Varg Vikernes talks about snowniggers

Varg Vikernes talks about snowniggers.

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he's against mowing lawns now too?

let the weeds, the children of nature, grow free

Why do so many women follow Varg? Are they attracted to the BNC?

women love crazy dudes, it's just fact

so embrace your crazy evil side

He talks like a fag and his shit's all retarded.

I would say 99% of his viewers are men
women dont dislike modern culture, they fucking love it. it was made for them

could you imagine being his neighbour? Fucking weeds and grass growing out of control in his garden while he sneers at you for cutting your grass

Sounds like the perfect neighbour. Fuck people and their incessant, masochistic lawn fetishes.

for a "right wing" guy he has a fair amount of female viewers. You're right though, the modern world compared to the old is a huge step up for women and just a decent step up for men, women have the most social power nowadays

why not? the majority of youtube users are women anyway. not every one of varg's viewers are poltards

He is Swedish right?


I'm not Swedish.

All cultures were made and effectively enforced by women. A man largely doesn't give a fuck, so long as he has some form of work to keep him active and some form of sexual outlet. Culture is a set of values arbitrarily pushed by the lowest common denominator, at the end of the day. Even in Islamic shitholes, it's the women who are responsible for things like enforcing genital mutation, etc. not the men, to give you an idea of who are the real gateholders of cultural norms.

A man will build a house but a women will tell you how to hang the curtains.

He's Norwegian. Not that it matters though, we're the same people. In fact, all Europeans are to some degree the same people.


Swedish and Norwegian linguistically speaking is insanely similar. I remember when i was learning a bit about Norwegian i went to a Swedish wikipage and thought it was Norwegian until i seen some words i didn't recognize.

I felt retarded.

Nowadays I think so, in the past I don't think so

values are created by men and pushed onto women, because women don't have any values inherently, they have to be raised around them

Men usually come up with an idea and force women to follow it, now it's reversed it seems


Danish, Norwegian and Swedish really are just different dialects of the same language. I actually do agree with Varg on some of these issues. I consider myself Scandinavian more so than I consider myself Swedish. The differences between our countries are completely artificial.


it depends on what part of Norway you compare it with

>women don't have any values inherently, they have to be raised around them

everyone is influenced by the values around them and everyone has inherent proclivities (though men and women differ on average on what those are). what you wrote makes no sense

but you're right that the patriarchal societies of the past hardly were the 'creation of women' but that's a complex matter

Hi varg

>but you're right that the patriarchal societies of the past hardly were the 'creation of women'
They effectively were, because patriarchy is fundamentally a gynocentric function of social control. Under patriarchal societies men were more disposable and women more protected.

Men are leaders, women are followers. Men generally think for themselves and women tend to follow social norms and media more

yeah there are plenty of dumb men, the majority of the population still, but women are more easily shaped and formed by society

yes we were still at each others throats constantly even when there was no justification for it.
people like to call us the most civilized people in the world, but we were seriously slav-tier and niggerish in the past.

Not us. The rich and ruthless aristocracy. Regular people never cared much for kings and politics.

>Men generally think for themselves and women tend to follow social norms and media more
>but women are more easily shaped and formed by society
These two statements contradict each other. The reason why women tend to follow social norms more is because they are the ones who primarily enforce them. Why do you think the concept of "boys being boys" means guys fucking around and doing their own thing, while "women being women" equates to being controlling and demanding of others?

Hes right


If there's one thing you have to give us credit for, it's producing people with weapons-grade autism at a pace that belies our population numbers.

that's nonsense, women usually had fewer rights (though certain classes of men often did too). the male disposability you're referring to is a natural outcome of biology and the male function in war, manual labor etc. the only reason you can call them gynocentric is that men always wanted to control or have access to more pussy

you said that men generally think for themselves but at the same time the dumbasses are the majority of the population so which is it?

I'm agnostic on that front but one potential explanation for women being "more easily shaped" is that they're much less confrontational and much more agreeable on average

but what I said still stands, we all have natural proclivities and we're all influenced by our environment. if some seem to be influenced more it's because their personalities are more conducive to that

you're wrong
its men who came up with these concepts and its men who enforced them, women just followed along.
modern culture is made largely by women and look at the state of it

I don't think I exactly agree with that. it's still men who are the most important cultural icons and producers, they just have different values. you could call those values more 'feminine' since they're more represented in women than men (sexual liberty, empathy towards outgroups etc.) but women are still not the main culture makers or anything

how can his "non-nordic" fans take him seriously, when varg hates them and would most likely stab em 23 times in self defense?

Do you think there will ever be a language that is created? Maybe a language that is just called "Scandinavian". I guess you guys know English well enough to use that as the language but still.

it's a shame he murdered Euronymous, I would have liked to see him make videos about his love of totalitarian communism on youtube with direct responses to Varg or something along those lines

no never. there are too many special dialects in Norway

Scandinavian already exist. As I said, our "languages" are just different dialects. Though unless Europe collapse, as some think it will, the powers that be will no doubt strive to separate us further to ensure their own power base.

Fuck any kind of union if we have to use english to communicate

I don't want anything to do with the criminal gangs that rule our countries at all

there are dialects in Norway which swedes don't understand at all, even norwegians has trouble understanding them

Sweden is fucked so he's just teamplaying for his own good

well we in Norway has a jelly good time making fun of each others dialects because we don't understand each other. Now how the fuck would a swedish motherfucker understand it if we can't understand it?

Challenge to swedes: What did the norwegian guy say here? us norwegians don't understand so how the holy fuck would a fucking swede understand?

>What did the norwegian guy say here?
If you can't understand it then why would we be able to? The host however I have no problems at all understanding.