Black Hole

What did God mean by this?

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It's just a prank bro.


This is the scariest video on black holes.

At the center of the singularity is an infinitesimal point of infinite curvature. Physicists have no idea what's going on there.

Show me any solid evidence of the existence of black holes.

>But we can't see them cus light n shiet getting pulled in

Alright buddy.

>Muh physic equations

They were wrong so they added something you couldn't prove nor disprove to fill the gaps.

Black holes aren't real.

I'm guessing to encourage humanity to explore. Also to preserve matter / energy so civilizations dont use all resources at once.

>But we can't see them cus light n shiet getting pulled in
Actually they appear to be extremely bright because there's a lot of light spinning around them. Even if that weren't the case, there's still the fact that objects with massive amounts of gravity for their relatively small size exist.

"They're for my dick, they suck better than mary" - God

>a fucking leaf

5/7 made me reply

They're portals to Hell.


Who knows ?!

The only "visible" evidence of a black hole is the super massive black holy in the center of our galaxy. We have been observing the stars closest to the center having their orbit controlled by an empty space. It's actually very interesting to see.


It's a sign that we should be curious as fuck about the world around us, because there is some pretty insane shit going on that we don't really understand, that could potentially make all the difference for our future.

>Physicists have no idea what's going on there.
The laws of physics break down. Distance and time no longer exist. It's unimaginable, literally.

NASA builds a giant mag lite and shines it on the center, see this:

So my science may be off but isn't a black hole essentially a mini big bang?

It's a portal to your mothers bed room, fat cunt.

Not worried senpai, we got this.


we about to get blacked

meaning in the divine context is irrelevant; god is incomprehensible to humans.


he meant gravity will fuck everyone up and you have to stop it

"put your dick in it"

lmao what a fuckin retard

dumb snake...

I hope you aren't serious, fucker.

Just look at the center of the milky way.

"you fucked up"

i take back what i said earlier. dubs speaks truth.

>So my science may be off but isn't a black hole essentially a mini big bang?
It's super hard to tell. Time dilation is so intense that it's more or less stopped from our perspective looking in. Or to put it another way, if you could somehow get near the singularity without dying you could watch the universe age and decay away to nothing before you even had a chance to look around.

So what's happening is hard to tell because it's effectively stopped in time.

Its a test for humanity. If we can become advanced enough to conquer black holes then we may ascend.

I hope our MASA discover black holes first than NASA. Mexico will conquer the universe.

looks like an angel from evangelion

It's imaginable.

Try to think of watching this gif, over and over and over, forever.





>Physicists have no idea what's going on there
We'll find out in the next 30 years, and it will turn out to be: CRAZY SHIT.

Screencap this.

It is the vagina of a new universe

When the last black hole sucks the last solid matter inside of it, the solid matter will ejaculate with a 'big bang' and a new universe will be formed

>I hope our MASA discover black holes first than NASA

black holes have already been discovered you fucking retard BUILD WALL

A place for black people to be sent off to.
Earth could benefit from this.

Memory leak.
Shouldn't have outsourced the code.

I've had this thought once that black holes gather all the surrounding matter into one spot, similar to the world before the big bang.

Of course, that makes no sense typing it out now.

I'm not surprised. When a 30 ft wall covers the horizon, the only thing you can realistically look at is the sky, or Mexico, and I know what I'd rather look at.

*teleports behind you*

pshh.. kid.. lissen carefully..

Not yet. No spaceship has entered in one black hole.

They're the seams of the universe. He made them suck in all light so you would criticize his craftsmanship.

Dear UK will you stay in or out?

Does this mean you can become immortal?

Theme music for this thread:


it's what got me fascinated by black holes, that we have a supermassive fucking giant black hole, so powerful it made a bunch of giant stars its bitch and has them circling the drain at the speed of light

read that again

our center of galaxy black hole has STARS moving around it at light speed.

it's fucking incredible.

we must harness this power.

Gravitational waves

>something with mass
>moving at the speed of light
0/10 you had me going for a second

it means he is watching you masterbate, and he doesn't like it.

Spain is having financial crisis, its your fault. My motherland is suffereing! leave the EU.

