Can a japanese person tell the difference between an assimilated korean and a native japanese appearance-wise (without...

can a japanese person tell the difference between an assimilated korean and a native japanese appearance-wise (without looking at their fashion and hearing them speak)?

i can tell the difference between koreans and japanese most of the time but there are times when i cannot

Other urls found in this thread:在日韓国・朝鮮人の事件年表

Yes, it's in the head/face and body type


They are overall ugly and have different types of eye lobes, slanted eyes, square face and large jaw with high cheek bone.

different types of eye lobes
we call them chon mimi ( zainichi eye lobes)
search with this word (朝鮮耳 or チョン耳)

The Japanese never have a face like this.

no i can't either


and if he's from osaka or kawasaki and if his family name include "gold" in it, then yes it's safe to assume he's of korean descent.

Jomon were indigenous to Japan with Australoid features.
Yayaoi came later from south china and Korea with Mongoloid features.
Though the Yayoi genocided the Jomon, they also mated, mixed and modern Japs (Yamato) were formed.
Ainu the native people in noth japan Hokkaido have more Jomon blood in them.
Even today in Japan some people have a more Jomon face than others.
Modern Korean is much near the Manchuria people.
If we study the history of korea and location of Korea then we can know why Korean and Manchuria is similar.
Even ancient Koguryŏ is noth Mongolian equestrian. And ancient koguryo people is became Manchurian and noth korean. Capital of koguryo was at noth Korea.
For example PSY. He looks like a more Manchurian mongol.
Also Bigbang which is one of the most popular pop grope of kpop. They are look very Yayoi too.
Also you can see tha face of Asashoryu, mongolian sumou wrestler. He is kind of similar of PSY.

arr rook same


outcast often have negative aura(energy or frequency) and you must sense it.

appearance can be deceiving but a light of eyes cannot. you must see their eyes if you feel something uneasy from others.

This is an American gook mix. Her mother is Korean and father is american but strangely she introduces herself a Japanese with full Japanese name.

giving me opportunity to have conversation with them, I can. gooks pretending to be Jap are never say bad things regarding Korea


Is toshiro mifune more jomon looking?

Hai Mifune is typical jomon desu.

imagine it's like trying to find an irish among a group of british people

Nippon oppai big and tastey.

wow he's more handsome than George Clooney.

Yahari. He is very kakkoi desu

those are too big

Ask them to which takeshima island belongs.
Ask what do they think of Korea.(both)
if they say answered you positive thing, you have to be skeptical.
Ask them about emperor and monarchy.
If they answered you negatives, they should be 90% zainichi.
Ask them what do they think of Abe. If they answered you negatively, they should be 99.9 % zainichi.
Ask them what do they think of k pop.
If they answered you he/she likes it, they should be zainichi.
If you asked them, do they like Samsung, or they use Samsung phone, they should be zainichi.

Nonway to tell desu. Assimilated Zainichi look Japanese. Their skin has a weird Japanese texture and they tend to have narrower jaws due to changes in their diet

pic related:zainichi

If he/she acts autistic or dumb, he/she is mostly native japanese, just like you are looking at in this thread.

Netouyo think Zainichis are a problem but they have actually assimilated deeply like Irish Americans have after over 80 years in Japan.

Zainichi is just a meme in real life. Most Zainichis are extremely assimilated and you can never tell they are of Korean descent and even have extreme far-right, anti-Korean ideology being lowclass fucktards and all

There are not only many zainichis in those two areas, but also they reside in other areas too.
Nagoya, kyoto (kansai area in particular) , niigata, hokkaido. About surnames they like to have with kim, they put kimura( キムラ) on it because it pronounces very close to kim.

Another Zainichi that looks really Japanese. I would have never thought of him as Korean

Another Zainichi.

>square face and high cheekbones
>pointy slim eyes
>making annoying sounds when eating food
>kanjis such as 安、金、木下、哲、秋、李、全 in their Japanese names

Compare this with old photos of Japanese Americans from 50 years ago.

Those Japanese Americans would look Korean in Japan right now. Honestly there is no way to tell

>Netouyo think Zainichis

here is a list of crimes commited by zainichis after ww2.

You american GHQ polices got involved in them and they subdued riots, looting and lynching Japanese locals by zainichis. Do not forget this.在日韓国・朝鮮人の事件年表

>niigata, hokkaido
really? They are relatively poor and no zainichi want to go there since they are basically economic refugees.


>Zainichi is just a meme in real life. Most Zainichis are extremely assimilated and you can never tell they are of Korean descent and even have extreme far-right, anti-Korean ideology being lowclass fucktards and all

oh you must be Korean american diaspora who are busying in lobbying and japan bashing.

Zainichis are pretty much malignant sects fully involved in politics, economics and crimes, asshole.

is that japanese or zainichi

They are every fucking where nowadays.


how about the pubic hair?

That's why they are part of the lowerclass like you stupid poor, autistic retard. You and Zainichis form those malignant sects of society dummy. You marry into them and live with them because you are basically them, dumbass

lol yea nah, you guys really do look the same


If you really want to know about zainichis. follow kent gilbert, he is an honorable Japanese expert criticising korea/ zainichi society.


t. whitu Jōmon takahashi

so, white looking japanese = true japs, asian looking japanese = korean

that's the most gook looking white man I know

How do you know he secretly isn't Zainichi, japmonkey?

