Finally saw Favreau's Jungle Book

Finally saw Favreau's Jungle Book

It was pretty alright except the fight between Baloo and Kahn

There is no way in fucking hell a GRIZZLY BEAR would lose to a fucking Tiger

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Grizzlies don't live in India

Pooh in loo?

ok, you get a grin outta me.

not a grizzly bear
they call him a sloth bear in the movie

tiger in its prime would kill any bear other than maybe a polar bear

>A grizzly bear, a panther, and a small pack of wolves couldn't take down a single tiger

I agree, I hated the ending fight
If a cougar can do it then a tiger definitely can.

but that wasn't a fight

Have a (You)

Tiger is the alpha predator of the land, no one can beat him. Same as Croc in the water.

crocs get eaten by hippos all the time

No they don't.

Not a grizzly. Tigers do kill and eat sloth bears like Balou. A tiger kills a lion 8 out of 10, a grizzly is no match for a prime tiger, since their aggression behaviour is different. A tiger goes for the jugular, a bear maims, a tiger is a stalking predator, a bear is a cow with claws.

Yes they do. Hippos are the most feared animal in Africa for a reason

A Grizzly could solo a lion and a tiger at the same time. Too big. Too strong.

Yes they do

Now you are just pulling things out of your ass, pathetic grizzlyfag.

Don't tigers usually kill their prey from behind? They don't like eye to eye confrontations like most cats

I do agree that a tiger could wreck a lion. But saying a tiger goes for jugular but a bear maims doesnt mean the bear wouldnt win the fight. Once you're maimed you've lost the fight

I think it would be a pretty even fight. 50/50 the bear or the tiger wins. I will concede though that if the tiger were losing it could run away wereas the bear couldnt

That was a female cougar protecting its cub though. You could see that she doesn't really want to fight unless it's absolutely necessary, that pretty much means under normal circumstances a cougar would do everything to avoid a grizzly bear.

>in fucking India
american education


Sloth bears are tiger's prey.

So what about a lion in a pack or just like three lions?
Yes they do

It's a close call depending on the individual tiger or bear's skills.
The bear's fat would protect it from most of the tiger bites but the tiger is more agile.

Right this was too unrealistic, but you didn't bat an eye at there being an Gigantopithecus in the movie? Idiots.

None of these animals were real. Do you think giant snakes that size exist? All the animals have fantastical properties and attributes. It wasn't a Grizzly Bear, it was a special type of bear that only exists in this particular jungle. Same with the wolves and tigers.

Everyone in this thread but me needs to kill themselves.

A big python like Kaa can easily kill any type of bear. Cats and snakes are probably genetically related because they both hiss like jews when threatened. So the logical conclusion of such a battle would be that he won.

> Cats and snakes are probably genetically related because they both hiss like jews when threatened.
Didn't expect this.

/this 9 out of 10 a tiger would kill a grizzly. I worked with both animals, a tiger hunts and kills for fucks and giggles, sloth bears are on his diet, if a grizzly would in some circumstance enter a tigers hunting ground, he would be a meal, simple as that. Not vice versa though.

kek. back to Sup Forums or you can stay

Its not a grizzly because a grizzly would murder a tiger. We actually have a historical records of such fights, in cali during the gold rush they imported animals from all over the worl to fight grizzlies to entertain miners. Lion, tigers, gorrilas you name they brought them to cali and the grizzly killed them all. Tigers are mean deadly killers, but the grizzly gives no fucks.

first of all grizzlies don't live in india. baloo was a sloth bear, one of pic related. they're known to kill people but they're not much larger than a pony.
second, you're overestimating the size and strength of the average grizzly, and underestimating the size and strength of a tiger. both can kill a man with a single swipe but a tiger easily has the ability to outmaneuver the bear, such as quicker strikes and jumping on top of it. bears are more lumbering, tigers are just as strong but more limber, they just have the edge.

forgot pic

Import a hungered stressed weakened tiger from india, throw him at anything and he'll lose.

You could probably beta him with a stick.

i just tried 1v1 udyr bear stance vs. tiger stance, doran's blade first item on howling abyss and it was an easy win for tiger

But I'm sure the grizzly was in peak physical and mental condition?



The Great Russian brown bear, or black grizzly, shares territory with the dwindling Siberian tiger population in Russia. Scientists believe that tigers hunt the larger bears, usually females, cubs and those hibernating, because they are unable climb trees to escape. Tigers use clever methods to lure bears, including imitation of their sounds. The cats are adept at camouflage, but once the bear is sighted, they rush, pounce and crush its windpipe. Grizzlies occasionally track and kill tigers at the site of kills when the tiger is busy consuming part of the 60 pounds of meat it requires daily.

More like Pooh in Ba-loo

This. We have records of grizzly bears fighting lions, and the lions stood no chance. A tiger is bigger and stronger than a lion, but the probable outcome would be a victory for the grizzly.

Grizzlyfags blown the fuck out. Will they ever recover?

>tigers are just as strong
As grizzly bears? No way senpai
Grizzly bears can weigh twice as much as tigers

a group of lions could probably kill one or least do serious damage

>posts a quote about tigers killing BROWN bears
"Grizzlies occasionally track and kill tigers at the site of kills when the tiger is busy consuming part of the 60 pounds of meat it requires daily"

you are wrong.
Bears stand up, then smash the tiger on the head when it pounces. They actually did this and one bear took out many tigers. Someone have link to vid?

bro a bear would fucking destroy a tiger

nuh uh dude

If you look up the sources your answer was based on:

>At times conflict occurs even with the Great Russian Brown Bear, though tiger predation upon bears in usually restricted to females, subadult and hibernating animals.

