The best Batsuit ever across all mediums. Prove me wrong, plebs

The best Batsuit ever across all mediums. Prove me wrong, plebs.

You can't

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certainly live action

excuse me??

pic related

Best Batman on any movie ever.

this looks like mid life crisis batman

so much better than the nolans batsuits

Would look even better with longer ears

Forgot pic

That thing is hideous.

Batman 89 had the best live action suit and the 70's Neal Adams Blue/Grey is the best one overall.

No shit I can't. Le Bruce Timm's suit and The Dark Knight Returns suit is practically this.

I =hated Arkham Asylum's bunny ears

But the left one is perfect.


Oops, sorry, Snyder changed his suit for Justice League.

It's good but I don't see how it is gooder than Batfleck's

>fags in tights

ok dude.
go be gay.

blame Geoff Johns, he is the consultant

more like fatsuit

Ok? He had to change it to sell more toys. The suit is darker and the traps are smaller. WOW!

t. pencil neck DYEL

Looks like paper mache. Ears are too short. Bat logo too fat

A cosplayer in his garage could do better than that.

yeah seriously this looks like a batman who's too lazy to do anything except sit down on the porch and drink beer.

>basing it off of Arkham Origins Batman

Fucking cuck.

>Batsuit made of 6 million tiny pieces


The best Batman suit was Val Kilmer's in Batman Forever (1995)

I like this one the most

if only it didn't have cod piece.

need to protect the bat balls

Step aside

The cape looks much better when it's draped around the shoulders like that. Is thia from Noel?

>skipping leg day

Why not just make it out of spandex?