<spoilers> How the fuck did he expect the rebels to know the drive was named Stardust...

How the fuck did he expect the rebels to know the drive was named Stardust? What if his daughter doesn't survive the trip? Why didn't he just say how to destroy the deathstar in the holo message that the tie pilot had?

Probably because Erso didn't trust Rook with the exact information. He was taking a chance, hoping that he'd actually defect and go to visit Saw.

>Why didn't he just say how to destroy the deathstar in the holo message that the tie pilot had?
he did, but Mads only worked on the reactors, he had no idea where the vent entrance was actually located and had no access to the entirety of plans.

user, we all seen Episode 4

He calls her that in the holographic message. If she had died before getting the message, a rebel would have seen the message. They could then deduce what the code was.

More importantly, who the fuck were the Bothans? You know that line in anh when mothma says many Bothans died bringing this info or some shit.

wrong death star

That was return of the Jedi and that was for the 2nd Death Star you fucking cuck kys

>it user confuses plot of episode IV with VI episode for the thousandth time this week
hillarious and original, what a great bate mate

I'm pretty sure the Bothan spies were mentioned in the first film too.

you'll figure spoilers out some day user

ok so do we get a movie for this too?

He probably assumed the rebels would take their time to plan the theft properly, instead of voting to fucking surrender and thereby leaving it up to a ragtag group of diversity finally b3coning Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

lol i wasnt baiting i thought it was on IV. Thats how shit and rehashing the movies really are.

It's interesting to see a movie where you're rooting for the terrorists become so popular.




Didn't you know, OP? We're all stardust


>How the fuck did he expect the rebels to know the drive was named Stardust?

Because his entire message was addressed directly to his daughter and he ends the message by calling her Stardust. Anyone who saw the hologram would be able to put two and two together.

Kek bullshit. I know this is space fantasy arse water, but even an engineer on the deaths tar would have to at least have access to the plans of the whole thing. Otherwise how the fuck do you know whether the outlet drain for the space shitter you just designed passes straight through the Emporers throne room (however apt)

that's like saying the guy who designed the nuclear reactor on an aircraft carrier would have the complete structural schematics

You are saying he wouldn't? An engineer designing a piece of equipment that is so important and tied to so much of the rest of the ship? Of course he would.

If Mads had designed the door handles or some other minor item I guess you are might have a point.

I am an architect and have worked on numerous MoD sites, the info freely available to you once you have signed the official secrets acts is huge. You would be surprised man.

he wasn't an architect, he was a weapons engineer. and the empire isn't bongland.

He likely would have said the name of the file in the rest of the holorecording before Jedha got destroyed.

he was more like a physycist working on designing the actual space laser, not the fucking station itself. and he was practically kept there by force after they caught him after years of hiding and killed his wife, pretty obvious they would let him near most information.


Lets imagine Jyn is the only one who watches the message, lets imagine she forgets the message in Saw's base as she tries to escape from the explosion of a superweapon (I know it seems convoluted but just imagine), lets also imagine nobody else knows Galen called her Stardust, and now lets imagine she dies before reaching Scarif.

How about then?

I suppose that if a series of tragically unfortunate coincidences caused the worst possible outcome to happen then things would be pretty bad, yeah.

But why complicate things? Let's imagine the defector is caught and executed before delivering the message. How about then?

You realize that's literally what happened in the movie up to "Jyn dies before Scarif" right?

Welcome to SW in where everybody is 3 degrees of separation from everybody in a fucking galaxy and where everything is riddled with big ass coincidences

I swear to god If I see one more autistic bothan post Im gonna kill myself

what if they stole the drive named stardust and it ended up being full of alien porn?
that would be a weird ending.

The defector (the pilot) was caught by rebels and wasn't executed. I'm saying if he was caught by the Empire and executed and the message destroyed.

So you're retarded?

It was Vader's browser history. No wonder why he wanted it back so badly.

>how the fuck did he expect the rebels to know the drive was named stardust
He expects Jyn to know since he always called her his stardust. Yes it was a huge leap of chance and fate that the stars would align to allow this to happen. Especially when he doesn't know Jyn was alive, the she'd be the one to enter the records room, and that there were probably thousands of data drives.

>what if he daughter didn't survive?
You're right

>why didn't he just say
There's probably a lot of details that were to technical to explain to the layman on a holo message without using figures and what not

Don't get me wrong, overall this was all very far fetched and had a huge chance of not working for a large number of reasons but at the end of the day, it all comes down to luck and the Force because it's a movie. I enjoyed the movie.

>There's probably a lot of details that were to technical to explain to the layman on a holo message without using figures and what not
Negative. The only data that actually needed to be transmitted was "shoot a torpedo at coordinates X,Y,Z and the Death Star will explode". That's like sending a fucking tweet. He could have included all pertinent data in the holomessage smuggled out with the pilot.

