The British Empire was great, we're all agreed (shut up India, you don't count.) We should bring it back...

The British Empire was great, we're all agreed (shut up India, you don't count.) We should bring it back, but we can do better.

Let's call it the Anglo-American Empire. We'll do it up like Austria-Hungary. The countries of the Anglosphere all become self-governing provinces, but we share citizenship and bring our foreign affairs under joint control.

The first order of business is to take back Central Africa, India, and most of the Middle East, because they had a chance to do things their way and they fucked it up and they're being noisy and really annoying and they have to do things our way from now on (the right way).

Who's with me? Everybody? Cool.

We can revisit this whole "decolonization" thing in a hundred years or so after everybody's grown up a bit.

Would be up for that if you weren't


But you already have their empire, you rule the seas and basically every country is your vassal because of it. Why rule them directly when you can just force nearly all trade to benefit you?

I was thinking we could set up a penal colony, just like old times. We can close our jails and send our prisoners there, which takes care of half of the problem already. Obviously they'll lose their citizenship.

Not sure which island to tap for the colony, though. Maybe some part of Indonesia, but it's so pretty the way it is.

>le everyone is us puppet meme
>i'm 12 and what is global politics

This sounds pretty awesome. Bad flag though. Here's some things we'd include
>free movement between 5 central anglo states
>one standing emperor, not fully powerful but very influential. nationality rotates
>uk royal family remains
>central capital of london
>currency is dollar-pound
>armies unified
>anthems combined into a medley

Good question, Dennie. The first answer is that, like I said, they're being obnoxious and it's a lot more satisfying to say "Do what we say because you're our colony" than trying to control them indirectly through soft power. The second is that if you're going to do something anyway, you might as well do it in style.

I am perfectly satisfied with all of this.

I'd add to this too:
>citizens of the 5 anglo states given free land in captured africa to farm if they move there
>alliance with france and russia
>syria, iraq, israel and egypt annexed. maintain a military force there too prevent violence and turn mosques into churches. take children away from parents who raise them as muslim and send them to state christian schools
>lower corporate taxes and use india and africa for cheap labour to compete with china
>every man gets a gf

You're not a puppet, you're a reliant. The US is dissatisfied with the EU and now they are moving their support to the east and you will see the Intermarium grow while you shrink. If you interfere with their foreign interest then you will find yourself in the same situation as every other country that has done the same. Your currency will plummet, trade negotiations will rarely be in your favor.
So no, we're not puppets, we're just playing ball because when we stop being useful be quickly become useless to the people that decide where wealth and power flows.

I suppose it's inevitable that you at least colonize africa again, considering that they're too useless to oppose the chinese even with support.

We have the 5th largest economy in the world. Most of our trade isn't even with the US. We have the 5th largest army in the world. We can handle ourselves.

you're the one who needs to worry Denmark, it's you. you're a low population, aging population socialist state that will soon collapse when you're swarmed with pensioners.

In your case i really hope you can, because you may well give western Europe a new option. However it doesn't matter how big you are, if you start shrinking it will go downhill fast. You are just as susceptible as a small economy if you have a few years of negative growth.
I'm not trying to shit on you, i really hope you do well and end up giving us all a reason to exist other than to fight over the bruxelle elites dingleberries.

We should call it the Cuck Alliance, as a tribute to being the center of cuckdom.

No our first order of business needs to cure our lands of degenerates

fuck off those wog countries. but i wouldn't be against an Anglo-American Union when we leave the EU. UK, USA, Australia, and NZ. We could ship all our wogs to America.


Why Brexit is so important. When the EU collapses and Europe becomes competitive again, it will be the centre of the world. We'll easily outpace America. america is soon going to be old news. They're pretty much on their way out honestly. Close to collapse. They had their age of superiority but that'll be over in 15 years.

Here's what's going to happen is Brexit wins:
>Nexit triggered
>swexit triggered
>EU loses key donators
>More leave as Britain grows exponentially thanks to small businesses competing with each other
>global surge of nationalism
>texas votes to leave the US as hillary takes 2nd term
>us loses one of the best stats for production and growth
>china's overwhelmingly male population causes lots of sectors to fail and the country to become more socialist
>lots of chinese businesses flee to the less socialist europe
>US' reliance on foreign imports causes jobs to go to europe, they become a country that wants european immigration again
>more states leave the us, southern states exit and join with texas to create united south

I've been reading into why this is so important and that's my personal conclusion.

>talking about restoring empire
>first order of business is deserts and india
>don't even want to fully conquer british isles

Did the IRA trigger you that much, lad?

Fuck yes lets do it.

I took a break from masturbating to read your reply, but i ended up masturbating again.

so like, NATO v2? because i know you don't wana import monarchy and export gun ownership...

Well, you better get back to

us Yanks get to keep guns. if other anglos want a 2nd amendment as well, that's fine.

Sorry to disappoint your expectation, but decades of internet access has led me further away from the path than simple beastiality.

Obvs in this everyone gets guns.

