Guess who has taken a full page advert in tomorrow's Daily Mail?

Guess who has taken a full page advert in tomorrow's Daily Mail?

Nicely done Hungary.

Isn't he one of the most anti-EU politicians there is?

what's the kicker here

I think that the Brexit vote will reflect the Trump vote this November. This is the year the West is either salvaged, or it's the year when it begins its inescapable descent.

Orban is and always has been pro EU because he along with the rest of the former soviet bloc loves all the free money

He kicks up a stink about migrants but he would never dream of leaving the eu and ofc he still demands Hungarians have unlimited rights to immigrate anywhere in europe

Eastern euro countries are run by untrustworthy hypocrites

its not because of money its obviosulůy because you let all of us with germans and france who are biggest cucks for black dicks.

I'm not sure the Anglos like being told what to do by foreign countries. Doesn't matter which countries they are.

so thx to you leaving we cant resist powers like france and germany and our women gonna ride that black dick soon :) finally my fetish becoming true. thanks uk

You're welcome

Praise kek and Hungary

This is irrelevant argument.
The money we were to get we got, we will contribute to EU more than take by 2021, Brits even if left need to pay for us uptill 2020

... Which is which? Is brexit the salvaging or the descenting? Which is trump? I don't disagree but you need to clarify that shit.

Brexit/Trump is salvage.

fuck off hungary you cucks



Wow, I was going to vote leave but this ad from the Hungarian Prime Minister™ has really opened my eyes, now I see the error of my ways and will be sure to vote REMAIN on June 23rd!

Pulling out ALL THE STOPS!

>it's impossible for Europe to be separate from Asia/Africa

Funny, the middle east is right next to Africa and they're not taking them by the millions.

As for Rothkopf, I can't believe somebody this slimy sits at the top of a magazine held in (obviously false) regard.

Social marxism fucks it up every time it's tried.

Daily reminder that Orbán is a corrupt fuckhead who doesn't care about anything but shekels.

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>we will contribute to the EU more than take by 2021
Let's hope so. The current investment into Poland and your road network seems to be an attempt to make you a second Germany, which would profit the union massively.
But the EU has other problems, more specifically the Euro which is not controlled by the countries who use them, as such you'll keep seeing countries that are doing poor, do poor.