Damn yo........how can we be so horrible to our Kings?

Damn yo........how can we be so horrible to our Kings?

Shouldn't the 2010 hand holding the gun also be a kang?

How did they go from KANGZ to SLAVES to CONVICTS?

The conquered cannot be kings




Then it would paint the niggers in a bad light...

really think making, hmm?

I have to ask where this meme came from. I'm black and live in the NYC inn-ercity and not even once have I heard anyone use this term.

Is this satire?

i really like this picture





They're gods as well now?

Imagine thing to such suggest your great great great great great great grandad was a god... When he a was living in a poohouse


I guess they seem to think declaring rulers as gods has some sort of credibility and doesn't imply a level of ignorant savagery.

only on fathers day would Sup Forums be full of nigs

This one is one of my all time favorites, a nigger Egyptian KANG with a bunch of pit bulls. The full nigger delusion in one macro.

If whites killed niggers half as much as they kill each other, they would have been wiped out in America decades ago


Did egiptians even used fucking pitbulls?
Arent they preaty recent?
I am so fuckign surprise no one keeps yelling at the lefties that NIGGERS ENSLAVED THEMSELVES. Whities only bought slaves. Also THERE ARE A FEW AFRICAN COUNTRIES THAT STILL USE SALVES WTF!
And most "civilised" African countries had slavery till the fucking 1950s!
Jesus christ the desilution.

If they wuz Kangz
Slavery and oppression seems to be a karmic restitution.
Are hey doomed to repeat the same cycle again?

> Kek


Hahahahaha you cant make this shit up!
The meme intself is memeing! We are reaching the meta meme level boys

>During almost the entire Dynastic Period of Egypt's history, the Nubians (or Nehesyw) were considered by the Egyptians to be "vile" and "wretched". The official view of the Nubians was clear from a Middle Kingdom boundary stele of Senusret III from Smna which denounces them:

>"They are not people one respects; they are wretches, craven hearted. My majesty has seen it, it is not an untruth. I have captured their women, I have carried off their dependents..."

>Military campaigns and trading expeditions were sent to Nubia at regular intervals in order to sustain a regular supply of prisoners, herds of cattle and exotic products from the south such as ivory, ostrich feathers and ebony. And of course there were also the mining operations in Nubia, where the Egyptian's obtained much of their gold.


Whoa...really makes you think