We educate niggers and cut the welfare state to end gun crime in urban areas, and don't raise kids to be dicks in school to stop school shootings.

I like the idea of a single Emperor of rotating nationality. We (Americans) don't have to pledge loyalty to the Queen, but everybody will pledge to the Anglo-American Emperor.

Yes, the nice thing about all your main provinces being separated by huge oceans is that you can legalize or ban things freely without worrying about them just being smuggled across the border.

BTW, my suggestion for a flag is the Union Jack with 50 stars across the cross of ireland, with red and white lines across the side of the flag. It's kept the same dimensions by making the union jack square. Australian and New Zealand stars across St George's Cross of England, and Canada represented by a leaf in the centre, though that would kinda ruin it.

NVM, pic related looks way better.

It would be cool. But I have a feeling the US would end up like the current EU. Eat all the power and try to dictate law to other countries.

I don't think you'd get it. We'd be one country with self governing states with no central power (except maybe an emperor)

>The first order of business is to take back Central Africa, India, and most of the Middle East,
Fuck no. The reality is colonies were a massive burden after industrialization began. There is literally no reason to place billions of poorly educated, uncivilized people under our control in a world where cheap labour is no longer important. Not to mention the cost of having public servants and servicemen in those places to keep law and order.

So, we just don't let them breed instead?

I'm up for it, man.

We'd need a genocide in the U.S.
They're only 17% white, they need to be purified.

Stfu, zipperhead.
What this country needs is to go back to its isolationist roots.

Yes,Bring back the Anglo Empire..... BUT everybody gets a Star in OUR flag, Trump would be our EMPEROR

This. Keep yourselves white Brit bros.

>He doesn't want the niggers dead
Also, you isolationist roots is partially what landed you in the Great Depression.

kek'd at french canada (whatever the fuck that province is called, who gives a shit anyway)

The only reason the British empire was worth a shit was because it owned India. Without India it'll just be a collection of a bunch of cucked states before gradually turning into a caliphate.

Alliances are what started WWI and a bankrupt, jew run Germany that started another World War

>americans kill empire after ww2
>lol guys lets bring empire back

It was you who killed rhodesia and south africa you know that right?

Its called Queerbec and yes nobody gives a shit about it.

UK is already USA's bitch, so it's kind of an alliance, if you call sucking cock on command an alliance.
The anglosphere is already a the facto thing. No need to proclaim it explicity.

If you can tell me 3 ways we've sucked up to the US in the past 100 years I'll buy that shit.


Yes but one condition: No multiculturalism, diversity, mass immigration with 99% of non whites. They've had their chance to integrate here and have fucked that up too for the most part.

It really doesn't
>Leaf too irregular
>7 point star is ugly
>Middle block of red is too large
>5 vertical blocks = vomit

How do you make an Anglosphere flag without an ugly mish mash of shapes?

The end of colonialism was the worst thing that could've happened to Africa and Asia.

SJW fucks are always crying about how the state of Africa today is because of colonialism. No, it's the result of communist pieces of shit destroying everything Europe created and then crying about how it's their fault.


Try the union jack without st. patricks cross, try doing something with it.

I tried


Who needs airstrip one?
USA is all we need. And nanomachines, son.

>Anglo-American Empire
Fuck no.

Looks pretty good! No representation for our leaves, kiwis and emus though.

Does it even matter? We're just reviving the empire. Who cares about representation.

>implying it wasnt the yanks who ended colonialism in the first place

>It was in Algiers that the beginning of Powell's distrust of the United States began. After socially mixing with American military officials that he met and exploring their cultural views of the world, he became convinced that one of America's covert war aims was to destroy the British Empire. Writing home on 16 February 1943, Powell stated: "I see growing on the horizon the greater peril than Germany or Japan ever were... our terrible enemy, America...."[6]:75 Powell's suspicion of the anti-British Empire demeanor of the U.S.A. Government's foreign policy continued for the remainder of the war and into his subsequent post-war political career. He cut out and retained an article from the New Statesman magazine published on 13 November 1943 in which the American writer and diplomat Clare Boothe Luce said in a speech that Indian independence from the British Empire would mean that the "USA will really have won the greatest war in the world for democracy".

gas yourself yanks

I'd be up for it with the one condition, that is not to be negotiated on, that the USA is not allowed to join.

That's beautiful.

>blaming the communists for the end of colonialism when it was the USA that caused it


The British Empire was a brutal abomination, glad it's destroyed.


t. Rasheed al-Farooq

What about a red ensign similar to this?

Excuse the shitty paint job


nope, I look like one of your precious master race, but I can see the empire for what it was. it did nothing for the working class of this country.

>it did nothing for the working class of this country

This is actually true, though it's mainly due to the fact that so much money was being spent on development and defence. This may be cliche but I truly believe that had colonialism lasted longer we would have seen a radical for the best within the Empire.

would be up for that

can the brits lead it though? that'd be nice, we are the ex imperialists after all

>1 post by this ID

what do you use to make flags?