It's so goddamn bad

Which black metal band is this?

>Eat the Elephants
Fucking hell this is some cringe shit.
What the hell happened?

What the fuck why

hey my name is brandon too

Its eat the elephant and I guess its an old figure of speech. how do you eat an elephant? one bite at a time

the thing is from what I heard so far I actually really enjoy the songs, but.. ugh god what the fuck were they thinking with that cover. its 2003 tim burton mallcore goth meets midlife crisis with the execution of a bad fanart. they need to fire their designer and throw that away.

>I'm homeless

>Its eat the elephant and I guess its an old figure of speech. how do you eat an elephant? one bite at a time
That's not what it is at all.
The cover has only two colors, does that spell it out for you?

It's almost like a title can have more than one meaning

>Keenan says the whole process has just been a constant push to the finish line. "We just had to dig in and do it," he says. "Once the [wine grape] harvest was out of the way, we started to get things done with the music in between picking and processing. It's pretty much been on my plate this whole time." So he simply sat down and ate the elephant? "Oh, yeah. One bite at a time."

Neither making it less cringe.

I actually don't mind the title, its out of left field from their other stuff for sure but sometimes a curve ball in the catalog surprises

that picture is just vomitous

>You made a press bio that contains the line, "With a title like Eat the Elephant, A Perfect Circle’s new record has clear political overtones that Keenan admits could stir up controversy."
>Keenan: You're going to go straight there, huh? Well Dan Dunn, the guy who wrote American Wino, wrote that. I told him, "Bios are generally boring. I have an idea where Billy was cryogenically frozen and woken up today. Would you write that?" It sums up what it would like to be frozen in 2004 and wake up in 2018 and go, "What the fuck?" So he went with it, and I think he did a great job [laughs]. ...
>You don't want to be too topical, because then you date your art. But there's definitely a lot of iconic things that go on nowadays that are wroth mentioning that I feel like we just take as rote, we just accept it like it's standard. Imagine being cryogenically frozen for 14 years and waking up and going, "What are you people doing to your faces? Why are you doing that? You all look like Whoville. You're not fooling anybody – you don't look better or younger. You just look different." So I guess I just don't understand.
>imagine being cryogenically frozen and finding out that Donald Trump was president. I mean you could wake up and it's Corey Feldman. Like, "What the fuck are you talking about right now? Ted Nugent's running for senator? Come on. You're kidding, right?"

Oh man, If there's ever going to be a new Tool album I hope they won't go full political. Maynard seems to be really into politics and I don't want every 8 minutes track to be about Trump.

Wait is that actually Maynard?
Is that his new APC look or something?

Congrats APC, worst album cover I’ve seen in awhile. It’s gonna be hard to take your album seriously knowing it’s covered with that fucking shitstain of a cover. Bye. Next.

maynard on the left and billy howerdel on the right

It's weird. The record announcement was accompanied by OP's pic. On the website, there's a different pic depending on which version you preorder. Vinyl gets the full Maynard shot. CD gets the full Billy shot.

Is it going to be a lenticular thing? Or will it have switch-out/alternate covers like Aenima? Or is this just placeholder art and the cover is yet to be finalized?

It's just jarring in its design. I dig that they went with a white background and a few splashes of red and blue, but no band in this day and age should have a photo of any of its members on the front (let alone in Manson makeup), especially in an image as poorly composited as this.

Would've been infinitely better to just feature a closeup of the heart-octopus in the hands.

killing joke

Yeah, I hope either its placeholder (which almost no artist announces an album with placeholder artwork but suppose its possible) or the band gets so much shit for it that they come up with something better.

I do dig these guys, I think they make good music and the songs they have teased so far are up to par, but yuck. Do I buy albums for the covers? No, but if it has dogshit artwork its a guarantee that I won't buy it.

Even if the design has some merit (its cliche af) its done so badly. White balance is awful, the blood drips look awful, the octopus is so poorly color selected its laughable.

Is this 1997?'

I'd rip the disc (or go digital) and replace the embedded album art with a better-looking version off Google.

I doubt it, the guy's a total pig. He had this tantrum a while ago at a show about how people don't respect the military or police enough.