This user is right, there are no black holes. The earth is actually flat on a petri dish and we are being observed by an higher entity. They are observing a cell, what we call earth, for a destructive parasite that keeps killing off the cell. If only we could communicate and tell them it's the Jews

so some disabled retarded jew puppet is god now?

black holes are a semetic fiction

>he fell for the god meme

Our black hole throws out stars fast enough to escape milky way but not near light speed.
Theoretically two black holes in tandem could launch stars at speeds closer to light to speed.
>tfw never live on planet orbiting star speeding out of galaxy at near light speed

gravity is also a lie promoted by (((einstein))) space is filled with aether

>solid evidence of the existence of black holes.
There is none quantum theory says no “information” can ever permanently disappear from the universe.

Black holes would need white holes to exist.

The inside of a black hole is just 2D space. The third dimension becomes time - you can't move away, and if you move towards it you're just speeding up time.

I think the universe exists inside a 4th dimensional black hole. Explains the mystery force pulling everything apart as a function of time - the 4d black hole is growing, so the "universe" grows.

It's just God dicking around in space and seeing what cool shit he can make.

>Memory Overflow Error

>remarkable things happen within a magnetic field of magnetar strength. "X-ray photons readily split in two or merge together. The vacuum itself is polarized, becoming strongly birefringent, like a calcite crystal. Atoms are deformed into long cylinders thinner than the quantum-relativistic de Broglie wavelength of an electron.

All you need to notice it the distortion of light with a powerful telescope. If something has gravity powerful enough to trap light, there sure isn't anything else we know of that could escape.

Why space is always drawn flat. Yet black hole sucks everything from all directions?
Check and mate spacephiles.

Neutron stars and and just the idea of any piece of mass having a Schwarzschild radius. The earth's is about the size of a nickel.

How do you know that's a black hole. The science nigger told you so? I bet you'd let him fuck your wife if he told you his worm hole needed to penetrate her black hole.

Would you rate any movies 5/7?

>be black hole
>take gibs from the universe wherever I can get it
>not even light can escape, sheeeeeit

They don't exist.

It is a CGI image like many things they say are in space

They say its gravity, when gravity doesnt exist either. Scientists all around the world don't have an official explanation for what it is exactly or how it works. Just its "effects" that allow most other theoretical sciences to be sound.

Black holes are just another iteration of black suns. Occultist symbolism

They say "its at the center of our galaxy"

They say its even stronger than the light

They worship the darkness

You forgot the part where people would just dissolve being around it

Delete this right now.

i can't really disprove this with empirical evidence

dayum user, u could be right

I'd stick my dick in this black hole.

>all matter at one point
>shit explodes out
>stars form from raw gases that form from said matter
>large stars collapse into black holes
>black holes increase in number and size
>eventually consume all matter and converge into single point
not that hard senpai



Nothing, that is his anus stop looking a it

I want to try fugging one tbqh

He didn't. There's a reason stars go through several stages of what's called "degenerate matter" in the process of becoming a black hole, it's the work of Satan.

It isn't that the laws of physics break down, per se, it's that our equations break down and we have no way of fixing them because we can't observe what's actually happening.

For certain relativistic definitions of immortal, sure.

One of the most metal ideas I've read in hard science fiction is finding a rotating black hole and using it as a gigantic fucking flywheel

Do you have a picture or video that isn't a composite image or just flat out entirely CGI?

No. You don't. They don't "appear" to be anything.

All you have is your precious theory of gravity to hold all these claims together. No actual proof. You call us the retards but here you all arguing over theoretical science like good little indoctrinated slaves.

>its unbelievable, but it really happened!

who cares

There is an information leak.

Google Hawking's radiation

Dead pixel

black hole is the pupil of the universe

and you're all stupid

The idea of the black hole and a singularity are the results of errors in Einstein's mechanics. Einstein's errors concerning gravity go all the way back to Newton's errors and illegal operations in Principia.

We recorded whole fucking stars moving greater than 1 million miles per hour bouncing back and forth like a ping pong paddle.

What else could it be?


choose one m8

Could be God for all I know. Why does it have to be a blackhole?

Its to get rid of excess energy and heat. The universe is a pooper computer and BBC holes are its way of cooling off duh

Love, TARS

>cant be a cosmic object
>its probably god fucking around with stars bro lmfao


Somehow this thread is even more stupid than usual. I guess summer is real after all.

>error 404: object does not exist

*tips fedora*

>Get buttblasted by logic
>Are you kidding me? Meme

>1 detector
Everything else in science needs to be independently verified.. when this laser gravity detector is recreated elsewhere and gives confusing and error-filled data, what will you do?