International MBTI

For those who don't know, MBTI is a test that helps a person understand their mental and psychological workings. People around the world tells us about your personalitiy types.
A summary
Nfs- feel fags and sjws
Nts- the guys on r9k
Sps- chads
Sjs- your grandma
Basic descriptions
I'll start it off then. I'm an ENTP and basically I can't stop coming up with retarded jokes.
Apparently the Middle East has the highest percentage of NTs.

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To add to the thread:
Try this:


Gender would also be interesting.

French, ethnically celtic, male
[Enneagram 8w9 ; 874]

Don't know if I'm logical

Sometimes I try to think about pros and cons, take decisions thanks to my brain : 'will this work?' and sometimes I'm just like 'lolfuckitwhynot'

I think I'm IXTP

I'm ENTP {Enneagram 7w6}. How about I use my charisma, and talking skills to help you're master intj plan along to take over the world and make everyone your slave. For some shekels of course.

you know ISTP is the masterace

I'm similar in that regard. I basically enjoy theorizing and talking ideas, but i'm lazy as hell and will do shit just to see what happens.


Mbti discord server for anyone interested

Unproven pseudo-science that has about the same factuality of horoscopes.

report this thread

Metante al servidor prros >:v

>being anything other than ENTJ

oh, yea


I don't really like theories (and math/philosophy in general), I prefer concrete, clear things (even though I often say 'in theory')

INTJ here btw

>you're master intj plan
You can't spell correctly your own language so I'm gonna have to refuse.

>I don't really like theories (and math/philosophy in general), I prefer concrete, clear things (even though I often say 'in theory')

You are an intellectual dwarve who doesn't even know the difference between a theory and a hypothesis. The former is based on collected evidence.

I got this, what does this mean?

This desu. Only INTJ comes close to the realness that is the ENTJ master race

fuck off kraut

Shitty server full of plebbit faggots and a shitty over-complicated mod system. Don't bother joining.

tfw not smart enough to understand theories

That sounds really Ti/Ne. It's stereotypically INTP. Doesn't mean you are one though, who knows.

That sounds a bit Te/Ni to me. Have you read about Te-Ni vs Ti-Ne differences?

I like to think of it as Ti thinks of an idea and wants to logically find a way to the idea while Te wants to look at some logical facts and come up with the conclusion for said facts. I see the difference as more of a, "where do we start". Also Ti seems to be more willing to look at things that aren't hard coded into reality while Te wants to keep it there and under control.

Je pensais justement être ti et ne...

je me plante peut-être (pour changer...)

ENTJ shadow functions are the same as an INTP main functions.

You could be a shy or anxious ENTJ. With that said, self doubt is usually associated with Ti moreso than Te



But I'm really introverted af

Throughout the years these tests have always return the result of ISFP, which is generally accurate.
Most of my introversion comes from covert/introverted narcissism, which fits the classic being around people is energy draining, etc. etc. etc., but that is because such actives are deeply uncomfortable and ridden with intense feelings of shame, guilt about perceived worthlessness, paranoia that they will figure out things desperately hidden, etc. As such the introversion, sensitive, feeling and perception of ISFP is at least reflective of the obvious but it doesn't really have any value.

What would be more interesting is to see a "personality" profile test designed for people who have mood and personality disorders, as our answers tend to provide false positives.

I alwats get intj but i feel more intp, i'm really passive tbj

Ti aime les théories abstraites pour ce qu'elles sont, Te aime ce qui est applicable. Ti peut se perdre dans des travaux théoriques sans problème, mais Te a besoin d'un lien avec le réel et la résolution de problème. Du coup la question "qu'est-ce qui fonctionne" est plutôt Te.

Ne remarque intuitivement les opportunités. C'est comparable à une fonction hyperactive qui recherche tout ce qui est inédit. Ne aime identifier de nouvelles possibilités. Ni préfère s'agripper d'instinct à un but précis ou à une vision du monde précise. Ni fonctionne par symboles, et accorde de l'importance à chaque action.
Ni + Te (peu importe l'ordre) = détermination + logistique et résolution de problèmes.
Ne + Ti (peu importe l'ordre) = curiosité + la connaissance abstraite est plus importante que quoi que ce soit de concret: ton cerveau est un ordinateur mais tu ne le sais pas encore, en gros.

J'espère que j'écris pas ça en français dans le vide.

