I killed them. I killed them all. They're dead, every single one of them. And not just the men...

>I killed them. I killed them all. They're dead, every single one of them. And not just the men, but the women and the children, too. They're like animals, and I slaughtered them like animals. I HATE THEM.

What about their bacteria?

He inhaled them with force powers and shitted them out. There like trash too him, and he hates them.

Did his bacteria lightsaber duel Obi Wan's bacteria?

>Hmmm... I'll kill him. I'll kill him dead. Like with- with a rock or something. Like a- like a stone.

Yes, they were good friends.

Shit is fucking overkill massa

What about the banthas?

Banthas are filthy animals. I dont eat filthy animals

I wish we spent more time with young anakin pre revenge of the sith. They needed to show palpatine doing more manipulating. His fall to the dark side was rather sudden in ROTS. Not much build up. I know its a movie so you cant do a lot of character development like they did in the clone wars show but live action young anakin is servery lacking character development.

Best way to deal with Muslims.

>I hate those fucking sand niggers

Jesus, did Raimi write the script or something?

Well they did gang rape his mom so it's understandable that he would feel that way.

He was just jealous they got to her first instead of him.

so why do some jedi have that weird braid thing anakin has

padawans actually

its a symbol that they have not yet completed their training to become a full Jedi Knight

>I know its a movie so you cant do a lot of character development
Jesus Christ.

He actually does fine in this scene. Good performance.

the actor was never the problem, it's Lucas' writing

Jesus Christ, Lucas

Yeah, in single file too, as to hide their numbers

This is the point we are currently user.

I share your pain, mind it.

Dude star wars lmao am i right