Does anyone else love "bad" male singers?

I can't stand it when the lead singer of a band has a poppy, perfect voice. I love it when he's straining his voice to hit notes and runs out of breath at the end of a verse. It just makes them so much more interesting and real to listen to. Anyone else feel this way?

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as long as it's not Bob Dylan. christ his voice sounds worse than a Ford Model T on a bad day

yeah you aren't alone

what're some /badvocals/-core albums?



>worse than a Ford Model T on a bad day
i really like how old-fashioned this statement is, 8/10

Let's get the obvious one out of the way.

>I love it when he's straining his voice to hit notes and runs out of breath at the end of a verse. It just makes them so much more interesting and real to listen to.
You objectively have the absolute worst taste on this entire board. Kill yourself immediately for being a completely unsalvageable pleb.

As I said numerous times before, Brendon Urie is objectively the only modern singer that has even a shred of talent, and one of, if not THE greatest rock vocalists ever. Strong mixed voice and no strain while hitting high notes beyond any baritone or bass, along with Sopranos and Contraltos, and has an excellent vocal range as well. And plus, he manages to perfectly convey the emotions in his songs without sounding pretentious, pedantic or moronic. In the realm of singing, Brendon is perfect. If you enjoy some "straining" faggot who sounds like an absolute hobo with schizophrenia because of "muh naturally," then you need to clean your ears, or cut them off along with your head.

Voice Analysis:

Vocal Range Videos:

>accuses someone of being a pleb
>likes Panic! At the Disco

This is an obvious shitpost but I unironically enjoy this guy's voice, even if I don't enjoy his music at all.

are you talking about young bob dylan or old bob dylan?

do people really think this is a bad voice?

Phil has a pretty conventionally pleasing timbre. Obviously not the most naturally gifted vocalist but I don't think he deserves to be here.

Neil Young.

God rolling thunder era Dylan was so fucking good.

He honestly had a really great voice when he was starting out too. He kinda just stopped giving a shit a little bit later but he's still a really cool vocalist.

anything pavement

Everyone in Devo kinda hits the spot for me

That's basically the best he ever sings, and it's still worse than Dylan having a bad day.

I think he does. Keep in mind that this is not really about bad singers per se, it's just male vocalists that don't sound perfect and show natural strain or rawer emotion, and how their music benefits from exactly that.
At least that's how I interpreted OPs post. And Phil sounds like the guy sitting at the campfire playing guitar and singing for the group even though he usually quietly sings to himself, so it sounds deceptively powerless and a bit amateurish at points. Which absolutely plays into his entire style and atmosphere, without ACTUALLY being a limitation for his vocal ability, cause when he needs to he whips out amazing vocal passages.
I wouldn't like his music so much if he didn't have the voice he has.



Fuck, you put into words what I liked most about that album.

>guy sitting at the campfire playing guitar and singing for the group even though he usually quietly sings to himself
so it's all just a farce then?
I think OP was referring to singers who genuinely want to sound good but crack under their poor technique, but keep on going anyway because fuck it, the song is mine


Kill yourself, you boring cunt.

I don't know. I think he already sings as well as he can. I don't think he is holding back.
Phil sounds quite good compared to other artists ITT but when I read
>singers who genuinely want to sound good but crack under their poor technique, but keep on going anyway because fuck it, the song is mine
he totally applies.

>you boring cunt.
>likes generic rasp singers with no color nor imagination

Is there a singer who is as bad as Ian Brown?

Liam Gallagher

that's a great voice?
he sounds like he's trying to mock african american blues singers
there's nothing authentic about that phony hoarse strain

I never said it was authentic. No shit Dylan is inauthentic, that's his whole schtick but I still think that's a great vocal performance.

Most of the people on this list are not bad vocalists. They just have gritty/ weird voices. It's not like they can't find the right key or something.


Yeah i honestly cant listen to perfect voices in music with very few exceptions

>inauthentic vocalist
>great vocalist

He's authentically inauthentic. This isn't that hard to understand.

Young has a nice voice.

>authentically inauthentic
Well you're certainly adept at word games. A very high verbal intelligence, yes. No wonder you like (((Dylan)))

that is contradiction and means nothing

Are you trying to imply Dylan is a member of the Jewish faith??? Haven't you heard Slow Train Coming? He's a good Christian boy.

So are you.


This is that "RHCP isn't pop rock" retard again. Don't enable his autism.

Who the fuck thinks Dylan has a bad voice? Go listen to highway 61 or blonde on blonde dumbfuck. Also, virtuoso singers are just as boring as virtuoso guitar players. I know it’s hard for you autists to recognize emotion, but come on

His singing is best on Blood on the Tracks

How do you know? I thought this was an anonymous imageboard, and yet I get recognized in every fucking thread! That thing wasn't even that popular; what gives?