling in pussy like that.

Why do you care?

In UK people are cold and don't look at each other in the eyes while walking on the street.

Everyone is greedy and just cares about his well-being.

It would only happen if a great quantity of women decided to stop working in the same time, and that is impossible

>He's still pretty well-off and successful to this day.
But of course. He can focus on job and income.
She focusses on house management and child-rearing.

They complement each other in a wonderful way.

He has low stress on the job because when he gets home he finds food on the table waiting for him. So he is less stressed and earns more.

It makes fucking sense if you think of it.
Compare with me: I have to wash all my bachelor pad over and over again, wash my clothes, cook all my meals (I have problems with certain foods), take care of my health alone...

You end up spending more (that's why capitalists don't like traditional families: because they spend less than what each member would spend if alone).

By beating the shit out of them?

The only way anything will ever get back to normal is if divorce is legal only if adultery is committed.

They are now becoming eligible for the draft. You just need world war 3 to occur.

No no. Divorce should never be legal.

The husband should be allowed to murder his wife if she cheat on him though. Marriage is supposed to be a until death oath.

Like in the good old times

You're crazy. Sorry about your dick.

>Remove affirmative action
>No more job spots for womyn just because they have a hole between their legs.
>Tell them to fuck off to EE, Building, Oil working if they want to have "equality" in work fields, instead of the fancy white-collar positions they just shit up.
>Make false rape claims punishable by huge-fuck fines so they cant fight back.

They either cause a civil war or they snap out.

Makes a lot of damn sense.

Even my brother freed his wife from a job proper after opening up his own business. I don't think she even is technically an employee anymore. Their children, lifestyle, and success are a point of envy in the family.

Even when I was growing up with some inappropriate role reversal, dad only worked short hours and didn't rake in the dough, but he was a madman at running the house properly and taking care of the kids when mom wasn't around. Everything came out better than expected.

A waste of an Oxford slot on a woman that didn't enter the workforce, but otherwise she gets a pass.

kek, itll happen naturally, theyre already sick of working the lazy cunts

By turning them into submissives, which is what they crave anyway

You can have her wrapped around your finger, willing to do absolutely anything to please you. You just have to not be a beta cuck and act like a man. I turned a mega slut into a Christ loving wanna-be housewife, then dumped her because she wasn't my type

The way boys and young men are raised in our society is really fucked up. They are basically taught to be girls. If you can even just imitate masculinity, they will come crawling like ants.

Here's some tips:
>NEVER NEVER NEVER say "I'm sorry", you should eliminate this word from your vocabulary. "I'm sorry" = dry pussy = end of the relationship
>Don't give suggestions, give commands. Don't say "I think you should make dinner now", say "go make dinner now".
>Exploit her sexuality. Spank her, make her beg, remind her who's in charge

It's kind of like breaking in a wild horse. It's what women crave, more than anything else.

You undo 50 odd years of social engineering overnight. It will take generations

That's a problem that will fix itself in a generation or two, you should ask how we fix society so that women no longer are pretty much forced to work to pay for the bills and men have time to actually look and foster relationships.

how's your relationship with your wife?

Leave the bourgeois and proletarian for the ugly women as they have no worth anyway for reproduction. Let the attractive ones have large families so they will increase, while the 'working class' eventually die out. Slow, but should work without the Halo Effect.

I can't tell if all this is your fantasy, or just a weak attempt at memes

Sup Forums wish they were catholic.

>I only care about the degeneracy that fits MY agenda, not all degeneracy
You're a cuck, Miguel.

Yeah. And then all jobs are outsourced and your economy crubmles.

>Large families aren't coming back to industrialized countries, and that's OK.

Unless your government doesn't import half of Africa and the Middle East that is.


Nah Zenon, it's just basement-living faggot, they always sees themselves as some kind of alpha. Have you seen this thread about how NEETS are alpha males? Seriously Sup Forums, stop feeding those looser, they are reason why we have so fuck up opinion.

Make enough money to support your family.

Actually our GDP will drastically go down. The whole refugee crap will cost us 700 billion to 1,5 trillion. And you know how much smaller our population is than that of the US. Two more years like that and Germany is worse off than after WW2.

society would need to honour it again or else the trend wont change


flips are worth less on the scale-of-life than a domesticated dog though

This, it's what hitler did, he managed to give the majority of the population enough wealth that they felt comfortable making babies

Wew lads how do we issue our own script to Make Weimar Great Again?

Keep them well fucked and poorly shod tha wont roams then ..

We don't. We as men must embrace our new roles of stay at home dad's and homemakers. While the women slave away at work we can spend most of the time shitposting and playing vidya and making sure the kids don't die.