Should the USA military base's be forced to leave japan?

should the USA military base's be forced to leave japan?

based trump will pull out in time

Unless they pay us to stay we should leave.


But I think having bases on Japan is a good idea. I wouldn't care if my taxdollars went towards that goal.

The real question is what do the Japs think?
From what I've read, the people of Okinawa hate it and all want them out. There's a big Marine base there and Marines always fuck shit up for everybody.

The mainlanders don't mind. Incidents from sailors and airman are much less frequent and they boost the economy there.

The images of japs screaming "whaitu piggu go homu" are just cherry picked by the liberal Anti-American media and don't represent the mindset of most Japanese.

waytu piggu go home

Yes. Honestly don't care if China fucks it up. Same shit anyways.

Weaboo piggu go home

I think we should. It would be funny as hell to watch China invade more of their waters. Kick their fishermen out and do a complete takeover.

Then we tax them when they come begging for us to come back because they're sushi markets are half of what it used to be.

it saves us money to dock in japan you retard, that is why more then half of the US navy is in japan

not my comments
Wonder how many Japanese military bases there are in the US? Oh yeah, none. In fact Japan only has one overseas military base in the whole world. In Djibouti. Have a guess how many military bases the US has? Over 660 in 38 countries. Warmongers. Get out. And stay out.

how true is it?

If we just up and leave at this point, they'll be overrun by the Chinese.

Japan needs to build up its own military again. This hasn't happened primarily because we haven't allowed them to do so under the terms of the Treaty of San Francisco. We need to renegotiate that in order to let them become a major power again, and we should probably give them nuclear weapons. Then we can leave.

>the people of Okinawa hate it and all want them out.
Yeah, but most of them aren't even ethnic Japanese, but Ryukyuan. Some of them, at least, want the Japanese out, too.

My friend used to live on base in Okinawa, he said there would always be jap protesters outside the gate wanting the USA to go home. Then they would hear something on the news about best Korea testing a rocket or building a nuke.nthe next day there would be no protesters. Americans are pretty shitty to host in your country during times of peace, mainly because we bring niggers. But when shit hits the fan the native population loves our asses because we protect them.

>who won WWII
Those japs should be glad we gave them back Iwo Jima nd Okinawa, we paid a higher price for those islands than they ever did

sure if that's what Japan wants, but then we should also back out of any and all agreements to protect Japan in any way. Maybe get some sort of agreement with China like invade all you like but we get half.

>living in the past
Gotta worry about today's problems, not yesterday's, user.

1. American marines act like animals
2. If Japs had to defend themselves they would man up, no more protests about their government increasing military funding and how war is bad.
3. America saves money.

Please. China is the real enemy here. If anything we should let Japan have Korea, Taiwan, and the Philippines back, putting a buffer between us and the Chinese, and saving us from having to patrol the whole western Pacific.

japan should just build a military base like next to New York, to balance things out.

Americans should be forced to leave existence


gaijin go homu!!!

>complaining about realities of the present that exist because of the past
Nigga there is a thing called being ignorant

Yes then when china rekts their shit make them beg for help

They should be removed from everywhere

Just cause they stop protesting doesn't mean they suddenly love America idiot

Zimbabwe wanted the white man to leave as well.

Now they are begging for the white man's return.

>Trump president
>Takes out Japan bases because they don't pay USA to protect them
>China invades
>Nah, fuck you panasonic and toyota, get chink'd

All according to keikaku