I wish there were Mexicans in my city. Instead, we have Arab and African subhumans

I wish there were Mexicans in my city. Instead, we have Arab and African subhumans...

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youtube.com/watch?v=O_Vt43hHQw0&ytbChannel=Bill Blackκ

how popular is mexican food in france? also if you get me a qt french gf i'll come there

Tortillas and turon are popular.

Is Arab as big of a twat as they are in the memes? You know, golden car and shit.

I wish there were Africans in my city. Instead, we have Mexican subhumans...

Me too.

Id prefer living in 99% mexican than 1% negro neighborhood

there are no mexican restaurants?

It's very rare.

People outside the US can cook foreign food.

i guess you guys really are in need of taco trucks
so doesn't mean you can't go out to eat

hello pierre ahmed, american living here in the southwest usa. you are right to want that because despite chicanos having their own subhumans like cholos, 3 foot women with tattooes and 76 kids and 32 grandkids at 17 i'd say 25% of mexicans are brotier and I can guarantee they're a billion times better than niggers and arabs, try to leave algeria and move here

And at least there are catholique , and not muslim

You are on an English board, learn English, fucking scumbag.

youtube.com/watch?v=O_Vt43hHQw0&ytbChannel=Bill Blackκ

theyre not really catholic, it's more of situation where they take the things they like out of catholicism (like the virgin mary) and mix it with their own azteca/mestizo culture.


You know shit Polan, Jesus was for the those others look down on and he was for the poor. That's Mexicans.

Then again, the Catholic Church in Europe absorbed god knows how stuff from European paganism.

You have to take the religions people adopt in context, thinking on a world scale. Religions represent cultural groupings, with little exception, and there's a lot of overlap but it's generally very consistent. For example forgetting about the new world for a second you can call western civilization christian civilization if you wanted to and it would be correct. People already refer to "the islamic world" and have for centuries. World civilizations take a while to develop, and shift and change through history, and so it depends on era to distinctly name different ones (like western civ, "the occident", certainly hasn't existed forever and most people agree really only started around the time of the franks) and if you go back far enough of course the world is too primitive for the concept of world culture to have any meaning, but today I think they are distinct and quite obvious.

The fact that latin america adopted catholicism en masse, even accounting for incidents of syncreticized elements like santa muerte or whatever, implies that there was a large degree of cultural mutation, which is obvious, but the point is that they became closer to the western world, almost like an "alliance" if you want to think about world cultures as competitive. Latin america being catholic says a lot about them, especially considering they speak an indo-european language straight from latin. Maybe they're not "part" of the west in a complete sense but there are lots of parallels in the literature they produced during and post-independence, technology adoption and usage, lots of things. They don't share the complete western experience in their history but they share a decent chunk and the spanish kind of tried their damnedest to assimilate and pinch out any remnant of pre colombian culture.

I see it as a sort of world civilization in infancy, maybe it will stop being so shit once it figures itself out. Maybe they would fit into france better than arabs, I could see it

The Christian religion is quite syncretic, almost anywhere in the world from Europe to the Pacific Islands, it absorbed elements of local pagan cults.

Oh yeah and about religion, don't bring post colonial africa into it. That barely counts and is a whole other discussion and was not colonized nearly the same way nor for how long latin america was.
Ethiopia/coptics fit into the middle east

But like unga bunga whereverthefuck being nominally protestant purely because of a few decades of careless colonial rule is not a genuine religious conversion of the people. It takes far more time to be "real".

Theres nothing wrong with that and it's even preferable and completely to be expected