Hey, russians and other slavs, why do you speak almost the same lang as indians...

Hey, russians and other slavs, why do you speak almost the same lang as indians? How is it possible for so different cultures to have so similiar language?

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>20 cherrypicked words
>same language

it can be just coincidence

Russian is closer to Indian than European on an Indo-European scale.


its not coincidence


Also Slavs had historical contact with Indo-Iranians (Sarmatians and Scythians) and both language groups are in the Satem group of IE.

Russians, not european slavs.

The most closed related european language to sanskrit are baltic

Poles even consider themselves sarmathians. And these contacts were even before slavs split up

Lol, you don't even have the Iranic g -> h change.

"For example, the spirantisation of Slavic Sup Forums to /h/ is an areal feature shared by the Czech-Slovak group with both Ukrainian and Sorbian (but not with Polish). This innovation appears to have travelled from east to west, and is sometimes attributed to contact with Scytho-Sarmatian.[2] It is approximately dated to the 12th century in Slovak, the 12th to 13th century in Czech and the 14th century in Upper Sorbian."

It is funny how it is always Croats, Poles and Russkies claiming Iranic ancestry when you lack the basic Iranic sound change.

Through, admittedly, it is likely Ukrainians picked up the change from local Iranics and then just passed it down to the west.

Do you mean /ɣ/?


It likely started like that and I think Belarus still pronounces it like in the video but for Slovak it is normal h now:


They can consider themselves martians if they want, but the fact is Russian language is basically turko-iranic, despite being classified as a slavic one.

>but the fact is Russian language is basically turko-iranic, despite being classified as a slavic one.

Russian education everyone. Or, rather, what happens when Russians start believing Ukrainian propaganda with cherrypicked wordlists.


I know both russian and turikish and they dont have anything in common at all

What propaganda, you doofus. Russian is filled with turkic and iranic loanwords and has basically nothing in common with Slavic languages.

turkic, not turkish. Tatar, basically, and other influences.

But its grammar is still Slavic desu

>Russian is filled with turkic and iranic loanwords and has basically nothing in common with Slavic languages.

how come i can understand 30% of any given russian text

God Russians are so retarded. I understand your "iranic" language with mostly passive exposure.

Retards who think loanwords classify languages astound me. English has more loanwords from French than Russian from Iranic or Turkic, yet nobody classifies it as Romance. Your basic and even non basic vocabulary is slavic, just because you use "kirpič" and "bumaga" does not make you Iranic or Turkic you stupid gopnik.

>different cultures

>how come i can understand 30% of any given russian text
No, you don't. Russian is not mutually intelligible even with Ukrainian or Belarussian, let alone west slavic tongues.

>Your basic and even non basic vocabulary is slavic
No, dude, it really really isn't. Like at all.

Pýccкий язы́к (инф.) — oдин из вocтoчнocлaвянcких языкoв, нaциoнaльный язык pyccкoгo нapoдa. Являeтcя oдним из нaибoлee pacпpocтpaнённых языкoв миpa — шecтым cpeди вceх языкoв миpa пo oбщeй чиcлeннocти гoвopящих и вocьмым пo чиcлeннocти влaдeющих им кaк poдным. Pyccкий являeтcя тaкжe caмым pacпpocтpaнённым cлaвянcким языкoм и caмым pacпpocтpaнённым языкoм в Eвpoпe — гeoгpaфичecки и пo чиcлy нocитeлeй языкa кaк poднoгo.

Tell me a single Turkic or Iranic word in this text.

My translation:

Russian language - one of the East Slavic languages, national language of the Russian nation. It is one of the most widespread languages in the world - sixth from all the world's languages by general number of speakers and eight by number of native speakers. Russian is also the most widespread Slavic language in Europe - geographically and by number of native speakers.

Зaбoни pycӣ (pyc. pýccкий язы́к) якe aз зaбoнҳoи cлaвянии шapқӣ, зaбoни миллии мapдyми pyc, якe aз мaъмyлтapин зaбoнҳoи дyнё, вa мaъмyлтapин зaбoни cлaвяни мeбoшaд. Зaбoни pycӣ — зaбoни дaвлaтӣ дap Фeдepaтcияи Pycия, якe aз дy зaбoнҳoи дaвлaтӣ дap Бeлapyc, якe aз дy зaбoнҳoи pacмӣ дap Қaзoқиcтoн вa Қиpғизиcтoн мeбoшaд.

God you are retarded. Did your mom drink bojarašnik when you were young? He said 30 percent in writing, that is quite far from mutual intelligibility. And I actually know a bit of Russian, it is not fucking Iranic or Turkic

Compare Russian and Slovak words (both in latin cause I dont have cyrilic on my pc):

čelovek - človek
leto - leto
zima - zima
voda - voda
brat - brat
sestra - sestra
dom - dom
javľaetsa - javí sa
piť - piť
plavať - plávať

You have to really be butthurt against "Europe".

Pretty sure there aren't many Slavic ones either. Tatar language sounds very familiar to us, with many common words, while something like Polish or Slovakian might as well be gibberish.

Almost everything of that is similiar to some Slovak words just phrased very differently. "Sounds familiar" what the fuck is that supposed to even mean? To retarded Anglos, Hungarian sounds Slavic. And I highly doubt your ever heard any Slovak.

Stop trolling you gopnik shit and drink your methanol.

I'm not the one who looks butthurt here, m8. You are the one flinging insults. Are you trying to justify learning Russian in college by pretending that we have anything in common with you? If course there are similar words in our languages, they are both Indo-European.

baltic is not a language, I think you meant to say Lithuanian

Baltic group of languages.

So Slavic, so similar

Basically same languages, am I right

Apparently Skythian(Iranic) loanwords:

sobaka(loanword) - pjos(original Slavic)
topor - sekira
horošij - dobryj


baška(slang. head) - golova
irbis(snow leopard)
balda(a stupid)
beljmes(to know nothing)

I can feel the pan-slavic brotherhood

>eka means first in finnish
the uralo-altaic family is not real... right?

Slavs/Russians are Indians, that's why noone likes them.

that's Indo-European, not Turkic

Original Turkic meaning:

deñge - measure
başka - to a head(baş(a head) + ka(dat.))
karandaş - a black stone(kara(black) + daş(a stone))
kirdik! - 'we walked in!'(Cumanic shout during the siege of a city)
belmes - 'he/she will know nothing'

there is too many slav threads i agree

Cherrypicked propagandist wordlist I waa talking about. Many of these words are Church Slavonic loans and many have similiar synonyms in Slovak.

But free to believe that you are a churka.

Mongolic languages have the most Altaic vocabulary desu

Paбoтa - robota
Чac - čas (but means time in Slovak)
Утpo - jitro (archaic Czech)
Heдeлa - nedeľa (but means sunday in Slovak)

By the way I haven't studied Russian in college you cretin.

>le Russian is not Slavic
lol you retards, wishing very hard that you were asian doesnt make it so

We are not wishing to be asian, being russian is completely fine with us.

Dude, you are literally the first european I've seen who not only doesn't try distance yourself from Russia as much possible, but actually tries to find similarities. Kinda creeps me out desu. Are you diaspora by any chance?

he is only talking about the language tho, its clear to a 3 year old that all slavic languages are related

unfortunately, you are still slavic bydlo, and the polish and ukr*inians are still your kin

>unfortunately, you are still slavic bydlo
>and the polish and ukr*inians are still your kin
Lol, no


In the case of Russian the relation is very distant. To the point of barely existing.

this level of delusion

Russian has 60 percent lexical similiarity to Slovak (shared word roots, not same form).

Russian is very Slavic, far more than English is Germanic, like it or not.