>n the Amur region these bears cross paths with Siberian (Aumr) tigers on rare occasions, primarily because there are so few Siberian tigers left in the world. Tiger attacks on bears have been reported when the bears were in hibernaculum as well while ambulatory. Supposedly, the brown bears are attacked with more frequency than the smaller Asiatic black bears because of habitat preference and an inability to climb trees. But these bears also attack the typically smaller tigers on occasion.

Grizzllicucks fucked

>In a cage, 1v1 face-to-face fight
Bear wins

>In nature, stealth attack and chance to retreat
Tiger wins

In the rare cases tigers attack russian bears the kills are always females or cubs (except for like one hibernation kill on an adult male you can find info on), while there are recorded cases where bears have killed male tigers fighting for a kill

>There is no way in fucking hell a GRIZZLY BEAR would lose to a fucking Tiger

10/10 a grizly would get fucked by a tiger, once the stripped nigger gets the hold of the jugular the bear is meat. There is absolute shit a bear could do to even prevent it.

Tigercunts BTFOd

Smack it with it's paws that can crush metal

>Cubs playing
>no blood


it should be noted that sloth bears are not nearly as much of compact muscular killing machines as grizzly bears and are quite lanky in build, not even 300 pounds on average. a bengal tiger can weigh twice that much on average. we'll give baloo a little bit of leeway and say he weighs more than average because he's a fat lazy motherfucker. even then, shere khan is still likely to outweigh him, he's faster, more aggressive, the fight is not in baloo's favor.

He's a sloth bear you fool

also something else to note, bengal tigers actually prey on sloth bears on occasion. so baloo is without question a prey animal to shere khan. it's not even a contest at that point.

Americucks everyone. Next they will claim that eagle can 1v1 tiger.

Its the SIBERIAN tiger.

Polar bear would be a more proper opponent then.

Why does he not look like one?

If I only had a small knife I'm pretty sure I could defeat a tiger in a cage fight. One of those wildlife experts on discovery network said that if you're being attacked by a wolf and only have your knife you should extend your free arm and hope the wolf bites, and then go for its jugular, instead of risking serious injury to your legs or throat by attacking the wolf wildy. I would apply the same tactic against the tiger since they can't plan ahead. I would shove my hand towards its mouth and then when it bites I would sever its troath and start evading the tiger's attacks, before long it would bleed out and I would win. I would lose a hand but unlike most other people without a strategy I would keep my life

because the film is for western crowds habibi



bwuahahahaha fuck

3 eagles probably could, as soon as you grab the tiger's tail it's virtually defenseless

Then why is the kid a real shitskin?

I exercise my right to remain silent


Then why did you reply


Am I being detained?

Thats a sun bear you mong.

Yes, you are a retard

>tips fedora

Not guy you're replying to but you sound boring as fuck

Grizzly Bears are extremely timid when taking on anything that can actually fight back.

>If I only had a small knife I'm pretty sure I could defeat a tiger in a cage fight

>chuckled at the original joke
>see yours

you sound a lot like my autistic friend who does ninjutsu

>when it bites I would sever its troath
Good luck. I don't think you fully appreciate just how huge, powerful, thick, solid, and tight a tiger's body is. You might even successfully sever the jugular, but it will still have quite enough energy to turn you into a warm red paste before it finishes bleeding out.

If I was given the choice to fight a tiger or a grizzly, I'm picking the fucking tiger

A Tiger might decide I'm not worth the effort if I fight hard enough, and it will at least have the decency to kill me quickly first before it eats me.

A grizzly? That fucking asshole does not give a single lump of shit whether you're alive or dead, and unless you've got a big fuck off knife, you've got no chance

A tiger has a bite force exceeding 1,000 pounds you dumb mall ninja.

>a lightning fast and intelligent born predator
>or a fat fisherman who happens to also be pretty strong

no contest

>decency to kill me quickly first before it eats me
This is the big one. Bears don't give a fuck if you're alive or dead if they decide to eat from you. Slowly being eaten alive while held down must be one the most horrific ways to go.

i lol'd heartily

I also thought a bear would be able to fight a tiger until I actually read up on it when I got home. As others have mentioned, Baloo isn't a grizzly.

A bear could break a tiger's back in one swipe of a paw.

>A 6'5 boxer
>Or a fat powerlifter from /fit/ who can squat a lot

I think there's a voice recording of a couple actually been eaten alive by a grizzly near their campsite.

yeah I could break your back if you were motionless and had your back turned to me


>People not realising grizzlies are an American subspecies
>People not knowing the difference between hunting and fighting.
Actual zoologist here, a brown bear would beat a tiger in a straight up fight. Tigers only kill bears when they're able to ambush them and jump on their backs,and this is rare to begin with. Big cats have weak skulls, a single swipe from a bear would crush it. On top of that, where khan should have died when the wolves mobbed him and were biting him all at once. Tigers have died to dholes that way, a dog less than half the size of a wolf.

this, cougar had the high ground

Fuck. Gives me chills every time.

A tiger's jaws are the only thing the bear really has to worry about. The claws while sharp as fuck won't penetrate deeply enough to do any immediate serious damage.

A bear is also much taller standing on its hind legs and could easily swat a tiger hard enough.

I'm sure the hikers that have been killed by bears were completely motionless.

yeah but that's all going to my hand not to anything vital