Is it true that this kind of drawing can get you arrested in England?

Is it true that this kind of drawing can get you arrested in England?

in any kind of anglo country

Yes, and castrated.

Sounds a bit harsh

Australia as well; we have a case of someone being arrested for trying to import a handful of Comic LO volumes. Really fucking cancerous reasoning, but that's normalfaggotry in a nutshell.
Really enjoy the mood Takamichi captures with his illustrations. Very observational.

In England, yes. England is a very strange place.

In Canada, all you have to do is tell the authorities that it's part of your culture, and President Weedman will personally apologize to you in person, and deliver all the pornography you desire. God bless liberal politics!

based anglos


So if I tell him I wuz a saracen rapebabby will he grant me a 72 virgin harem?

Yeah, but you don't get to choose your virgins. They're usually just rounded up from Anime North.

What is pedo about candid drawings like these?

Being white is illegal in England

Of course, she is not wearing a burqa.

Convince me that this isn't paedophilia lads

>Lol she's 4000 years old hehe xdddd

Fictional characters don't have rights.
Fuck off with your thought crimes.

They are ○1 years old and are not real

its a gateway to and out-let for pedophilia but not actual pedophilia.

He didn't say it was child abuse. He said it was pedophilia. And it is.

Ceci n'est pas une fille.

It's a drawing, not a real human being.
People who cannot distinguish between fiction and reality should be treated as mentally ill people.

>Sup Forums is trying to make you a pedo again.

I'm just posting aesthetically pleasing pictures

They are pleasing alright, please stop.

Don't you like them?