Where do you stand on the vaccines? Personally, I am against them.

I recently obtained my vaccine administration record and am shocked that my parents had me take so many vaccines.

In the first year of my life I received five shots. In less than one year! They were for DPT (Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus) and Polio. I also received the MMR vaccine at less than two years old.

Does that seem excessive to anyone else? Like, when the fuck would I even get these diseases? I was a baby in a crib at home. Shit is fucking stupid.

Other urls found in this thread:

>how dare my parents want me to not have polio
fucking americans

You are an idiot.

Sup Forums is an christian board.
Get off if you're so unchristian like

And did you develop any type of disease or problem? If not then shut the fuck up.

stop manufacturing them in Chinese backyard shops. Companies doesn't trust electronic component shops, but they trust Chinese pharmaceuticals... ridiculous

>Like, when the fuck would I even get these diseases?
You wouldn't...

... because you were vaccinated.

>And did you develop any type of disease or problem?

half a year of diarrhea after anti tick vaccine, messed up my last college year.

i really never imagined women in Sup Forums at all

1 post by this ID

Never understood why people complain about vaccines. You must be seriously stupid. It's insurance, say you went to a third world shithole where there is polio then you would be fine.

the way the five eyes shill push vaccines so hard and often make me very suspicious

>potentially mandatory vaccine education classes for parents seeking exemptions for their kids

I don't think you would like it up here

>wanting polio
>wants measles, mumps and rubella
>I never had it, so vaccines is bad
First-worlders, everyone.

Goddam i wish they did give autism so that you would be in a vegetable state you fuck. Id rather have a ton of vaccines done to me so that i dont get everyone else sick with something that is so easily cured

I wasn't aware an Anti Tick Vaccine existed yet.

You do know what an anti tick vaccine is suppose to mean, right, as in a vaccine that universally immunizes against all possible diseases spread by ticks, right?

Are you actually lying?

Because an actual anti-tick vaccine is likely Noble Prize worthy because us humans still have not managed to cockblock any diseases spread by pests and parasites like Malaria.

Hygiene and sanitation killed polio, not vaccines

Seriously? Polio is a virus, you can't just kill it by showering.

>not checking flag before replying

Anti-vaccine autists should be, and are, rightfully shamed for being the retarded fucks they are.

That being said, pumping children with multiple vaccines in a short period of time, usually a lot in one day even, should be questioned and analyzed extensively. I actually support Trump's policy of investigating the possibility of "spreading out" vaccinations.

>Sup Forums is an christian board.

Polio rates actually increased with the first polio vaccine, and the disease was eradicated in all developed countries whether they used the vaccine or not.

Of all polio cases, 99% of patients simply get a fever and are sick for a week or so and then it passes. Partial paralysis occurs in less than 1% of cases.

Measles and Mumps were already nearly eradicated before the vaccines jot the market, and it's now been proven that the vaccines only protect for a couple years ago most.

There was recently a Measles outbreak at Disney world. Among children that had all been vaccinated.

I'm not against the theory of vaccines, but if km going to inject virus cells into my body there is going to be a damn good reason for it. Not just herd behavior and the gubmint says it's good for me.

So you want to get sick I take it.
>The toxins in such as that one mercury compound are rarely used, in low concentration, and are only used in adults.
>No correlation is linked between autism and vaccines.

Christianity will hold everybody back. While not as bad judaism or islam it still will handicap us.
Watch this and better understand the Jewry involving vaccines

Do you seriously get your medical information from questionable internet blogs? I bet you are the kind of faggot who google searched "Vaccines are bad?" and was shocked SHOCKED when you got inundated with information about how bad vaccines are...from uneducated single mothers off their prozac.

People like you are a threat to society. Take your vaccines, or go to Africa and see how long you last without a hepatitis shot.


Nurse fag here. This guy is right.

Wakefield tried to sell his own vaccine.

>I wasn't aware an Anti Tick Vaccine existed yet.

It's common in Europe in the Alp regions, but it is only against FSME (brain inflamation), not Lyme disease.

I bet you and your wife's son get the flu vaccine every year too

>Nurse fag here. This guy is right.

Nursefags get their info on big pharma congresses and through for profit medical "journals", sorry but you guys are tupper ware salespeople in white robes.
> Doctor in family


>Complaining that your parents took steps and called upon the expensive methods of modern medicine to ensure that you lived a healthy life free from disease

Grow the fuck up



there you go:

Sup Forums is a qekian board you heretic cunt

Lol whatever doc. Go back to withing fatal orders. I'll make sure they don't get the pt.

The only vaccine that it makes sense to be against is the bullshit that is the flu vaccine. The best they can do is a 1 in 5 chance of picking the correct strain based on the previous year's data, and even then there's the chance that the virus mutated since last year. Not to mention it's the one loaded with the most fillers and patented compounds.

I only had to take it this last year because of a work mandate which was more bullshit and I swear it's screwed my immune system up. I used to never get sick and now I get colds every month and my allergies are hell this year. Fuck the flu vaccine.

I'm for mandatory vaccines like those that you get from birth. (Polio, tetanus, MMR, diptheria, etc.) But I see no need in getting a flu shot every year unless you're an old person.

You're a narrow-minded moron. If my vaccines can protect me from the diseases you'll be carrying, go for it. There are too many people on Earth, anyway.

This is a lie. The diarrhea was from the copious amounts of laxatives you ingested to stay pretty for the frat boys.

Are you mental? The polio vaccine was THE vaccine. The original vaccine.

Are you familiar with the fact that many diseases thought to almost be non occurring in the public are now reoccurring because people aren't vaccinating their kids?

There is literally no downside to vaccines unless you're afraid of needles.

>another trump faggot enters the board

> Does that seem excessive to anyone else?


You sound like you're about 10 years old and have never taken a single science or biology class.

here's a pro-tip for life, child: there is a fuckload of shit out there that will will kill you dead. If you're lucky, because some of that shit will make you wish you were dead, but you won't have the capacity to kill yourself.

There's this thing called "medicine." Humans developed it so they could bypass living like mongrel dogs, eating their own shit and fucking and dying in garbage dumps.

You think vaccines are something to get all sperged out about?

Move to a country that doesn't have them and live in one of their ghettos for five years.

Then come back here and tell us you wouldn't vaccinate your own kids. Explain to us how you would rather have your kid(s) go through that Hell, and that you'd rather pay hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical costs to watch them die in front of you ... assuming they are lucky enough to die.

Oh. Wait. Your plan is to make that magic unicorn named "Somebody Else" pay all those costs, isn't it?

You fucking parasite.


Sounds like you caught autism from those vaccines you insufferable faggot OP

no it wasn't you fucking retard the first vaccine was for smallpox.

rekt shrekt and kekt

you guys really need to lurk more you're condescension and hostility outs you very quickly. bonus points for trying to frame it as opposition perspective though

>b-b-b-but w-we don't really n-n-no and m-m-muh austims!!!

You're doing God's work, user. I eagerly await the day when all these Trumpfags finally migrate back to Stormfront.

>You think vaccines are something to get all sperged out about?
Holy shit, you're a retard. Please fuck off back to

your parents gave you the MMR vaccine.

now you obviously are mildly mentally retarded

proof enough for me

The one vaccine I would run to the doctor for A disease that keeps tics away. And you complain about italthough it doesn't exist.