I would give MY LIFE to protect this cute innocent angel

I would give MY LIFE to protect this cute innocent angel.

Why didn't you do the same, Holland?

Other urls found in this thread:


Why would you give your life to protect someone else's kid. You are the ultimate cuckold.

>Implying we cared about the Juden being taken away
Good riddance

Because the Dutch were redpilled, and you are not.

You are a fucking semit. You eat butter infront of starving kids รค.

All Jews needs to be erased. You are the most evil thing that walked this planet.

You are satans offspring.

>I would have given my life to protect the next Gloria Steinem


>mfw FP is RP

Jeff is doing a world tour?

Why haven't you released a new album yet, Jeff?

Likeness is a fine distribution, not a series of categories

Prove that she died. What have you got besides a diary that has already been proven to be a fake?

I would have kept her safe in my attic desu

We were in fact very cooperative in the deportation of jews.

>ywn save her in some sort of time machine




Protect her from what? Typhus?

You know she wasn't killed by ebil nazis right?

Krijg kanker, you Italian Jew.

She died in a dutch hospital of typhus hymie. As did millions of others in that war, but she is a jewess whose father forged a "diary" with porn content so her life means more?

She never existed.

Unless you would use a time machine to go back in time to protect an imaginary friend.


Een geeltje voor een jood?


Jeff, it's past bedtime, go to sleep
