How are Danes so handsome

I don't understand.

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They reminds me my tatar classmate.
He looks like russian drunk.

I am Danish

russian genes. literally. Denmark is a fucking Panama chanel where everyone fucked local bitches plus fucking russians flooding the shithole very 20-30 years renewing the genpool.

greek, german and scandinavian genes

Do you look like the guys posted ITT?


because all the fuckin ugly ones kill themselves and the ones that don't are either like pic related or cope with drugs and internet

sort of, those facial aesthetics are pretty common among men here

weird looking/average

literally Jamie Lannister

The story is that when that wuz vikangs they took all the beautiful women back home. Hence pretty

German lower face, Scandi higher face.

Denmark was the least isolated though.

We just had our genes analysed nation wide, and it shows that we don't quite look like the Swedes/Norwegians, but nor do we look like Germans. Conclusion is that we didn't move very much around in Denmark to find a mate, and as such we are our own.

I must admite, Scandinavian men are just as attractive as Scandinavian women.



>Årsagen til, at etniske danskere gennemsnitligt set adskiller sig fra mennesker fra andre lande, er, at vi traditionelt set har været meget bundet til vores lokalområde. Vores forfædre fik typisk born med folk fra hjemstavnen, og det betyder, at bestemte genetiske varianter er blevet mere udbredte i nogle lande end i andre, forklarer Soren Brunak.





Vikings of our era.

Why are you doing this?



Scandinavians have slanted eyes.

He looks like chechen.








They all can pass as Slavshits easily.

Not even joking.




We are basically slavshits, we have the mentality and as you say, the looks. The only difference is the language and we were unfortunate enough to develop the most niggerish and subhuman language in existence.





I like Danes but this is true.

> He looks like russian drunk.
> Greyjoy

seems legit
