How accurate is this map?

How accurate is this map?


We had to fight off invasions from Spain, England, France and the Holy Roman Empire to gain and maintain our independence. So they can fuck off.

>unlawful territory penalties
reality and europa universalis have intermingled now?


what is that supposed to mean?

big blue blob.

that's rude


That the French of yore were incapable of creating aesthetically pleasing borders

What does the portuguese one mean

Only the northern border is ugly. Alsace was a good beginning, we should have taken everything to the Rhine.
We have borders to the Pyrenees and the Alpes, that's good enough


A blob is something unwanted

its related to the game really. in eu4 france is pretty op and invades quite a lot of places making borders pretty ugly and blobls all around.

Ignore and leave Portugal alone and they'll end up owning like a third of the world

Something like "Underestimate at your own risk" I suppose.

When we did the entire Europe got butthurt

its an eu4 maymay

here, a bit better

I didn't know it was about a game

its fine. gib chain smoker french gf.

We belonged to Germany and not to Hungary tho.

i am generous but i can only provide you a photograph

It means Portugal is like that nerdy kid in school who has a huge dick

dayum. we need to be allies again.

sorry but i don't want the whole world to call us french "unholy" again

they called you "unholy" because they were just jelly about our friendship

> Colonial Bully
> not Pirat... England

That map is bullshit.

England colonizes slow af compared to Castille.

By the time England starts colonizing Spain has already claimed most everything and the Pope gets mad at England.