I mean, she doesn't want to get her hands dirty or anything.
Could you blame her?

this, who knows where that child has been

Is this shit ever going to end?

Maybe once the blacks renounce thug culture

this but unironically

How many times do you think she washed her hands?

I guess 3

No matter how many times, it wasn't enough.

haha niggers right guys? haha niggers sure are niggers haha.

You said it.

This is more of an insult to Gaylor Swift than the child.

Still better than tokenism.

this but unironically

>it's always tokenism! ;)

Only racists are obsessed with race, racist.

Do you always post that strawman when you're arguing for the importation of an ethnic underclass to be abused by the rich and in turn abuse this nation's poor?

And yeah, it's tokenism to the rate that exceptions prove the rule.

most american discussion ive ever seen, congrats guys

She's so dead inside now

Oh, hey, don't worry about it. Even if you aren't American, you can still admire our freedom and accomplishments from afar.

so where on the spectrum are you that you're retarded enough to not just save that image, but feel compelled to actually post it.

That "strawman" is 100% correct in your case too, it seems