This is the true japanese male

yep, the square chin and narrow eyes are awful suspicious. plus he practically has a bowlcut, he smells like a plant

Why do you bring this in Japanese related board?
Do you actually search up them one by one?
In America, there are many sneaky gooks they introduce themselves Japanese with no evidences.
They must be a part of Korean or have kin of Korean ancestry.

I didn't know all nordsinids were Japanese

he's quite handsome. is he japanese or zainichi

the thread has triggered japs as expected

You are really too incredibly stupid or autistic to think Japanese don't look any different from Koreans

This man is definutely Japanese


looks kind of like me (Chinaman here)

You may be a percentage Japanese, you never know.

Is this manu a Zainichi? Or a Nihonjin desumnida??

all i'm getting from this is that good looking japs are the real japanese and the ugly ones are koreans. that's a whole lot of koreans on that island then

Its probably osaka, what a shithole.

You are an ignorant typical gook. kys

This is my understanding of the situation.

This man is of chinese descent
You are correct, but some of the "Japanese" may be thai or some other seamonkey. I truly believe there are only 3 Japanese in this picture.


Easiest way to tell is Japs have wider mouths, thinner lips. Koreans tend to have attached ear lobes. Koreans are have fattier, paler and smoother looking skin. Japanese have tough and rough skin. Japs have smaller foreheads and lower heads. Koreans have stronger jaws. Eyes are actually impossible to tell because many Japanese have really small, slanty almond shaped eyes for some reason

This is a Japanese eye shape. Nearly white looking except for the flaps of skin over the bottom half of the eye.

Korean eyes don't tend to be as narrow and slanted. But they do have more monolids. Japanese mouths are wider, yet they have less fat in their faces. Korean and Japanese noses are basically the same, but Japanese have more of an illusion of a convex nose die to slimmer faces

It's barely any different except earlobes, lips and slightly jaw. Trust me

This is a japanese nose, it has a bit of a curve to it

you just copied that from a picture of hiro didn't you

It was like that when I was there. Most Japanese and Koreans are ugly flat faced gooks. Only 2% look different bc of makeup and plastic surgery which both do heavily

No I didn't statistically this is the average Jomon nose

You got to be kidding me if you think any Japanese has that eye.

Stop jacking off to dolled up underage lolis, you autistic weeb. No Asian, white, black or human has that kind of eye

My reason why I put some Koreans on picture.
There are two twin boys and girl. Their narrow shape slated eyes is typical korean heritage.
Also, Koreans are generally very show off types in pictures. their user rate of selfy or Instagram are much much more higher than Japanese users becuse of their shallow culture into appearances because they are too ugly.
While, the Japanese are shy enough and reserved to take pictures and show off their pictures in public in general.

so you be sayin' Japanese people are autistic?

why would ugly people use instagram more and good looking people use instagram less. that makes no sense

I m telling you the truth, kim.
I don get why you deem or categorize reserved culture as in autism.

No, they aren't loud annoying rude assholes. Fuck off korean immigrant.

>pic related
I am a bad drawer

Is this man Zainichi or Japanese?

which eye is that supposed to be

Japanese, just fat

Stupid asshole. they never show off their prototype. Instead they show off their plastic art or make up art just like k poop idols. You still don't know the world. Are you a virgin faggot? How long have you been on Sup Forums? make more this types threads and learn more about gooks.

How is that any different from a Chinese or Korean person's eyes?

You must be really high on the autism scale you faggot weeb. Why would you give a shit about Asian people's appearance you autistic piece of shit?

a.Korean have pepper(Kimchi) more frequently. So, they are suffered from some skin troubles.
b.The back side of Korean head tends to be less prominent. And their heads are bigger.
c. Korean have thinner and smaller eyes
(extra: non appearance)
d. Korean mouth smell is stronger.
e. Korean have lower skill in debate.

He looks like chink and zainichi mix.

lol no need to be triggered, i'm sure you're a nice handsome jomon fella. you shouldn't say retarded shit if you don't want to get called out for it though


Is it like the difference between Germans and Scandinavians? Like, there's two stereotypical, or ideal facial features but most people fall somewhere in the middle, so you can't always look at a person and tell what they are but when you see someone who looks typically scandinavian you immediately know?

don't you feel ashamed of yourself posting 5yo tier slanders?

Shut the fuck up roach

I am a Japanese.
When I visited Houston, TX, An airport groundstaff greeted me "Kon-nichiwa".
But I didn't hold my passport in my hands. He wouldn't know I am Japanese.
I think airport staff can distinguish Japanese from Korean.
AI deep learning will give us some solutions.

The japs have better cameras?

He won't understand because he is way too autistic and lacks self-awareness. Let him be, he's completely schizo. He doesn't understand any warnings he needs serious help that are seriously for him, not jokes on an internet cartoon board

You must be blind

think he meant japanese eyes bulge out more from the eye socket than koreans. the slit is the same size

Have you learned heuristic research leads a shame?
then you should declare to give up advancing.

isnt he that chinese hurdler

You somehow forgot the words "cringe" and "cuck". Please do not mislead others about your cultural identity and background by purposefully omitting some of the giveaway words.

>. Korean mouth smell is stronger.
Add an extra remark for you my fellow Japanese friend.
They also make fucking annoying sounds when they eat.
While we only make noises when we eat noodles.