ISTJ master race

I think that has to do with your high FI and Si. You feeling very much deep moral issues and your Si causes you to further remember and internalize your actions. I also have a few photos that might help with the personality disroder stuff.

Du coup te + ni, ça donnerait quoi?


>I also have a few photos that might help with the personality disroder stuff.
No offence mate but fuck off. You really have no idea how obnoxious that comes across, like telling someone with cancer that don't worry, here is a home remedy I have to fix it up.

>implying I want to share the title of master race with you.

>ethnically celtic
Are you sure?

Dans cet ordre, oui. Ni>Te, ça donne INTJ.
Ca peut être intéressant: (en anglais) a de bons très articles si tu es bilingue, et si tu as le temps de lire tout ça.

All the more now that you displayed that map.
Also, I know my ancestry dating back to the 5th century. 'tis an old continent thing, you see.

Je sais pas vraiment ce que serait ma fonction dominante entre Ni et Te...

Selon cette image, je m'identifie un peu plus avec Te : je veux à tout prix atteindre mes objectifs qui me tiennent à coeur, je serais prêt à me surmener, à faire passer mes besoins, mes amitiés après mon objectif.

Mais pour autant, on décrit ce type comme étant un 'commandant', ça me laisse un peu perplexe

>Greco-Roman in North-West


please fuck off with feelfaggotry threads

what's the point in talking about this? are you all psychology students? do you have anything insightful to say about mbti?

anyone who defines themselves with online tests and furthermore anyone who gives a shit about them at all should be put into the chambers

>having a discord for this retarded useless fucking trash

I really don't want to imagine the fucking cancer that goes on there

I didn't mean fix it I meant as in some stuff to connect mbti to mental disorders.

Garde tout ça en mémoire et laisse le temps faire son oeuvre. Tu finiras par remarquer que tu agis plus d'une manière ou d'une autre.

Les ENTJ sont des commandants quand ils sont dans de bonnes conditions. Peut-être que tu ne vis pas dans de bonnes conditions pour que ta personnalité se développe, ou peut-être que ce n'est pas la bonne personnalité.

I meant like this. Not a remedy to a mental illness

Basically astrology.

Disons que quand tous (je dis bien TOUS) les tests que tu as pu faire te donne ISTX, j'ai un peu de mal à me voir EXXX pour commencer, surtout quand ça implique le type le plus 'dominant', le 'leader'

Aussi, je ne me décrirais pas vraiment comme un 'J', je suis trop 'indécis' : il me faut du temps pour réfléchir, j'ai jamais été un gros planificateur (après, t'as raison, je saisis pas vraiment mes opportunités : quand je prends l'exemple du voyage que l'on planifierait ou pas, comme je vais jamais en vacances, je sais pas si je planifierais vraiment ou pas...)

Actually its an interesting topic to talk about. I ain't feel fagging, i'm mainly here to talk about the topic of cognitive functions, the way people think and possibly learn more about it from others who took the test. You can look through very few people are feel fagging.

everyone who participates in these threads

It's not interesting
It's pointless and retarded

Any more retarded then talking and reading a bunch of random comments of people on an image board?

Yes, look at op spamming his shitty tumblrcord and that long ass tumblr wall of text and the general tumblreddit attitude, you can just smell it

only 1 discord link has been posted. Also, no. I prefer to toss commies from helicopters.

t. Parrot, Resident Reddit Server Owner

>some gay fucking darwin quote

please tell me my MBTI isn't full of cringey faggots....

please delete this post
t. istp

Not all of them are doe hard darwinist. Some of them are just edgelords.

What a cesspool

It's not cringy

I can handle cringey fucking edgelords before I can "muh darwin quote" faggotry.
Honestly, it's fun stuff to look at and read about, but MBTI should never be taken that seriously.

>fucking edgelord faggots
>not cringy
C'est pas mal d'aimer Darwin, mais s'il vous fait comme un faggot? Baisez ça.

Worst MBTI server I've seen-mods are teenagers and not well-acquainted with MBTI theory. I'd recommended Typology.

What does MBTI have to do with personality disorders or mental illness? I have one but I don't really see much connection, other than that personality disorders generally develop playing into personality traits that are already there, and so in theory certain types might be more vulnerable to develop certain ways from trauma. But that's not really anything interesting or new.

I don't think there is as much I can tell you about it that you may already know. I was just mainly try to explain it to the other guy since it seemed relevant.


And this time, test tells me I'm ISTJ