Is this a racist statement?

Is this a racist statement?

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Thats a dumb analogy.

it's Sup Forums

The Swastika kind of ruined the point since Nazi Germany did not respect diversity

I think I just suffered a brain fart

swastika ruined it

yeah it did by protecting white people from racemixing which leads to no cultural diversity and no diversity of eye and hair color

Who gets the Americas?
The native Amerindians?

>White people
Just Germanic people.

Concentration camps and attacking neighboring territories isn't "protecting white people".
By all accounts no one really cared if Germany was anti-semitic. Most of the world was at that point.

You stupid niggers, diversity means the mixing of cultures

I used to be very convinced proponent of multiculturalism but then I realized that the American / Western idea of multiculti (aka the melting pot / the idea that everyone from everywhere can be part of another culture just by getting a new passport) is very dangerous and can actually destroy cultural identities. The world should be a mosaic and not a melting pot

that explains why the U.S. being a melting pot turned it into a superpower
whilst the German version of a superpower is tearing Europe apart

so much ignorance in one post

Really now?
Explain why Britain left the EU
Explain why tensions are so high between western Europe and Eastern Europe

Because they were fed up with us forcing our idea of multiculturalism upon them (which is pretty much inspired by the American melting pot). Eastern Europe is already multicultural (well except for Poland maybe) and they don't think it is neccecary to create a new fake diversity by importing random people from all over the world who have absolutely nothing in common with each other. Look at the US, your society is much more divided than let's say China's or Japan's because of that

What about H-1B Genius visa?

America's society being divided is a meme, the only real divide is between the far left and the far right, which make up a small minority of the population.

At the end of the day all blacks, whites, spics, chinks, etc. Loves America more than anything, and they're isn't anymore countries that they support it above her.


>it protected white people by killing millions of white people

That's just domestic issues.
I'm talking about as a whole as to where if something bad happened to America then the divide completely disappears

Look at Pearl Harbor, 9/11, or anything like that.

No. USA turned into a superpower because it had a white majority. Too bad now that white population is in decline USA will become the new South Africa. But I agree that post-war Germany is a mess.

I can't fucking wait for there to be one world government with a universal minimum income and free healthcare, with everyone the same milky brown color.