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lmgtfy.com/?q=maynard joe rogan interview

Holy fuck new APC album? I hope Maynard isn't shit on it, eMOTIVe was pretty bad sans Passive

How about he finishes the new Tool album?

i love how he has time to make a whole new perfect circle album but not even release a single with tool

Maybe he just doesn't give a fuck about Tool anymore

he tends to wait until ALL of the instrumentals are recorded before he even thinks of writing lyrics, im assuming thats why its taken so long.

Wow Marilyn Manson is still making music?

Poop boob

dam skrillex has really let himself go

Are people this really fucking ignorant? What's been holding Tool back has been Adam. He's a perfectionist. He only recently said that the music is done on instagram, which means Maynard now can write the lyrics. And then after Maynard's done with the lyrics, then they'll get together and record the final version, which is what they always do.


So, you wanna talk about the song itself?

For me, it was too slow because the were too focused on those long echoes. Not my thing.
Some instrumental parts were really good.

I wonder if Puscifer is acutally better than APC now?

>I wonder if Puscifer is acutally better than APC now?
it is for me

This is the worst album cover I’ve seen in my entire life

Maynard is always last in the creative process for Tool. Maynard doesn't write any of the instrumental parts, he writes the vocal parts to match the rest of the band's instrumentals. He can't be blamed for Tool taking so long cause he has such a minor role in making Tool's music.

>if I had it my way I'd never tour with them again
>when I am on tour, I purposefully stay on another floor in the hotel
>Tool come from a dark place, that's just not me anymore

t. maynard

>Tool come from a dark place
And APC doesn't?



Edgy, tired, derivative, boring, impotent

apparently not

joe rogan interview

[actual citation needed]

Gee that soy guy holding octoheart looks kinda dark

>danny said he laid down the drums for the new album in a week


see the literal post above yours

>no hyperlink

Kiss my grits. -Abraham Lincoln

lmgtfy.com/?q=maynard joe rogan interview

Google this for me

I'm not very happy with that new album cover. And the new music so far has been very bland. It's mellow, which is fine, but at least Gravity had layers and texture.

This new stuff is very... flat?

what happened to apc

Are all bands from that era ending up like this?

maybe Tool should spare themselves and never release another album