Stop listening to music with african elements

Stop listening to music with african elements.

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Why should I, motherfucker?

I wish those musicians would not allow themselves any repetitions, and would go faster in developing their ideas or their findings, because I don't appreciate at all this permanent repetitive language.

It is like someone who is stuttering all the time, and can't get words out of his mouth. I think musicians should have very concise figures and not rely on this fashionable psychology.

I don't like psychology whatsoever: using music like a drug is stupid. One shouldn't do that : music is the product of the highest human intelligence, and of the best senses, the listening senses and of imagination and intuition. And as soon as it becomes just a means for ambiance, as we say, environment, or for being used for certain purposes, then music becomes a whore, and one should not allow that really; one should not serve any existing demands or in particular not commercial values.

That would be terrible: that is selling out the music.

Jesus Christ calm down, rhythm is alright, grow a soul......

spotted the nigger

then you'd have to stop listening to literally everything

master b8

>Well, what happened there is, of course—now all of you must adjust your brains—the biggest work of art there has ever been. The fact that spirits achieve with one act something which we in music could never dream of, that people practise ten years madly, fanatically for a concert. And then die. [Hesitantly.] And that is the greatest work of art that exists for the whole Cosmos. Just imagine what happened there. There are people who are so concentrated on this single performance, and then five thousand people are driven to Resurrection. In one moment. I couldn't do that. Compared to that, we are nothing, as composers. [...] It is a crime, you know of course, because the people did not agree to it. They did not come to the "concert". That is obvious. And nobody had told them: "You could be killed in the process."
Was he right?


I don't think so.

Suck my dick, gramps.

>not recognizing minimalism as an important musical development
If you do you are not realizing where they got their inspiration

>giving up Exuma


blow me Karl

>using music like a drug is stupid.
That's where he's wrong.
It's also pretty strange how so many of his students came to be invested in repetition.

>so many of his students came to be invested in repetition
the bad ones for sure

reminder that modernists like Stockhausen and Adorno were made obsolete by post-modern critique and are mostly irrelevant to today's situation. They couldn't see past the Industrial Revolution and the advent of mass society, and are completely lost in the ongoing Information Revolution of today.


>post-modern critique
>Information Revolution of today
Those aren't good things.

Looks like a value judgement wasn't given. Just that stocky and adorno are irrelevant, given current thinking.

You can't simply apply a qualitative judgment to intellectual epochs, each of them encompasses all good and all bad things of that time.
Post-modernity can be used against the status quo and as the status quo, like any other mindset, like modernity was used and abused (which gave birth to post-modernity in the first place).

>I wish
>I don't appreciate
>I think
>I don't like psychology
(worthless) opinions

>music is the product of the highest human intelligence, and of the best senses, the listening senses and of imagination and intuition
[cittation needed]

>And as soon as it becomes just a means for ambiance, as we say, environment, or for being used for certain purposes, then music becomes a whore, and one should not allow that really; one should not serve any existing demands or in particular not commercial values.
that's mainly true. art is always a whore of its historical and cultural context though

there you go brainlets

he was senile: he gave too much importance to music, and he mixed up art and historical even


(worthless) opinions

Goodbye percussion then

his last work is fantastic

"Stravinsky and Stockhausen spent their life trying to create a musical revolution. Techno music achieved it in less than ten years"
-Jeff Mills

Stocky and friends got BTFO harder than the Patriots last night, how will they ever recover?

user, we're talking about art, not culture industry product.

>my music isn't influenced by emotions whatsoever
what a fucking autist. Might as well do some straight up arithmetic then.

exactly. Modern art was possible in such conditions of material culture that are no longer present. Adorno's critique of capitalism lost its sharpness because capitalism is being eroded by its own technological excess. Adorno couldn't conceive of a situation in which I can download any piece of information i want in a matter of seconds, via a network of equal users who share it. He couldn't conceive of a cheap home computer that's more efficient than electronic dinosaurs of the 70s and the 80s. He wouldn't believe that a co-op company of 10 enthusiasts can challenge billion dollar capitalist enterprises.

>a co-op company of 10 enthusiasts can challenge billion dollar capitalist enterprises

>9/11 is the greatest work of art
What did he mean by this anons???

>Might as well do some straight up arithmetic then
that would be Xenakis

"the greatest work of art imaginable for the whole cosmos. Minds achieving somethingin an act that we couldn't even dream of in music, peoplerehearsing like mad for 10 years, preparing fanatically fora concert, and then dying, just imagine what happenedthere. You have people who are that focused on aperformance and then 5,000 [sic] people are dispatched tothe afterlife, in a single moment. I couldn't do that. Bycomparison, we composers are nothing. Artists, too,sometimes try to go beyond the limits of what is feasibleand conceivable, so that we wake up, so that we openourselves to another world. […] It's a crime because those involved didn't consent. They didn't come to the 'concert.'That's obvious. And no one announced that they riskedlosing their lives. What happened in spiritual terms, theleap out of security, out of what is usually taken forgranted, out of life, that sometimes happens to a smallextent in art, too, otherwise art is nothing."

>who were Netflix

Stravinsky was explicitly against revolution in music and for most of his life wrote in neoclassical style. What an idiot, lel

There's a difference between a minimalist composer who demands people to listen to his music in a completely new way and a lazy electronic musician who loops a couple of nice melodies for several minutes.

>modern art
nice oxymoron

niggers, niggers
my son