Is this pic accur?

Is this pic accur?

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Irish are gingers

WTF? We don't wear neck-handkerchiefs

I am Grek
Also W(l)och is way too pale




>Spanish more yellowish than chinese


it's really cute but the Europeans look more Asian than the Asians


Nope, just pale/pink and blonde
t. Knower

>Ukrainians are just Polish people and Russians



>Ukrainians are Poles+Russians

>Ukrainians are just Polish people and Russians
holy shit

It's fucking "CHINY" in Polish.
Chinese man is Chińczyk, woman is Chinka.
It's not pronounced with a CH as in chips you dumb shits.

>No Finlan

>hurr how dare you not understand how polish works

Ugh so white, disgusting


Pretty good desu


chinka blyat

>spanish more "exotic" than italy or greece

literally me

Niemiec and Polka look like they fucking each other

>Greece whiter than Spain

damn, this board is amazing. a spaniard in france getting butthurt over a depiction in a polish children's book

shhhh we white now

>that fucking snail crawling on the hand of the french

bon apetit

literally me

>Ukrainian girls its just Polish girl with Russian girl
WTF i hate Bolan now

>Niemiec and Polka look like they fucking each other

specifically the German is doing the fucking which is also historically accurate

i bet you love masturbating to interracial cuck porn too

i'm not a spaniard, I just expected all southern europeans to be brown/yellowish like in habitual stereotypical snownigger books, but they are strangely focusing on spaniards, when excuse me...but you know that greeks and some italians are far more.

No, it's bullshit. We are descendants of the population of the Kiev and Volyn princedoms. We have from the Poles some influence in the language only. But of course we are all Slavs and I almost understand the Polish language.

hon hon hon escargos uma delicieux

dont know. you look pretty jew to me.


haha.. i cant stop laughning.. do you fucks even know what it means?


nope, Iberians are the darkest people in Europe, skin-wise after Sardinians. you have to accept that at some point

typical slavshit+t*rk mix

>being so in denial
t. mehmet

Then stop bastardizing the latin alphabet and use cyrillic




>all european countries depicted as white
bit problematic

>the ebin johnny stereotype again
can you all die ffs

cyryllic sucks

>Using "ch" like it was originally used
>Somehow bastardizing the alphabet

>all european countries depicted as white
wont be for long if we cant control the reffo flow

yes haha lets all portray positive national stereotypes by a table of children with the same skin color and dressed in exactly the same fucking clothes because muh globalism

damn french are dense

Are russian really that butthurt about some shitty country that They have to make those pics

Fuck out to azerboard, pedoraha.

hohol memes are funny though

this pretty much
many of Ukie imigrants here are quite swarthy

What the fuck

t. Louis Rodriguez Hidalgo de Occitania

>cyryllic sucks

you do realize that polaken wrote cyrilic until 19 centry dont you?

t. bregnoule normandoule believing is an asterix vikangz


No, just this poster

i napoletani non sono italiani

>Are russian really that butthurt about some shitty country that They have to make those pics
They call this "information war".

I'm a northerner but I don't care about your memes

jesus christ are all germans this retarded or are you the russian gasterbeiter in germany?

Raping Latin script is even worse

you're just jealous because your languages are fucking primitive unlike Polish.

No, this is russian paper.

Yes, all Americans are cowboys, can confirm.

Nigger that's how CH was originally used when transliterating Greek chi.

you fucking dumbass

>Northerners who believe they are pure germanic aryans when actually just an inbred variety of Belgians
really make you think

Actually, I'm closer to bregnoules and vendéens than I am to belgians

>dem trying hard with the text from German empire

top kek. you do realize that this text is writing in cyrilic dont you?

latin was first introduced into polaken language during napoleon times.

and now you welcome to bitch and moan polakenschwein.

>Spain is represented by a gypsy


heck yea

no, we always used latin although old Polish alphabet differs from the new one

Yes, I'm wearing my Stetson and twriling my lasso right now.

Though I guess as far as traditional dress it's that, a patriot or a pilgrim.

exactly my little piglebydlo. Polakenland was russian empire.

aren't you late for a shift in your gasket factory Ivan?

>german empire
>written in polish

no you didnt. you used latin language. thats different shit. alphabet of polaken was always cyrilic until russian empire let you go and youwnet to ride first german and then french dick. ironically french cared most and invented new alphabet for you instead of cyrilic one.

Shut up, pedoraha.

What is an amer patriot dress?

we are not chinese

flag shaped clothes


top kek. bydlo went into gay lifestyle..

God I fucking hate flamenco

Your an ignorant twat. The only times Poles write in Cyrillic is when the Russians tried forcing it on them which failed.

Look at Jan Sobieski's signature.


i am with you dude. i dont hate it but its annoying sometimes.

>you do realize that polaken wrote cyrilic until 19 centry dont you?

ironically actual flamenco listeners are the epitome of pleb, gypsy trash or payo agitanao underclass
amen brother

>Look at Jan Sobieski's signature.

damn i cant stop laughning.. and i felt shame to explain polaken his own history. his signature means shit polaken. beside he is using awful latin language.

>After the start of the Swedish invasion of Poland known as "The Deluge", John Sobieski was among the Greater Polish regiments led by Krzysztof Opaliński, Palatine of Poznań which capitulated at Ujście, and swore allegiance to King Charles X Gustav of Sweden

BWAHAHAHAHAHA.. polaken are trully the whores.

and germans wrote with runes until the 18th century

Tri-corner hat and other revolutionary war era clothes.