I don't want to work anymore

I don't want to work anymore...

Yeah me neither.

I haven't worked ever.

I don't want to be neet anymore

Doesn't Denmark pay its NEETs though?


Not really. Benefits are only for the disabled or refugees. You can get on welfare too if you have a notable history of employment, which I don't.

Refugees ?? WTF i want to be a refugee now!!

Wagecuck's "life" isn't really a life

Agreed. Wageing is misery.

Agreed too.

Oh I'm sorry, is the sleath commie thread? Fuck off to /leftypol/

I don't want to go to work today, as it's my 10th day in a row, but tomorrow and the next day I get off so that's nice
I'm grateful to have a job so that I can earn money for the future

You are 100% right. But living in 2017 and in the cunt without autismbux, what do you suggest?


I really don't want to work. But i wanna earn much muney and be regarded as a man who has job.

Lets ask kek. What are the chances? Trips and you'll forever be unemployed.


I wish work was the only thing I have but I'm so massively cucked I have work part time, school full time and an unpaid internship.

When's the last time you've been a NEET? I've been unemployed for months and it's driving me up a wall. When your time becomes worthless, you act accordingly.

>your time only has worth if you spend it wagecucking 8 hours a day
Good goyim


You mean making a contribution to society and earning your keep instead of letting the govt take care of you while you sit on your ass all day watching chinese cartoons?

Somebody has to keep society afloat, Ivan, and not everybody has a shitty wageslave job. My field is so fun that it feels like a hobby. Shame it's so hard to come by open positions.

>contributing to society.
fuck society im only in it for myself and so is everyone else

How does a McDonalds fry cook contribute to society. Surely its better if his job gets automated or if McDonalds doesn't exist at all

The ideal of course is to be rich enough to never have to work, that way you aren't leeching off the government but still don't have to waste your life away toiling for someone else's gain.

>you aren't leeching off the government
Ever heard of corporate subsidies my man? The government shells out more than all welfare spending many times over.

Plus the superrich barely pay taxes. The rich know that "contribution to society" is for retards

Enjoy being a parasite I suppose.
They provide a service and earn money that is placed back into the economy. When automation happens that might change, but for now it's (albeit bottom-tier) service work.
imo the ideal would be for workers to get paid a fair living wage with benefits, and to own the fruits of their labor to some degree.

Not sure about that. Right now I'm riding off of a trust fund and it's just boring, meaningless NEETdom with a higher standard of living. My mother also did the SAHM thing and went stir crazy because she had literally nothing to do beyond shopping and hanging out with friends like a teenager. Unless you're inspired and self-motivated enough to use your free time to produce something meaningful, it's a complete waste of a life.

>making a contribution to society
Yes, a nigger single mother needs your taxes to feed niglet swarm.

>Yes, a nigger single mother needs your taxes to feed niglet swarm.
Apparently NEETs like you need them so that you don't starve to death playing counterstrike all day.

Not sure why useless NEETs make fun of other leeches when they're wasting resources too.

>tfw you realize you will make more money collecting benefits rather than working

No wonder America is loosing money

Lmao what? What state?

Look up "welfare trap".

American welfare is so shitty if you aren't a mother, sick, or old is so shitty it's not worth it desu. Food stamps are like 30 bucks a week where I live

Even disability is horrible. You're not allowed to have a certain amount of money in your bank account by the end of the month or else your welfare will be taken away, basically enforcing poverty in the disabled. We should use implement UBI and be done with it, the welfare system is a bloated mess anyway.

My mother is disabled and they make her "volunteer" at the salvation army to keep her benefits


Seriously? That's fucking ridiculous. If someone's disabled then they're disabled.

Have you seen the old/retarded/disabled Walmart greeters? They're in the same boat. Walmart think they're doing them a favor tho


Working a job you hate and making shit money (like I do) is living hell, working a job you enjoy while making good money is paradise.