No sense letting lazy writing off the hook.

>no sense letting lazy writing off the hook
Slow your roll champ. If you read my full post, I point out that all of this was a huge chance and more likely to fail for a number of reasons but luck/the force pulled through because it is a movie.

>shoot torpedo at coordinates x,y,z
I'm not sure what this is supposed to mean. The death star is a moving object. If we are using Cartesian coordinates with some origin being a static point on the death star, then we'd need info on where that point is which would require more information on the death star.

Superweapon: Sphere of R= Whatever
Shoot torpedo to coordinates x, y, z


Experts would have performed the infiltration instead and they probably would have managed to upload the entire archive, deathstar plans included.

>"Instead and they probably would have managed to upload the entire archive"
>Hundreds upon hundreds of dicks
>They all have to be picked manually and sent through the dish in the top of the tower
That would take days if not weeks

Sounds like you want to use polar coordinates which actually would be a better idea thinking about it.

So you'd specify radius corresponding to outer surface where the opening is and either two angles or an angle and a z coordinate. But all these require some reference point and coordinate system. Considering the Death Star is the size of a moon, there's probably thousands of those exhaust ports on the surface.

haha SCIENCE dude i love it just don't know shit about it but hey Cosmos is like smart yeah

>using Cartesian coordinates on a sphere

>on a fucking sphere
Are you dumb? at least say spherical coordinate, baka, polars are for 2d

Why doesn't the data exist in the cloud? Why do they use physical storage in the future?

x = r sin a cos b
y = r sin a sin b
z = r cos b
Woah, so hard

Bespin wasn't invented yet, also is run by a nigger, that data would be lost or sold to the highest bidder

You do know a 'cloud' is still physical storage somewhere else right?

Yes but you don't physically access the data like it's own disk drive

No it's not you fucking idiot. Why do you arrogant idiots pull this shit with such immature arrogance if you don't know shit?
>are you dumb?

Polar coordinates are use in 3-d and incorporate a z coordinate. This is distinct from spherical coordinates that use an r coordinator and 2 angles. Depending on the shape in question, both systems are used to simplify the math. I touch on this in a following post you goddam illiterate piece of shit.

I guess that's why in the movie, they use an antenna to send out the information.

He just made a fucking laser, I don't even think the base needed to be built around it, they just wanted to.

In regards to OP, I don't like defending R1 but how would he describe where the vent is? The thing is like the size of the moon or some shit right? Do you expect him to accurately describe, in a short hologram where the fucking vent is?

I agree with the stardust thing though.

They should have stolen the plans to some of the other super weapons. How fucked would vader have been if he rocked up to hoth and had to show down with a rebel dark saber?

why didn't the rebels just go destroy the deathstar since they knew of the weakness inherent in the system?

>since he always called her his stardust




>Comparing someone to a shiny awe inspiring object in the sky that has symbolized beauty and wonder across cultures and generations is like calling someone garbage
Was it autism?

Everything is made of stardust user, he's saying his daughter is his whole world.

From Catalyst Ch 5
>“I’ve dreamed of this moment,” he said, stepping back to take them in. His eyes went to Jyn. “Let me hold her.” Lyra passed Jyn to him. Carefully he peeled away the swaddling that masked her face
and smiled more broadly than Lyra had ever seen him smile. Jyn stirred in his arms, and Lyra said: “She remembers you, Galen.” “She’s beautiful,” he said, inspecting her face. “Her eyes have changed color.” Lyra nodded. “They’re sort of flecked.” “Stardust,” Galen said. “That’s what’s in her eyes.”





everyone in the galaxy knew Erso was a huge fan of David Bowie

If only there a singular, highly visible abnormality on the surface that could be used as a reference point. It would be even better if there was an equator of some sort to be used as a second point. Too bad the Death Star didn't have those. Nope, no reference points at all.

hold on

wasn't there a film called stardust
and there was like a wall with only one entrance


That's the wrong trench bud

How the drives were stored is literally how sensitive data documents are stored in reality minus the convoluted robot arm controlled by two fuckhuge ceiling joysticks.

Anything attached to a network is not secure.

this is the definition of autistic behaviour, please seek help.

It doesn't need to be the right trench.

Here is the entire message needed to kill the death star:

>Use the weapons dish and equatorial trench as zero points. Weapon dish is north.
>Shoot the ventilation shaft at 42.39862 degrees north and 98.90265 degrees west.

You could send that shit in a text message. No need to get Stardust involved.



It's great the Death Star has landmarks that would provide reference for the Rebellion to gauge where the exhaust port is. If only the Rebellion had some sort of model to know this considering prior to this, they don't know much of anything about the Death Star; shape, size, landmarks, etc.


Send the text message with a picture.


Send a picture with the text.

>Send the text message with a picture.
That's a shitty asspull
>Mfw thats literally what they did in ep 7